

Refereed Publications

In press


Bessel-Browne, P, Punt, AE, Sporcic, M, Tuck, GN, Little, LR. 2025. Does increased complexity improve performance: evaluating a constrained biomass dynamics model and an empirical harvest control rule. Fish Res. 284:107317.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2025.107317

Hinchliffe, C, Kuriyama, PT, Punt, AE, Field, JC, Thompson, AR, Santora, JA, Muhling, BA, Koenigstein, S. Hernvann, P-Y, Tommasi, D. 2025. Long-term population trend of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) in the California Current system. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 82:fsae177. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsae177

Hollowed, AB, Holsman, KK, Wise, S, Haynie, AC, Evans, DCK, Cheng, W, Hermann, AJ, Ianelli, JN, Kearney, KA, Punt, AE, Reum, JCP, Stram, DL, Szuwalski, CS. 2025. Development of climate informed management scenarios for fisheries in the eastern Bering Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 82:fsae034. https:10.1093/icesjms/fsae034.

Lin, D, Zang, N, Song, W, Punt, AE, Gong, Y, Gang, L, Chen, X. 2025. Dietary specialization among individual squid: using Illex argentinus as a case and meta-analysis for other squid species. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 292:20242591. doi:10.1098/rspb.2024.2591.

Maunder, NM, Crone, PR, Semmens, BX, Valero, JL, Waterhouse, L, Methot, RD, Punt, AE. 2025. The Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methods (CAPAM): A perspective on the first 10 years. Fish. Res. 281:107162. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2024.107162.

Oken, KL, Groth, SD, Holland, DS, Punt, AE, Ward, EJ. 2025. Variability in somatic growth over time and space determines optimal season-opening date in the Oregon pink shrimp (Pandalus jordani) fishery. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 82:1-13.  doi:10.1139/cjfas-2024-0125

Parker, D, Punt, AE,  Deng, RA, Venables, WM, Dichmont, CM, Donovan, AG,  Kenyon, RA, van der Velde, T, Miller, M, Hutton, T. 2025. Allocating catches to species in mixed species data – A model-based approach. Fish. Res. 281:107240. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2024.107240.

Pascoe, S, Dowling, N, Dichmont, CM, Deng, R, Punt, AE, van Putten, I. 2025. Key drivers of model choice by fisheries scientists and the propensity to adopt stock assessment packages. Mar. Pol. 174:106583/ doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106583.

Rovellini, A, Punt, AE, Bryan, MD, Kaplan, I, Dorn, MW, Aydin, K, Fulton, EA, Alglave, B, Baker, MR, Carroll, G, Ferriss, B, Haltuch, MA, Hayes, A, Hermann, A, Hernvann, P-Y, Holsman, K, Liu, OR, McHuron, E, Morzaria-Luna, HN, Moss, J. Surma, S, Weise, MT. 2025. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 82:fsae064. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsae002.

Spies, I, Spencer, P., Punt, AE. 2025. Migration matters in conservation and management: exploring the 10% rule for demographic independence via simulation. Ecol. Appl. 35:e7002. doi:10.1002/eap.70002.

van Putten, I, Dichmont, CM, Dowling, NA, Deng, RA, Pascoe, S, Punt, AE. 2025. Interconnected partnerships: Mapping collaborations in Australian fisheries stock assessment. Fish. Res. 282:107281. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2025.107281.

Wassermann, SN, Adams, GD, Haltuch, MA, Kaplan, IC, Marshall, KN, Punt, AE. 2025. Even low levels of cannibalism can bias population estimates for Pacific hake.  ICES J. Mar. Sci. 82:fsae064. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsae064.


Berger, AM, Barcelo, C, Goethel, DR, Hoyle, SD, Lynch, P, McKenzie, J, Dunn, A, Punt, AE, Methot, R, Hampton, J, Porch, C, McGarvey, R, Thorson. J, Amar, T,  Deroba, J, Elvarsson, B, Holmes, S, Howell, D, Langseth, B, Marsh, C, Maunder MN, Mormede, S, Rasmussen, S. 2024. Synthesizing the spatial functionality of contemporary stock assessment software to identify future needs for next generation assessment platforms. Fish Res. 275:107008. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2024.107008.

Bessell-Browne, P, Punt, AE, Tuck, GN, Burch, P, Penney, A. 2024.  Management strategy evaluation of static and dynamic harvest control rules under long-term changes in stock productivity: A case study from the SESSF. Fish Res. 273:106972. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2024.10672

Hsu, J, Chang, Y-J, Brodziak, J, Kai, M, Punt, AE. 2024. On the probable distribution of stock-recruitment resilience of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 81:748-759. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsae030.

Kapur, MS, Haltuch, MA, Connors, B, Berger, A, Holt, K, Marshall., K, Punt, AE. 2024. Simple, spatial estimation approaches avoid poor management outcomes for transboundary northeast Pacific sablefish. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 81:810-827. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2024-0008.

McGarvey, R, Methot, RD, Punt, AE, Matthews, JM, Taylor, IG, Feenstra, JE, Doering, K. 2024. Performance gains from incorporating dynamic numbers by length within age in fishery assessment models. Fish Res. 276:107039. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2024.107039

Punt, AE. 2024. Stock assessment of rock lobster stocks: Past, present and future. Fish. Res. 272:106996. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2024.106996

Punt, AE, Dalton, MG, Adams, GD, Barbeaux, SJ, Cheng, W, Hermann, AJ, Hulson, P-J.F, Hurst, TP, Holsman, KK, Rovellini, A. 2024. ­Capturing uncertainty when modelling environmental drivers of fish populations, with an illustrative application to Pacific cod in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Res. 272:206951. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2024.106951.

Punt, AE, Thomson, R, Little, LR, Bessel-Browne, P, Burch, P, Bravington, M. 2024. Including close kin mark recapture data in statistical catch-at-age stock assessments and management strategies. Fish. Res. 276:107057. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2024.107057

Rovellini, A, Punt, AE, Bryan, MD, Kaplan, IC, Dorn, MW, Aydin, K, Fulton, EA, Alglave, B, Baker, MR, Carroll, G, Ferriss, BE, Haltuch, MA, Hayes, AL, Hermann, AJ, Hernvann, P-Y, Holsman, KK, Liu, OR, McHuron, E, Morzaria-Luna, HN, Weise, MT. 2024. Linking climate stressors to ecological processes in ecosystem models, with a case study from the Gulf of Alaska. ICES J. Mar. Sci.. fsae002. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsae002

Schaub, M, Maunder, MN, Kéry, M, Thorson, JT, Jacobson, EK, Punt, AE. 2024. Lessons to be learned by comparing integrated fisheries stock assessment methods (SAMs) with integrated population models (IPMs). Fish. Res. 272:106925. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106925

Scordino, JJ, Bickham, JW, Brandon JR, Brownell, RL, Burdin, A, Doniol-Valcroze, T, Eguchi, T, Givens, GH, Lang, AR, Litovka, DL, Nakamura, G, Punt, AE, Stewart, JD, Urban, JR, Weller, DW. 2024. Update on status of gray whales since the 2020 Implementation Review. J. Cet. Res. Manage. 25. doi:10.47536/jcrm.v25i1.942.

