Think Tank: Cole Monnahan

Title TBD
Cole Monnahan, NOAA Alaska Fishery Science Center
Tuesday, January 7th, 09:30 AM PST

FISH 113

Diagnosing common sources of lack of fit to composition data in fisheries stock assessment models using One-Step-Ahead (OSA) residuals

Modern fisheries stock assessments rely on multiple sources of data to estimate population parameters and management quantities. Age and length data provides demographic information on recruitment strengths and mortality rates and is commonly fit as numbers- or proportions-at-age or -length. These data are inherently correlated among categories (bins) and residuals are therefore not independent. One-Step-Ahead (OSA) residuals have been proposed as a statistically valid replacement for the commonly used (but incorrect) Pearson residuals. However, there is no clear best practice for how to efficiently evaluate and diagnose model fit when using OSA residuals. We begin by providing an intuitive introduction to OSA residuals for multinomial data, including why Pearson residuals are incorrect and can mislead and why OSA residuals are correct statistically. We then demonstrate how OSA residuals are calculated and why this leads to some counterintuitive properties. Next, we illustrate a series of cases with and without sources of model misspecification common in stock assessments based on age compositions from a simplified fished population. For each case, we provide a comparison of visual and quantitative diagnostics based on the properties of OSA residuals. Model misspecification was identifiable in all cases using a combination of statistical analysis of OSA residuals, aggregate fits, and/or visual inspection of (scaled) Pearson residuals. However, the statistical power to detect minor model misspecification depends on the sample size, the number of bins, and the number of years of data. Analysts accustomed to visual inspection of Pearson residuals may have to adjust their interpretation for OSA residuals, and adopt new diagnostic tools to be able to identify common types of model misspecification properly. By illustrating common problems and accurate interpretation when the correct answer is known, we provide guidelines for model diagnostics using OSA residuals that can serve as a starting point for evaluating more complex operational stock assessments.

Webinar Link:


Using Machine Learning with Fisheries Data

Using Machine Learning with Fisheries Data
Caitlin Allen Akselrud; Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA

Tuesday, November 19th, 09:30 AM PST
Machine learning methods such as random forest regression models are useful tools in ecology when applied correctly, although features inherent to ecological data sets can lead to overfitting or uncertain predictions. Here, a set of methods are outlined to account for temporal autocorrelation, and sparse, short, or missing data for random forest predictions. Methods are also provided for estimating prediction uncertainty due to the combination of inherent randomness in the random forest algorithm and sparse input data. This suite of methods was used to generate pre-season predictions of total catches with uncertainty for California market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens), the most valuable fishery in California (by ex-vessel value). The methodology presented in this analysis is not only robust, incorporating key cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning techniques from across disciplines, but is also flexible, making it applicable to various ecological and fisheries datasets beyond market squid.
The talk will be based on Caitlin’s recent publication in Fisheries Research.
Akselrud, C.I.A., 2024. Random forest regression models in ecology: Accounting for messy biological data and producing predictions with uncertainty. Fisheries Research, 280, p.107161.
Additional information: Caitlin Allen Akselrud is a stock assessment scientist at NMFS SWFSC in La Jolla. Her PhD research is co-advised by Trevor Branch and Andre Punt.

When do environmental drivers improve advice from stock assessment models?

When do environmental drivers improve advice from stock assessment models?
Kiva Oken; Northwest Fishery Science Center, NOAA
Tuesday, November 5th, 09:30 AM PST

Scientific advances in ocean modeling and institutional investments such as NOAA’s Climate, Ecosystem, and Fisheries Initiative are leading to increased interest and feasibility in including environmental information in stock assessments. One of the most common linkages from environmental information to the stock assessment’s population model is via recruitment. However, research on when and how this additional source of data improves management advice from stock assessments is limited, providing little guidance on where to focus and how to implement efforts to include environmental data in stock assessments. In this study, we simulated age-structured populations using stock synthesis, one of the most widely-used tools for stock assessment today. We then sampled data from the simulated populations and fit stock assessment models to the simulated data. Estimation models included environmental recruitment indices of varying quality, included as a “survey” of recruitment deviations, as is common in stock synthesis (versus including the environmental data as part of the population’s recruitment model, more common in state-space approaches such as WHAM). Across multiple life histories, fishing histories, and data collection histories, we found that under this common implementation, recruitment indices improved estimates of spawning output during the forecast period due to improved estimates of recruitment during the final model years. However, models with high-quality indices also demonstrated increased bias in estimates of unfished recruitment and natural mortality. Work is ongoing to identify the source of this bias and strategies to minimize it.

