André Punt visited Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU) from 14 to 19 June, 2018. He gave a class on the use of Statistical Catch-at-Age Analysis (SCAA). The first four days of the class covered the development of age-structured population dynamics models, fitting population dynamics models using maximum likelihood methods based on Solver within Excel, how to calculate biological and economic reference points, and how to conduct projections using SCAA. The fifth day of the class was focused on Stock Synthesis, developed by Richard Methot (NOAA). André also gave a seminar to SHOU faculty and students on the use of Adaptive Management within fisheries management. He also met with several PhD students, some of whom may be visiting the PuntLab in the not-too-distant future. Andre’s visit coincided with the Dragon Boat Festival, which meant a visit to Shanghai was possible!
Andre Visit Shanghai Ocean University
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