Sellinger, E, Szuwalski, CS, Punt, AE. 2024. The robustness of our assumptions about recruitment: A re-examination of marine recruitment dynamics with additional data and novel methods. Fish Res. 269:106862. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106862.

Wang, T, Szuwalski, C, Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 2024. Diversity of fishing strategies and high spatial adaptivity in the Alaskan snow crab fishery. ICES J. Mar Sci. 81 929-943. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsae052.

Warlick, AJ, Himes Boor, GK, McGuire, TL, Shelden, KEW, Jacobson, EK, Boyd, C, Wade, PR, Punt, AE, Converse, SJ. 2024. Identifying demographic and environmental drivers of population dynamics and viability in an endangered top predator using an integrated model. An, Cons. 27: 240-262. doi:10.1111/acv.12905.


Burch, P, Curin Osorio, S, Bessel-Browne, PO, Tuck, GN, Haddon, M, Punt, AE. 2023. Using meta-analysis to set a prior for natural mortality: the example of eastern Australian orange roughy. Fish. Res. 258:106534. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106534.

Correa, GM, Monnahan, CC, Sullivan, JY, Thorson, JT, Punt, AE. 2023. Modeling time-varying growth in state-space stock assessments. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 80:2036-2049. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsad133.

DeFilippo, LB, Thorson, JT, O’Leary, CA, Kotwicki. S, Hoff, J, Ianelli. JN, Kulik, VV, Punt, AE. 2023. Characterizing dominant patterns of spatiotemporal variation for a transboundary groundfish assemblage. Fish Ocean 32:541-558. doi:10.1111/fog.12651.

Feng, Y, Song, W, Lin, D, Punt, AE, Chen, X. 2023. Spatial difference in feeding habits but similar foraging strategy for energy acquisition in Jumbo squid. Aquat. Ecol. 57:653-66. doi:10.1007/s10452-023-10035-9.

Goethel, DR, Omori, KL, Punt, AE, Lynch, PD. Berger, AM. de Moor, C, Plagányi, ÉE, Cope, JM. Dowling, NA, McGarvey, R, Preece, AL, Thorson, JT, Chaloupka, M, Gaichas, S, Gilman, E,  Hesp, SA, Longo, C, Yao, N, Methot, RD. 2023. Oceans of Plenty? Challenges, Advancements, and Future Directions for the Provision of Evidence-based Fisheries Management Advice. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 33:375-410. doi:10.1007/s11160-022-09726-7.

Maunder, MN, Hamel, OS, Lee, H-H, Piner, KR,  Cope, JM, Punt, AE, Ianelli, JN, Castillo-Jordán, C, Kapur, MS, Methot, RD. 2023. Review of estimation methods for natural mortality and their performance. Fish. Res. 257:106489. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106489.

Olmos, M, Cao, J, Thorson, JT, Punt, AE, Monnahan, CC, Algalve, B, Szuwalski, C. 2023.  A step towards the integration of spatial dynamics in population dynamics models: Eastern Bering Sea snow crab as a case study. Ecol. Model. 485: 110484. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110484.

Pascoe, S, Punt, AE, Hutton, T, Burch, P, Bessel-Browne, P, Little, LR. 2023. Estimating economic based target reference points for key species in multispecies multi-métier fisheries. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 80:732-746: doi:10.1139/cjfas-2022-0191.

Punt, AE. 2023. Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it: A perspective on current stock assessment good practices and the consequences of not following them. Fish. Res. 261:106642. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106642.

Siskey, MR, Punt, AE, Hulson, P-JF, Bryan, MD, Ianelli, JN, Thorson, JT. 2023. ­The estimated impact of changes to otolith field-sampling and ageing effort on stock assessment inputs, outputs, and catch advice. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 80:115-131. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2022-0050.

Szuwalski, CS, Hollowed, AB, Holsman, KK, Ianelli, JN, Legault, CM, Melnychuk, MC, Ovando, D, Punt, AE. 2023. Unintended consequences of climate-adaptive Fisheries management targets. Fish. Fish. 24:439-453. doi:10.1111/faf.12737.

Zang, N, Lin, D, Song, W, Punt, AE, Chen,X. 2023. Nutrient allocation to eggs in female Argentinus shortfin squid, Illex argentinus using fatty acids as nutrient indicator. Can. J. Zool. 101:709-719. doi: 10.1139/cjz-2023-0001.


Adams, GD, Holsman, KK, Barbeaux, SJ, Dorn, MW, Ianelli, JN, Spies, I, Stewart, IJ, Punt, AE. 2022. An ensemble approach to understand predation mortality for groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska. Fish. Res. 251:106303. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106303.

Arrington, MB, Helser, TE, Benson, I, Essington, TE, Matta, ME, Punt, AE. 2022. Rapid age estimation of Longnose Skate (Raja rhina) vertebrae using near infrared spectroscopy. Mar. Freshw. Res. 73:71-80. doi:10.1071/MF21054.

Bessell-Browne, P, Punt, AE, Tuck, GN, Day, J, Klaer, N, Penney, A. 2022. The effects of implementing a ‘dynamic B0’ harvest control rule in Australia’s Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. Fish Res. 252:106306. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106306.

Cronin-Fine, L, Punt, AE. 2022. Factors influencing size-structured models’ ability to estimate natural mortality. Fish Res. 250:106292. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106292.

Gibson, GA, Baker, MR, Stockhausem WT, Hinckley, S, Parada, C, Aydin, K, Coyle, KO, Hermann, AJ, Hurst, T, Punt, AE. 2022. Modeling in an integrated ecosystem research framework to explore recruitment in Gulf of Alaska groundfish – Applications to management and lessons learned. Deep Sea Res. II. 197:105048. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2022.105048.

Hutton, T, Pascoe, S, Deng, R, Punt, AE, Zhou, S. 2020. Effects of re-specifying the Northern Prawn Fishery bio-economic model to include all the target species. Fish. Res. 247:106190. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106190

Mildenberger, TK, Berg, CW, Kokkalis, A, Hordyk, AR, Wetzel, C, Jacobsen, NS, Punt, AE, Nielsen, JR. 2022. Implementing the precautionary approach into fisheries management: Making the case for probability-based harvest control rules. Fish and Fish. 23:73-92. doi:10.1111/faf.12599

O’Leary CA, DeFilppo, LB, Thorson, JT, Kotwicki, S, Hoff, GR, Kulik, VV, Ianelli, JN,  Punt. AE. 2022.  Understanding transboundary stocks’ availability by combining multiple fisheries-independent surveys and oceanographic conditions in spatiotemporal models. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 79:1063-1074. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsac046.

Priviteria-Johnson, KM, Methot, RD, Punt, AE. 2022. Towards best practice for specifying selectivity in age-structured integrated stock assessments. Fish Res. 249:106247. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106247.

