Carey McGilliard

Past Postdoctoral Fellow

carey.mcgilliard@noaa.gov206-526-4696Alaska Fisheries Science Center
NOAA Fisheries

Carey is currently a Research Mathematical Statistician at NOAA’s Alaska Fisheries Science Center. Carey is interested in research on stock assessment methods, spatial population dynamics and management, harvest control rules, and dynamics of groundfish populations in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea. Carey was a postdoctoral fellow with a joint appointment at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center and the University of Washington from 2012 – 2013. Prior to her work with the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Carey attended graduate school at SAFS under the advisement of Ray Hilborn. Her graduate research focused on simulation modeling and management strategy evaluation to evaluate spatial management approaches, harvest control rules for data-poor fisheries, and the effects of spatial stock dynamics and management on the performance of stock assessments. She worked at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, conducting research on the spatial distribution of larval fish and zooplankton in Chesapeake Bay from 2001-2004. In addition, she worked as a researcher at the Urban Institute, a social policy think-tank, from 2000-2001 as a statistical programmer. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics.

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