Using simulation to evaluate alternative OA experiments for North Pacific crab stocks

Using simulation to evaluate alternative OA experiments for North Pacific crab stocks
Andre Punt; UW School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences
Tuesday, October 22nd, 09:30 AM PST

FSH 203

ABSTRACT: Modelling has predicted that reductions in ocean pH and increases in temperature will reduce vital rates (survival and growth) of North Pacific crab stocks and hence the target levels of fishing mortality consistent with sustainable harvesting. However, these predictions have been based on best estimates of the effects of changes in ocean pH and temperature on vital rates. The effects of sources of uncertainty (in the relationship between ocean pH/temperature and vital rates, in economic parameters, whether prices and costs are non-linear functions of catches and effort, and that associated with the population dynamics model used to predict optimal fishing mortality rates) are quantified for red king crab and southern Tanner crab in Alaska. This shows that uncertainty related to the effects of ocean pH and temperature on vital rates and which Earth System Model / future emission scenario best reflects reality are the dominant sources of uncertainty. We then evaluate how additional experiments to explore the relationship between changes in ocean pH/temperature and vital rates (additional replicates and a wider range of levels of pH and temperature) could reduce the uncertainty in estimates of future time-trajectories of target fishing mortality rates.

Dynamic structural equation models as novel framework for incorporating time-variation into stock assessment models

Dynamic structural equation models as novel framework for incorporating time-variation into stock assessment models
Jim Thorson; Alaska Fishery Science Center, NOAA
Tuesday, October 8th, 09:30 AM PST
FSH 203

ABSTRACT: There is growing interest from fisheries agencies and managers to incorporate climate indices into stock assessment. Environmental covariates are typically included as independent variable(s) and used to predict variation over time in some stock-assessment parameter as a dependent variable (a “regression paradigm”). However, this practice has several drawbacks: (1) it ignores collinearity among potential covariates resulting from mechanisms linking different ecological processes; (2) it forces analysts to select between long-time series for physical drivers, and intermittent time-series for biological drivers (e.g., forage indices); and (3) it does not easily incorporate stakeholder or scientific knowledge about relationships among covariates.
In the first hour of this Think Tank, we will introduce dynamic structural equation models (DSEM) as alternative to this “regression paradigm” for including environmental indices as covariates. DSEM generalizes a wide range of linear and causal models, including dynamic factor analysis (DFA), vector autoregressive, integrated, moving average (VARIMA) models, and causal models. In particular, we emphasize that DSEM (1) allows analysts to incorporate scientific and stakeholder knowledge to model collinearity among covariates, (2) jointly imputes missing values based on covariate relationships, (3) can incorporate Bayesian priors to generalized qualitative network models, while also (4) allowing analysts to specify how ocean physics can affect stock productivity via intermediate mechanisms such as forage time-series. We will provide a short summary of the statistical background, and a hands-on code tutorial for R-package dsem.
Next, we will show how DSEM can be incorporated directly into state-space, age-structured stock assessment models to account for climate or ecosystem-driven variation in population processes. We present preliminary results for a case study on Gulf of Alaska pollock, where we are using process research and expert knowledge to develop candidate causal maps to describe the physical environment, foraging conditions, and ecosystem drivers governing annual recruitment success for this commercially important stock. We discuss the lessons we’ve learned so far while developing and refining alternative causal maps, and our most recent results from performance tests when compared to the operational stock assessment model.

View Recording Here:

Adapting monitoring to a changing seascape: efficiency, flexibility and continuity for bottom trawl surveys

Adapting monitoring to a changing seascape: efficiency, flexibility and continuity for bottom trawl surveys
Daniel Vilas, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences UW; Alaska Fishery Science Center, NOAA
Tuesday January 30th, 09:30 AM PST

Fisheries research surveys provide important information on the state of marine populations and ecosystems over time. Survey data are critical inputs to stock assessment, ecosystem-based fishery management initiatives, and applied ecological research. However, environmental changes may affect system stationarity, species distribution, and sampling effectiveness, so it can impact the consistency and trustfulness of abundance estimates time series computed from survey data. Therefore, it is essential to design flexible surveys that can adapt to climatic variability and budget limitations while keeping high-quality time series to effectively manage marine resources. To address these issues, we investigated multiple sampling survey designs in the Eastern Bering Sea because of the ongoing and rapid environmental change that is causing species distribution shifts to deeper and northern regions in the system. We used the eastern Bering Sea groundfish bottom trawl survey which is a systematic fishery-independent survey with a fixed station design and carried out since 1982. We conducted a multispecies survey design optimization using a spatiotemporal operating model and a genetic algorithm that optimizes the minimal optimal allocation of samples without compromising the precision of abundance estimates. Results revealed that reducing and redistributing samples and expanding the sampling range can provide accurate abundance estimates of marine populations under changing environmental conditions and budget limitations. This simulation study provided a framework that may help to increase the efficiency of sampling marine resources to maintain the quality of such time series of abundance estimates for the management of marine populations.