Punt, AE, Dalton, MG, Daly, B, Jackson, T, Long, CW, Stockhausen, WT, Szuwalski, C, Zheng, J. 2022. A framework for assessing harvest strategy choice when considering multiple interacting fisheries and a changing environment: The example of eastern Bering Sea crab stocks. Fish Res. 252:106338. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106338.

Siple, MC, Punt, AE, Francis, TB, Hammond, PS, Heinemann, D, Long, KJ, Moore, JE, Reeves, RR, Sepúlveda, M, Sigurðsson, GM, Víkingsson, G, Wade, PR, Williams, R,. Zerbini, AN. 2022. mmrefpoints: Projecting long-term marine mammal abundance with bycatch. JOSS. 7(1):13888


Boyd, C, Punt, AE. 2021. Shifting trends: Detecting changes in cetacean population dynamics in shifting habitat. PLOS ONE 16(5):e0251522.  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0251522

Canales, CM, Punt, AE, Mardones, M. 2021. Can a length-based pseudo-cohort analysis (LBPA) using multiple catch length-frequencies provide insight into population status in data-poor situations? Fish. Res. 234:105810. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105810

Cronin-Fine, L, Punt, AE. 2021.  Modeling time-varying selectivity in size-structured assessment models. Fish. Res. 239:105927.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.105927

Dichmont, CM, Deng, RA, Dowling, N, Punt, AE. 2021. Collating stock assessment packages to improve stock assessments. Fish Res. 235:105844. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105844

Hammond, PS, Francis, TB, Heinemann, D, Long, KJ, Moore, JE, Punt, AE, Reeves, RR, Sepúlveda, M, Sigurðsson, GM, Siple, MC, Víkingsson, G, Wade, PR, Williams, R, Zerbini, AN. 2021. Estimating the abundance of marine mammal populations. Front Mar. Sci. 8:735770.

Heller-Shipley, MA, Stockhausen, WT, Daly, BJ, Punt, AE, Goodman, SE. 2021.  Should harvest control rules for male-only fisheries include reproductive buffers? A Bering Sea Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) case study. Fish. Res. 243:106049. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106049

Kapur, MS, Siple, MC, Olmos, M, Privitera-Johnson, KM, Adams, G, Best, J, Castillo-Jordan, C, Cronin-Fine, L, Havron, AM, Lee, Q, Methot, RD, Punt, AE. 2021. Equilibrium reference point calculations for the next generation of spatial assessments. Fish. Res. 244: 106132. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106132

Lucey, SM, Aydin, KY, Gaichas, SK, Cadrin, SX, Fay, G, Fogarty, MJ, Punt, A. 2021. Evaluating fishery management strategies using an ecosystem model as an operating model. Fish Res. 234: 205780. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105780

McQuaw, K, Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 2021. Evaluating alternative rebuilding plans for mixed stock fisheries Fish Res. 234: 205780. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.10594

Monnahan, CC, Thorson, JT, Kotwicki, S, Lauffenburger, N, Ianelli, JN, Punt, AE. 2021. Incorporating vertical distribution in index standardization accounts for spatiotemporal availability to bottom and acoustic trawls and reduces index bias for semi-pelagic species. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 78:1826-1839. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsab085.

Moore, JE, Heinemann, D, Francis, TB, Hammond, PS, Long, KJ, Punt, AE, Reeves, RR, Sepúlveda, M, Sigurðsson, GM, Siple, MC, Víkingsson, G, Wade, PR, Williams, R, Zerbini, AN. 2021. Estimating bycatch mortality for marine mammal stock assessment: concepts and best practices. Front Mar. Sci. 8:752356. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.75235.6

Oken, KL, Holland, DS, Punt, AE. 2021. The effects of population synchrony, life history, and access constraints on benefits from fishing portfolios. Ecol. Appl. 31:w02307. doi:10.1002/eap.2307

O’Leary, CA, Kotwicki, S, Hoff, GR, Thorson, JT, Kulik, VV, Ianelli, JN, Lauth, RR, Nichol, DG, Conner, J, Punt, AE. 2021. Estimating spatiotemporal availability of transboundary fishes to fishery-independent surveys. J. Appl. Ecol. 58: 2146-2157.  doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13914

Punt, AE, Brandon, JR, DeMaster, DP, Moreno, PT. 2021. Performance metrics for alternative management strategies for gray seal-commercial fishery interactions in the Northwest Atlantic. Fish. Res. 243:106060. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106060

Punt, AE, Castillo-Jordan, C, Hamel, OS, Cope, JM, Maunder, MN, Ianelli, JN. 2021. Consequences of error in natural mortality and its estimation in stock assessment models. Fish. Res. 233:105759.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105759

Punt, AE, Dalton, MG, Cheng, W, Hermann, AJ, Holsman, KK, Hurst, TP, Ianelli, JN, Kearney, KA, McGilliard, CR, Pilcher, DJ, Veron, M. 2021. Evaluating the impact of climate and demographic variation on future prospects for fish stocks: An Application for northern rock sole in Alaska. Deep Sea Res. II. 189-190: 104951. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2021.104951

Punt, AE, Sepúlveda, M, Siple, M, Moore, JE, Francis, TB, Hammond, PS, Heinemann, D, Long, KJ, Oliva, D, Reeves, RR, Sigurðsson, GM, Víkingsson, G, Wade, PR, Williams, R, Zerbini, AN. 2021. Assessing pinniped bycatch mortality with uncertainty in abundance and post-release mortality: A case study from Chile. Fish. Res. 235:105816  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105816

Punt, AE, Siple, MC, Francis, TB, Hammond, PS, Heinemann, D, Long, KJ, Moore, J, Sepúlveda, M, Reeves, RR, Sigurðsson, GM, Víkingsson, G, Wade, PR, Williams, R, Zerbini, AN. 2021. Can we manage marine mammal bycatch effectively in low-data environments? J. Appl. Ecol. 58:596-607. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13816

Punt AE, Tuck, GN, Day, J, Burch, P, Thompson, R, Bessell-Browne, P. 2021. The impact of alternative age-length sampling schemes on the performance of stock assessment methods. Fish. Res. 238: 105904. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.105904 

Qiao, M, Wang, D, Tuck, GN, Little, LR, Punt, AE, Gerner, M. 2021. Deep learning methods applied to electronic monitoring data: automated catch event detection for longline fishing. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 78:25-25. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa15

Siple, MC, Koehn, LE, Johnson, KF, Punt, AE, Canales, TM, Carpi, P, de Moor, CL, De Oliveira, JAA, Gao, J, Jacobsen, NS, Lam, ME, Licandeo, R, Lindegren, M, Ma, S, Oskarsson, GJ, Sanchez-Marona, S, Smolinski, S, Surma, S, Tian, Y, Tommasi, D, Gutierréz, M, Trenkel, V, Zador, SF, Zimmerman, F. 2021. Considerations for management strategy evaluation for small pelagic fishes. 2021. Fish and Fish. 22:1167-1186. doi:10.1111/faf.12579

Smith, DC, Haddon, M, Punt, AE, Gardner, C, Little, LR, Mayfield, S, O’Neil, MF, SaundeCan we manage marine mammal bycatch effectively in low-data environments?rs, T, Stewart, J, Wise, B, Fulton, EA, Conron, S. 2021. Evaluating the potential for an increased and sustainable commercial fisheries production across multiple jurisdictions and diverse fisheries. Mar. Pol. 124:104353.  doi:10.1016/j,marpol.2020.104353

Wade, PR, Long, KJ, Francis, TB, Punt, AE, Hammond, PS, Heinemann, D, Moore, JE, Reeves, RR, Sepúlveda, M, Sullaway, G, Sigurðsson, GM, Siple, MC, Víkingsson, G, Williams, R, Zerbini, AN. 2021. Best practices for assessing and managing bycatch of marine mammals. Front Mar. Sci. 8:757330. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.757330.

