Two PuntLab Students receive NMFS PopDyn Fellowships

In a sweep, two PuntLab PhD students have been selected for the NMFS-Sea Grant Population Dynamics Fellowship this year. Students John Best and Maia Sosa Kapur each received three-year awards, which include tuition waiver and travel felowships. John’s research is entitled Improving spatial indices of abundance with fishery-dependent and -independent data, and he is mentored by Jim Thorson (another Puntlab graduate and previous PopDyn Fellow) at the AFSC. Maia is coadvised by Melissa Haltuch at the NWFSC (Puntlab graduate, and previous PopDyn Fellow) and Dana Hanselman at the AFSC, with a project entitled Effects of Spatial Mis-specification in Management Strategy Evaluation for Northeast Pacific Sablefish. Read the full announcement here.