Modelling the impacts of Ocean Acidification on North Pacific crabs – integrating experiments and biology (or ten years of integrating experiments, population ecology and economics)

Modelling the impacts of Ocean Acidification on North Pacific crabs – integrating experiments and biology (or ten years of integrating experiments, population ecology and economics)
Andre Punt, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences UW
Tuesday November 7th, 09:30 AM PST
 Evaluating the effects of ocean acidification on fish and invertebrate stocks is an iterative and  multidisciplinary task. For crabs and fishes in the North Pacific, this has involved a decade-long collaboration between biologists, mathematical modelers, fishery managers, and economists and led to the development of a framework for conducting long-term population projections that help understanding likely effects of changes in ocean pH on catches, revenues and population sizes. This talk will summarize some of the past work and outline current research to more fully understand the consequences of uncertainty in estimates of model-based estimates on estimated changes in management reference points and how lab experiments used to assess the effects of ocean pH of population parameters could be refined / optimized to reduce uncertainty.

Management strategy evaluation of sardine harvest control rules under climate change

Management strategy evaluation of sardine harvest control rules under climate change
Robert Wildermuth, Southwest Fisheries Science Center/UC Santa Cruz
Tuesday October 24th, 09:30 AM PST

Climate-driven changes in ocean temperatures, currents, or plankton dynamics may disrupt pelagic forage fish recruitment. Being responsive to such impacts enables fisheries management to ensure continued sustainable harvest of forage species. We conducted a management strategy evaluation to assess the robustness of current and alternative Pacific sardine harvest control rules under a variety of recruitment scenarios representing potential projections of future climate conditions in the California Current. The current environmentally-informed control rule modifies the harvest rate for the northern sardine subpopulation based on average sea surface temperatures measured during California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) field cruises. This rule prioritizes catch at intermediate biomass levels but may increase variability in catch and closure frequency compared to alternative control rules, especially if recruitment is unrelated to ocean temperatures. Fishing at maximum sustainable yield and using dynamically estimated reference points reduced the frequency of biomass falling below 150,000 mt by up to 17%, while using survey index-based biomass estimates resulted in a 14% higher risk of delayed fishery closure during stock declines than when using assessment-based estimates.

Hands-on demonstration for phylogenetic comparative methods using R-package phylosem: improving stock assessment (natural mortality) and ecosystem modelling (consumption over biomass)

Hands-on demonstration for phylogenetic comparative methods using R-package phylosem: improving
stock assessment (natural mortality) and ecosystem modelling (consumption over biomass)
James Thorson, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Tuesday October 10th, 09:30 AM PST

Comparative study across species are foundational to many topics in fisheries science, including to justify biological reference point proxies, predict natural mortality rates, or parameterize ecosystem models. Surprisingly, however, fisheries science has largely missed the research interest in phylogenetic comparative methods (PCM), which were pioneered by Joe Felsenstein at University of Washington in
the 1970s and remain a well-published topic in ecology and evolutionary biology. This is unfortunate, because PCM offers many improvements over conventional nested-taxonomic methods used in fisheries science.
In this workshop, I provide a hands-on introduction to the R-package phylosem available on CRAN. Attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop with package-install privileges, or pre-install phylosem. I will walk through vignettes which show how phylosem generalizes existing packages for phylogenetic linear models (phylolm), structural equation models (sem), phylogenetic trait imputation (Rphylopars), and phylogenetic path analysis (phylopath).
I will then provide a quick overview of results using two fisheries case studies. The first applies phylosem to the Then et al. natural mortality database, where phylosem reduces variance for out-of-sample prediction of natural mortality rates. The second replicates Palomeres and Pauly (1998), and confirms that consumption over biomass (a parameter in Ecopath with Ecosim models) is elevated for small-bodied with a high caudal-fin aspect ratio in warmer waters. I hope to demonstrate that PCM is broadly applicable for routine use throughout fisheries science.

Big Skate, big problems: unusual issues arising in the recent U.S. West Coast Big Skate stock assessment

Big Skate, big problems: unusual issues arising in the recent U.S. West Coast Big Skate stock assessment
Ian Taylor, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Tuesday June 2nd, 2:00 PM PST
Big Skate (Beringraja binoculata) on the U.S. West Coast was assessed for the first time last year by myself, Vlada Gertseva, Andi Stephens, and Joe Bizzarro. The assessment presented some interesting challenges, including near-linear growth, indices of abundance that increased when you would have expected declines, and skewed sex ratios for fish of the same size. I’ll give an overview of the unusual patterns in the data, the modeling choices made to fit them, and the exploration of ways to fill in the missing discard history and develop an informative prior for catchability. I’d also like to use this opportunity to take stock of how things went and discuss alternative modeling approaches that could have been explored.