Whitehouse, GA, Aydin, KY, Hollowed, AB, Holsman, KK, Cheng, W, Faig, A, Haynie, AC, Hermann, AJ, Kearney, KA, Punt, AE, Essington, TE. 2021. Bottom-up impacts of forecasted climate change on the eastern Bering Sea food web. Front. Mar Sci. 8:624301.

Yu, K, Maeda, H, Okamura, H, Punt, AE, Branch, T. 2021. Multiple-model stock assessment frameworks for precautionary management and conservation on fishery-targeted coastal dolphin populations off Japan. J. Appl. Ecol. 58:2479-2492. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13982.


Best, JK, Punt, AE. 2020. Parameterizations for Bayesian state-space surplus production models. Fish. Res. 222:105411.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105411

Cao, J, Thorson, JT, Punt, AE, Szuwalski, C. 2020. A novel spatiotemporal stock assessment framework to better address fine-scale species distributions: Development and simulation testing. Fish and Fish 21:250-367.  DOI: 10.1111/faf.12433.

Chen, X, Han, F, Zhu, K, Punt, AE, Lin, D. 2020. The breeding strategy of female jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas: energy acquisition and allocation. Sci Rep. 10:9639. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-66703-5.

Cronin-Fine, L, Punt, AE. 2020. There is no best method for constructing size-transition matrices for size-structured stock assessments. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 77:136-147. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz216.

Geng, Z, Punt, AE, Wang, Y, Zhu, J, Dai, X. 2020. On the dangers of including demographic analysis in Bayesian surplus production models: A case study for Indian Ocean blue shark. Fish. Res. 230:105636. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105636

Hollowed, AB, Holsman, KK, Haynie, AC, Hermann, AJ, Punt, AE, Aydin, K, Ianelli, JN, Kasperski, S, Cheng, W, Faig, A, Kearney, KA, Reum, JCP, Spencer, P, Spies, I, Stockhausen, W, Szuwalski, CS, Whitehouse, GA, Wilderbuer, TK.  2020. Integrated modeling to evaluate climate change impacts on coupled social-ecological systems in Alaska. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:775.  doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00775.

Holsman, K, Haynie, A, Hollowed, A, Reum, J, Aydin, K, Hermann, A, Cheng, W, Faig, A, Ianelli, JN, Kearney, K, AE. 2020. Ecosystem-based fisheries management forestalls climate-driven decline. Nat Commi. 11:4579. doi;10.1038/s41467-020-18300-3.

Jacobson, E, Boyd, C, McGuire, TL, Shelden, KE, Himes Boor, GK, Punt, AE. 2020. Assessing cetacean populations using integrated population models: an example with Cook Inlet beluga whales. Ecol. Appl. 30:e2114. doi/10.1002/eap.2114/full.

Kapur, M, Haltuch, M, Connors, B, Rogers, L, Berger, A, Koontz, E, Cope, J, Echave, K, Fenske, K, Hanselman, D,. Punt, AE. 2020. Oceanographic features delineate growth zonation in Northeast Pacific sablefish. Fish. Res. 222:105414.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105414

Lin, D, Zhu, K, Qian, Q, Punt, AE, Chen, X. 2020. Fatty acid comparison of four sympatric loliginid squids in the northern South China Sea: indication for their similar feeding habits. PLOS ONE 15:e0234250. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0234250.

Murase H, Palka, D, Punt, AE, Pastene, L, Kitakado, T, Matsuoka, K, Hakamada, T, Okamura, H, Bando, T, Tamura, T, Konishi, K, Yasunaga, G, Isoda, T, Kato, H. 2020. Review of the assessment of two stocks of Antarctic minke whales (eastern Indian Ocean and western South Pacific). J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 21:95-122.

Okamoto, DK, Poe, MR, Francis, T, Punt, AE, Levin, PS, Shelton, AO, Armitage, DR, Cleary, JS, Dresell, SC, Jones, R, Kitka, H, Lee, LC, MacCall, AD, McIsaac, JA, Reifenstuhl, S, Silver, JJ, Schmidt, JO, Thornton, TF, Voss, R, Woodruff, J. 2020.  Attending to spatial social-ecological sensitivities to improve trade-off analysis in natural resource management Fish. Fish. 21:1-12. doi: 10.1111/faf.12409.

Privitera-Johnson, KM, Punt, AE. 2020. A review of approaches to quantifying uncertainty in fisheries stock assessments. Fish. Res. 225:105481.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105503

Privitera-Johnson, KM, Punt, AE. 2020. Leveraging scientific uncertainty in fisheries management for estimating among-assessment variation in overfishing limits. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 77:515-526. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz237.

Punt, AE, Dalton, MG, Foy, RJ. 2020. Multispecies yield and profit when exploitation rates vary spatially including the impact on mortality of ocean acidification on North Pacific crab stocks. Fish. Res. 225:105481.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105481

Punt, AE, Dunn, A, Elvarsson, BP, Hampton, J, Hoyle, S, Maunder, MN, Methot, RD,  Nielsen, A. 2020. Essential features of the next-gen integrated assessment: A perspective. Fish Res. 229:105617.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105617

Punt, AE, Siple, M, Sigurosson, GM, Vikingsson, G, Francis, TB, Granquist, SM, Hammond, PS, Heinemann, D, Long, KJ, Moore, JE, Sepulveda, M, Reeves, RR, Wade, PR, Williams, R, Zerbini, AN. 2020. Evaluating Management Strategies for Marine Mammal Populations: An Example for multiple species and multiple fishing sectors in Iceland. Can. J.Fish. Aquat. Sci. 77:1316-1331. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2019-0386.

Punt, AE, Siple, M, Francis, TB, Hammond, PS, Heinemann, D, Long, KJ, Moore, JE, Sepulveda, M, Reeves, RR, Sigurosson, GM, Vikingsson, G, Wade, PR, Williams, R, Zerbini, AN. 2020. Robustness of Potential Biological Removal (PBR) to monitoring, environmental and management uncertainties. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 77:2491-2507. doi10.1093/icesjms/fsaa096.

Punt, AE, Tuck, GN, Day, J, Canales, CM, Cope, JM, De Moor, CL, De Oliveira, JAA, Dickey-Collas, M, Elvarsson, B, Haltuch, MA, Hamel, OS, Hicks, AC, Legault, CM, Lynch, PD, Wilberg, MJ. 2020.  When are model-based stock assessments rejected for use in management and what happens then? Fish. Res. 224:105465. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105465

Reum, JCP, Blanchard, JL, Holsman, KK, Aydin, K, Hollowed, AB, Hermann, A, Cheng, W, Faig, A, Haynie, AC, Punt, AE. 2020. Ensemble projections of future climate change impacts on the Eastern Bering Sea food web using a multispecies size spectrum model. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:124. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00124.

Richerson, K, Punt, AE, Holland, DS. 2020. Nearly a half century of high but sustainable exploitation in the Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) fishery. Fish. Res. 226:105528.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105528 

Siddeek, SM, Daly, B, Punt, AE, Martell, S, Zheng, J, Strich, M. 2020. Development of threshold management strategies for hard-to-age crab stocks: The example of the eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska, golden king crab (Lithodes aequispinus). Fish Bull. 118:380-398 doi:10.7755/FB.118.4.7.

Thorson, JT, Bryan, M, Hulson, P, Xu, H, Punt, AE. 2020. Simulation testing a new multi-stage process to measure the effect of increased sampling effort on effective sample size for age and length data.  ICES J. Mar. Sci. 77:1728-1737. doi10.1093/icesjms/fsaa036.

Zhou, S, Punt, AE, Lei, Y, Deng, AR, Hoyle, SD. 2020. Identifying spawner-biomass-per-recruit reference points from life-history parameters. Fish. Fish.  21:760-773. doi:10.1111/faf.12459.


Alderman, A, Haddon, M, Castillo-Jordan, C, Tuck, GN, Punt, AE. 2019. Macquarie Island’s northern giant petrels and the impacts of pest eradication on population abundance. Ecol. Model. 303:66-75.  doi:10.1111/faf.12324.

Armitage, DR, Okamoto, DK, Silver, JJ, Francis, TB, Levin, PS, Punt, AE, Davies, I, Cleary, JS, Dressel, SC, Jones, RR, Kitka, H, Lee, LC, MacCall, A, McIsaac, JA, Poe, MR, Reifenstuhl, S, Shelton, AO, Schmidt, JO, Thornton, TF, Voss, R, Woodruff, J. 2019.  Integrating governance and quantitative evaluation of resource management strategies to improve social and ecological outcomes. BioScience 69:523-532. doi:10.1093/biosci/biz059.

Boyd, C, Hobbs, RC, Punt, AE, Shelden, KW, Sims, CL, Wade, PR. 2019. Bayesian estimation of group sizes for a coastal cetacean using aerial survey data. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 35: 1322-1346. doi:10.1111/mms.12592.

Castillo-Jordán, C, Wayte, SE, Tuck, GN, Tracey, S, Frusher, SD, Punt, AE. 2019. Implications of a climate-induced recruitment shift in the stock assessment of Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) in Chile. Fish. Res. 212:114-122.  doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.11.004.

DeFillipo, LB, Schindler, DE, Ohlberger, J, Schaberg, KL, Foster, MB, Ruhl, D, Punt, AE. 2019. Recruitment variation disrupts the stability of alternative life histories in an exploited salmon population. Evo. Appl. 12:214-229.  doi:10.1111/eva.12709.

Feenstra, J, McGarvey, R, Linnane, A, Haddon, M, Matthews, J, Punt AE. 2019. Impacts on CPUE from vessel fleet composition changes in an Australian lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery. NZ J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 53:292-302.

Fulton, EA, Punt, AE, Dichmont, CM, Harvey, CJ, Gorton, R. 2019. Ecosystems say good management pays off. Fish And Fish. 20:66-96.  doi:10.1111/faf.12324.

Hinckley, S, Stockhausen, WT, Coyle, KO, Laurel, BJ, Gibson GA, Parada, C, Hermann, AJ, Doyle, MJ, Hurst, TP, Punt, AE, Ladd, C. 2019. Connectivity between spawning and nursery areas for Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in the Gulf of Alaska. Deep Sea Res. II 165:113-126.  doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.05.007

Hu, G, Boenish, R, Gao, C, Li, B, Chen, X, Chen, Y, Punt, AE. 2019. Spatio-temporal variability in trophic ecology of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the southeastern Pacific: insights from isotopic signatures in beaks. Fish. Res. 212:56-62.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2018.12.009.

Johnson, KF, Thorson, JR, Punt, AE. 2019. Justifying the inclusion of habitat covariates in spatiotemporal index standardization. Fish Res. 216: 126-137.

Kaplan, IC, Francis, TB, Punt, AE, Koehn, LE, Curchitser, E, Hurtado-Ferro, F, Johnson, KF, Lluch-Cota, SE, Sydeman, WJ, Essington, TE, Taylor, N, Holsman, K, Maccall, AD, Levin, PS. 2019. A multi-model approach to understanding the role of Pacific sardine in the California Current food web. Marine Ecology Progress Series 617-618: 307-321. doi:10.3354/meps12504

MacCall, AD, Francis, TB, Punt, AE, Armitage, DR, Cleary, JS, Dressel, SC, Jones, RR, Kitka, H, Lee, LC, Levin, PS, McIsaac, J, Okamoto, DK, Poe, MR, Reifenstuhl, S, Schmidt, JO, Shelton, AO, Silver, JJ, Siple, MC, Thornton, TF, Voss, R, Woodruff, J. 2019. A heuristic model of learned migration behavior exhibits distinctive spatial and reproductive dynamics. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 76:598-608. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy091.

Punt, AE. 2019. A note regarding conditioning simulation trials for data-poor management strategy evaluations. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 20:81-92.

Punt, AE. 2019. Spatial stock assessment methods: A viewpoint on current issues and assumptions. Fish. Res. 113:132-143. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.01.014.

Punt, AE. 2019. Modelling recruitment in a spatial context: a review of current approaches, simulation evaluation of options, and suggestions for best practices. Fish. Res. 217: 140-155. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2017.08.021.

Punt, AE, Cope, JM. 2019s. Extending integrated stock assessment models to use non-depensatory three-parameter stock-recruitment relationships. Fish. Res. 217: 46-57. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2017.07.007..

Reum, JCP, Blanchard, JL, Holsman, KK, Aydin, K, Punt, AE. 2019. Species-specific ontogenetic diet shifts attenuate trophic cascades and lengthen food chains in exploited ecosystems. Oikos 128: 1051-1764.

Zerbini AN, Adams G, Best J, Clapham PJ, Jackson JA, Punt AE. 2019 Assessing the recovery of an Antarctic predator from historical exploitation. R. Soc. open sci. 6:190368. doi:10.1098/rsos.190368.


Boyd, C, Barlow, J, Becker, EA, Forney, KA, Gerrodette, T, Moore, JE, Punt, AE. 2018. Estimation of population size and trends for highly mobile species with dynamics spatial distributions. Div and Distrib. 24:1-12. doi:10.1111/ddi.12663.

Francis, TB, Levin, PS, Punt, AE, Kaplan, IC, Varney, A, Norman, K. 2018. Linking knowledge to action in ocean ecosystem management: The Ocean Modeling Forum. Elem Sci Anth. 6:83.

Kotwicki, S, Resseler, PH, Ianelli, JN, Punt, AE, Horne, JK. 2018. Combining data from bottom-trawl and acoustic-trawl surveys to estimate an index of abundance for semipelagic species. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 75:60-71.  doi:10.1139/cjfas-2016-0362.

Lee, Q, Punt, AE. 2018. Extracting a time-varying climate-driven growth index from otoliths for use in stock assessment models. Fish. Res. 200:93-103. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2017.12.014.

Lee, Q, Thorson, JT, Gertseva, VV, Punt, AE. 2018. The benefits and risks of incorporating climate-driven growth variation into stock assessment models, with application to Splitnose Rockfish (Sebastes diploproa). ICES J. Mar. Sci. 75: 245-256. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx147.

Nielsen JR, Thunberg, E, Holland D, Schmidt JO, Fulton EA, Bastardie F, Punt AE, Allen I, Bartelings H, Bertignac M, Bethke E, Bossier S, Buckworth R, Carpenter G, Christensen, A, Christensen V, Da-Rocha JM, Deng R, Dichmont CM, Doering R, Esteban A, Fernandes JA, Frost H, Garcia D, Gasche L, Gascuel D, Gourguet S, Groeneveld RA, Guillen J, Guyader O, Hamon KG, Hoff A, Horbowy J, Hutton T, Lehuta S, Little, LR, Lleonart J, Macher C, Mackinson, S, Mahevas S, Marchal, P, Mato-Amboage R, Mapstone B, Maynou F, Merzéréaud M, Palacz, A, Pascoe, S, Paulrud A, Plaganyi E, Prellezo R, van Putten, EI, Quaas, M, Ravn-Jonsen L, Sanchez S, Simons S, Thébaud O, Tomczak, MT, Ulrich C, Van Dijk, D, Vermard Y, Voss, R, Waldo, S. 2018. Integrated Ecological-Economic Fisheries Models – Evaluation, Review and Challenges for Implementation. Fish. And Fish. 19:1-29. doi:10.1111/faf.12232.

Ono, K, Ianelli, JN, McGilliard, C, Punt, AE. 2018. Integrating data from multiple surveys and accounting for spatio-temporal correlation to index the abundance of juvenile halibut in Alaska. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 75:572-584.  doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx174.

Ono, K, Haynie AC, Hollowed AB, Ianelli, JN, McGilliard CR, Punt, AE. 2018. Management strategy analysis for multispecies fisheries including technical interactions and human behavior in modeling management decisions and fishing. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 75:1183-1202. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2017-0135.

Punt, AE, Day, J, Fay, G, Haddon, M, Klaer, N, Little, LR, Privitera-Johnson, KJ, Thomson, R, Smith, ADM, Sporcic, M, Tuck, GN, Upston, J, Wayte, S. 2018. Retrospective investigation of assessment uncertainty for fish stocks off southeast Australia. Fish. Res. 198:117-128. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2017.10.007.

Punt, AE, Moreno, P, Brandon, JR, Matthews, MA, 2018. Conserving and recovering vulnerable marine species: A comprehensive evaluation of the US approach for marine mammals. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 75:1813-1831. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy049.

Punt, AE, Okamoto, DK, MacCall, AD, Shelton, AO, Armitage, DR, Cleary, JS, Davies, IP, Dressel, SC, Francis, TB, Levin, PS, Jones, RR, Kitka, H, Lee, LC, McIsaac, JA, Poe, MR, Reifenstuhl, S, Silver, JJ, Schmidt, JO, Thornton, TF, Voss, R, Woodruff, J. 2018. When are estimates of spawning stock biomass for small pelagic fishes improved by taking spatial structure into account? Fish. Res. 206:65-78. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2018.04.017.

Smart, JJ, Punt, AE, Espinoza, M, White, WT, Simpfendofer, SA. 2018. Refining mortality estimates in shark demographic analyses: a Bayesian inverse matrix approach. Ecol. Applic. 28:1520-1533.

Spies, I, Hauser, L, Jorde, PE, Knutsen, H, Punt, AE, Rogers, L, Stenseth, NC. 2018. Inferring genetic connectivity in real populations, exemplified by coastal and oceanic Atlantic cod. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. 115:4945-4950. doi:10.1093/10.1073/pnas.1800096115.

Szuwalski, CS, Ianelli, JN, Punt, AE. 2018. Reducing retrospective patterns in stock assessment and impacts on management performance. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 75:596-609.  doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx159.

Van Putten, I, Plaganyi, EE, Booth, K, Cvitanovic, C, Kelly, R, Punt, AE, Richards, SA. 2018.
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Voss, R, Quaas, MF, Schmidt, JO, Stoeven, MT, Francis, TB, Levin, PS, Armitage, DR, Cleary, JS, Jones, RR, Lee, LC, Okamoto, DK, Silver, JJ, Siple, MC, Thornton, TF, Dressel, SC, MacCall, AD, Punt, AE. 2018. Quantifying the benefits of spatial fisheries management – an ecological-economic optimization approach. Ecol. Model. 375:165-172.  doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.07.012.

Zhou, S, Punt, AE, Smith, ADM, Ye, Y, Haddon, M, Dichmont, CM, Smith, DC. 2018. An optimised catch-only assessment method for data poor fisheries. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 75:964-976.  doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx226.


Allen Akselrud, CI, Punt, AE, Cronin-Fine, L. 2017. Exploring model structure uncertainty using a general stock assessment framework: the case of Pacific cod in the Eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Res. 193: 104-120. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2017.03.016.

Boyd, C, Grünbaum, D, Hunt, G, Punt, AE, Weimerskirch, H, Bertrand, S. 2017. Effects of variation in the abundance and distribution of prey on the foraging success of central place foragers. J. Appl. Ecol. 54: 1362-1372. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12832.

Brandon, JR, Punt, AE, Moreno, P, Reeves, RR. 2017. Towards a tier system approach for calculating limits on human-caused mortality of marine mammals. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 74(3): 877-887. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw202.

Carvalho, F, Punt, AE, Chang, Y-J, Maunder, MN, Piner, KR. 2017.  Can diagnostic tests help identify model misspecification in integrated stock assessments? Fish Res. 192: 28-40. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.09.018.

Dichmont, CM, Fulton, EA, Gorton, R, Sporcic, M, Little, LR, Punt, AE, Dowling, N, Haddon, M, Klaer, N, Smith, DC. 2017. From data rich to data-limited harvest strategies—does more data mean better management?. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 74(3): 670-686. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw199.

Feenstra, J, Punt, AE, McGarvey, R. 2017.  Inferring absolute recruitment and legal size population numbers of southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) in South Australia’s Southern Zone fishery using extended forms of depletion modelling. Fish. Res. 191: 164-174. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2017.02.0199.

Gutierrez, NL, Halmay, P, Hilborn, R, Punt, AE, Schroeter, S. 2017. Exploring benefits of spatial cooperative harvesting in a sea urchin fishery: an agent-based approach. Ecosphere 8(7): e01829. doi:10.1002/ecs2.1829.

Jones, T, Parrish, JK, Punt, AE, Trainer, V, Kudela, R, Lang, J, Brancato, MS, Odell, A, Hickey, B, Particpant, V. 2017. Mass mortality of marine birds in the Northeast Pacific caused by Akashiwo sanguinea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 579: 111-127.

Little, LR, Tuck, GN, Punt, AE,  Mapstone, BD. 2017. Exploring the effect of sampling, protogyny, and larval advection on stock estimates subject to no-take closures in a spatially complex coral reef line fishery on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 74: 1950-1959. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2016-0349.

McGilliard, CR, Punt, AE, Hilborn, R, Essington, T. 2017. Modeling the impacts of two age-related portfolio effects on recruitment variability with and without a marine reserve. Ecol. Appl. 27: 1985-2000. doi: 10.1002/eap.1593.

Punt, AE. 2017. Some insights into data weighting in integrated stock assessments. Fish. Res. 192: 52-65. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.12.006.

Punt, AE. 2017. Strategic management decision-making in a complex world: quantifying, understanding, and using trade-offs. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 74(2): 499-510. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv193.

Punt, AE. 2017. Review of contemporary cetacean stock assessment methods. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 17:35-56.

Punt, AE, Akselrud, CA, Cronin-Fine, L. 2017. The effects of applying mis-specified age- and size-structured models. Fish. Res. 188: 58-73. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.11.017.

Punt, AE, Deng, RA, Siddeek, MSM, Buckworth, RC, Vanek, V. 2017. Data Weighting for Tagging Data in Integrated Size-Structured Models. Fish. Res. 192: 94-102. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.12.010.

Punt, AE, Haddon, M, Little, LR, Tuck, GN. 2017. The effect of marine closures on a feedback control management strategy used in a spatially aggregated stock assessment: A case study based on pink ling in Australia. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 74:1960-1973. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2016-0017.

Rindorf, A, Dichmont, CM, Thorson, J, Charles, A, Clausen, LW, Degnbol, P, Garcia, D, Hintzen, NT, Kempf, A, Levin, P, Mace, P, Maravelias, C, Minto, C, Mumford, J, Pascoe, S, Prellezo, P, Punt, AE, Reid, DG, Röckmann, C, Stephenson, RL, Thebaud, O, Tserpes, G, Voss, R. 2017. Inclusion of ecological, economic, social, and institutional considerations when setting targets and limits for multispecies fisheries. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 74(2): 453-463 doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw226.

Rindorf, A, Dichmont, CM, Levin, PS, Mace, P, Pascoe, S, Prellezo, R, Punt, AE, Reid, DG, Stephenson, S, Ulrich, C, Vinther, M, Clausen, LW. 2017. Food for thought: pretty good multispecies yield. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 74(2): 475-486. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw071.

Siddeek, MSM, Zheng, J, Punt, AE, Pengilly, D. 2017. Effect of data weighting on mature male biomass estimate for Alaska golden king crab. Fish. Res. 192: 103-113. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2017.02.001.

Sydeman, WJ, Thompson, SA, Anker-Nilssen, T, Arimitsu, M, Bennison, A, Bertrand, S, Boersch-Supan, P, Boyd, C, Bransome, NC, Crawford, RJM, Daunt, F, Furness, RW, Gianuca, D, Gladics, A, Koehn, L, Lang, JW, Logerwell, E, Morris, TL, Phillips, EM, Provencher, J, Punt, AE, Saraux, C, Shannon, L, Sherley, RB, Simeone, A, Wanless, RM, Wanless, S, Zador, S. 2017. Best practices for assessing forage fish fisheries – seabird resource competition. Fish. Res. 194: 209-221. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2017.05.018.

Szuwalski, CS, Ianelli, JN, Punt, AE. 2017. Reducing retrospective patterns in stock assessment and impacts on management performance. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 00: 00-00 doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx159.

Wetzel, CR, Punt, AE. 2017. The performance and trade-offs of alternative harvest control rules to meet management goals for U.S. west coast flatfish stocks. Fish. Res. 187: 139-149. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.11.019.

Zhou, S, Punt, AE, Ye, Y, Ellis, N, Dichmont, CM, Haddon, M, Smith, DC, Smith, ADM. 2017. Estimating stock depletion level from patterns of catch history. Fish and Fish. 18: 742-751. doi:10.1111/faf.12201.


Boyd, C, Grünbaum, D, Hunt, G, Punt, AE, Weimerskirch, H, Bertrand, S. 2016. Effectiveness of social information used by seabirds
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Collen, B, Dulvy, NK, Gaston, KJ, Gardenfors, U, Keith, DA, Punt, AE, Regan, HM, Bohm, M, Hedges, S, Seddon, M, Butchart, SHM, Hilton-Taylor, C, Hoffmann, M, Bachman, SP, Akcakaya, HR. 2016. Clarifying misconceptions of extinction risk assessment with the IUCN Red List. Biol. Lett. 12: 2015-0843. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2015.0843.
Dichmont, CM, Deng, RA, Punt, AE. 2016. How many of Australia’s stock assessments can be conducted using stock assessment packages? Mar. Pol. 74: 279-287. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.09.033

Dichmont, CM, Punt, AE, Dowling, N, De Oliveira, JAA, Little, LR, Sporcic, M, Fulton, E, Gorton, R, Klaer, N, Haddon, M, Smith, DC. 2016. Is risk consistent across tier-based harvest control rule management systems? A comparison of four case studies. Fish. And Fish. 17: 731-747. doi:10.1111/faf.12142.

Dichmont, CM, Deng, RA, Punt, AE, Brodziak, J, Chang, Y-J, Cope, JM, Ianelli, JN, Legault, CM, Methot, RD Jr., Porch, CE, Prager, MH, Shertzer, KW. 2016. A review of stock assessment packages in the United States. Fish. Res. 183: 447-460. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.07.001

Dowling, NA, Punt, AE, Little, LR, Dichmont, C, Smith, DC, Haddon, M, Sporcic, M, Fulton, EA, Gorton, RJ. 2016. Assessing a multilevel tier system: the role and implications of data quality and availability. Fish. Res. 183: 588-593. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.05.001

Fulton, EA, Punt, AE, Dichmont, CM, Gorton, R, Sporcic, M, Dowling, N, Little, LR, Haddon, M, Klaer, N, Smith, DC. 2016. Developing risk equivalent data-rich and data-limited harvest strategies. Fish. Res. 183: 574-587. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.07.004.

Holsman, KK, Ianelli, J, Aydin, K, Punt, AE, Moffitt, EA. 2016. A comparison of fisheries biological reference points estimated from temperature-specific multi-species and single-species climate-enhanced stock assessment models. Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II 134: 360-378. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.08.001.

Ianelli, J, Holsman, KK, Punt, AE, Aydin, K. 2016. Multi-model inference for incorporating trophic and climate uncertainty into stock assessments. Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II 134: 379-389. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.04.002.

Johnson, K, Councill, E, Thorson, JT, Brooke, E, Methot, RD, Punt, AE. 2016. Can autocorrelated recruitment be estimated using integrated assessment models and how does it affect population forecasts? Fish. Res. 183: 222-232. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.06.004.

Little, LR, Punt, AE, Dichmont, CM, Dowling, N, Smith, DC, Fulton, EA, Sporcic, M, Gorton, RJ. 2016. Decision trade-offs for cost-constrained fisheries management. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 73: 494–502. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv206.

McGarvey, R, Matthews, JM, Feenstra, JE, Punt, AE, Linnane, A.. 2016. Using bioeconomic modeling to improve a harvest strategy for a quota-based lobster fishery. Fish. Res. 183: 549-588. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.05.005.

Moffitt, EA, Punt, AE, Holsman, K, Aydin, KY, Ianelli, JN, Ortiz, I. 2016. Moving towards ecosystem-based fisheries management: Options for parameterizing multi-species biological reference points. Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II 134: 350-359. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.08.002.

Ortiz, I, Aydin, K, Hermann, AJ, Gibson, GA, Punt, AE, Wiese, FK, Eisner, LB, Ferm, N, Buckley, TW, Moffitt, EA, Ianelli, JN, Murphy, J, Dalton, M, Cheng, W, Wang, M, Hedstrom, K, Bond, NA, Curchitser, EN, Boyd, C. 2016. Climate to fish: Synthesizing field work, data and models in a 39-year retrospective analysis of seasonal processes on the eastern Bering Sea shelf and slope. Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II 134: 390-412. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.07.009.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, de Moor, CL, De Oliveira, JAA, Haddon, M. 2016. Management strategy evaluation: best practices. Fish and Fish. 17: 303-334. doi:10.1111/faf.12104.

Punt, AE, Foy, RJ, Dalton, MG, Long, WC, Swiney, KM. 2016. Effects of long term exposure to ocean acidification conditions on future southern Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) fisheries management. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 73: 849–864. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv205.

Punt, AE, Haddon, M, Little, LR, Tuck, GN. 2016. Can a spatially-structured stock assessment address uncertainty due to closed areas? A case study based on pink ling in Australia. Fish. Res. 175: 10-23. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.11.008.

Punt, AE, Haddon, M, McGarvey, R. 2016. Estimating growth within size-structured fishery stock assessments: What is the state of the art and what does the future look like? Fish. Res. 180: 147-160. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.11.007.

Punt, AE, MacCall, AD, Essington, TE, Francis, TB, Hurtado-Ferro, F, Johnson, KF, Kaplan, IC, Koehn, LE, Levin, PS, Sydeman, WJ. 2016. Exploring the implications of the harvest control rule for Pacific sardine, accounting for predator dynamics: A MICE model. Ecol. Model. 337: 79-95. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.06.004.

Punt, AE, Ortiz, I, Aydin, KY, Hunt, GL, Jr, Wiese, FK. 2016. End-to-end modeling as part of an integrated research program in the Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II 134: 413-423. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.04.018/

Punt, AE, Smith, DC, Haddon, M, Russell, S, Tuck, GN, Ryan, T. 2016. Estimating the dynamics of spawning aggregations using biological and fisheries data. Mar. Freshw. Res. 67: 342-356. doi:10.1071/MF14342.

Siddeek, MSM, Zheng, J, Punt, AE, Vanek, V. 2016. Estimation of size–transition matrices with and without molt probability for Alaska golden king crab using tag–recapture data. Fish. Res. 180: 161-168. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.04.013.

Wetzel, CR, Punt, AE. 2016. The impact of alternative rebuilding strategies to rebuild overfished stocks. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 73: 2190-2207. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw073.

Woillez, M, Walline, PD, Ianelli, JN, Dorn, MW, Wilson, CD, Punt, AE. 2016. Evaluating total uncertainty for biomass- abundance-at-age estimates from eastern Bering Sea walleye pollock acoustic-trawl surveys. Can. J. Fish. Aquat Sci. 73: 2208-2206. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw054.

Woods, PJ, Holland, DS, Punt, AE. 2016. Evaluating the benefits and risks of species-transformation provisions in multispecies IFQ fisheries with joint production. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 73: 1764-1773. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw031.


Boyd, C, Castillo, R, Hunt, G, Punt, A, Weimerskirch, H, Bertrand, S. 2015. Predictive modelling of habitat selection by marine predators with respect to the abundance and depth distribution of pelagic prey J. Anim Ecol.  84: 1575-1588. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12409

Boyd, C, Woillez, M, Bertrand, S, Castillo, R, Bertrand, A, Punt, AE. 2015. Bayesian posterior prediction of the patchy spatial distributions of small pelagic fish in regions of suitable habitat. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 72: 290-303. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0234

Deng, RA,  Punt, AE, Dichmont, CM, Bukworth, RC, Burridge, CY. 2015. Improving TAC-setting for tiger prawns in the Northern Prawn Fishery. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72: 117-129. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu033

Fulton, EA, Bax, NJ, Bustamante, RH, Dambacher, JM, Dichmont, C, Dunstan, P, Hayes, KR, Hobday, AJ, Pitcher, R, Plaganyi, EE, Punt, AE, Savina-Rolland, M, Smith, ADM, Smith, DC. 2015. Modelling MPAs: Insights and hurdles, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 270: 20140278. doi:10.1098/rstb.2014.0278.

Gardner, C, Hartmann, K, Punt, AE, Jennings, S. 2015. In pursuit of maximum economic yield in an ITQ managed lobster fishery. Fish. Res. 161: 285-292. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.08.015

Gardner, C, Hartmann, K, Punt, AE, Jennings, S, Green, B. 2015. Bio-economics of commercial scale translocation of southern stock lobster. Fish. Res. 162: 29-36. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.09.015

Gardner, C, Hartmann, K, Punt, AE, Hoshino, E. 2015. Fewer eggs from larger size limits: Counterintuitive outcomes in a spatially heretogenous lobster fishery. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72: i252-i259. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu165

Hurtado Ferro, F, Szuwalski, CS, Valero, JL, Anderson, SC, Cunningham, CJ, Johnson, KF, Licandeo, RR, McGillaird, CR, Monnahan, CC, Muradian, ML, Ono, K, Vert-pre, KA, Whitten AR, Punt, AE. 1015. Looking in the rear-view mirror: bias and retrospective patterns in integrated, age-structured stock assessment models. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72: 99-110. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu198

Johnson, KF, Monnahan, CC, McGillaird, C, Vert-pre, K, Anderson, SC, Cunningham, C, Hurtado-Ferro, F, Licandeo, R, Muradian, M, Ono, K, Szuwalski, C, Valero, J, Whitten A, Punt, AE. 2015. Time-varying natural mortality in fisheries stock assessment models: identifying a default approach ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72: 137-150. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu055

Kotwicki, S. Horne, JK, Punt, AE, Ianelli, JN. 2015. Factors affecting the availability of walleye pollock to acoustic and bottom trawl survey gear. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72: 1425-1439. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv011

Kuriyama, PT, Siple, MC, Hodgson, EE, Phillips, EM, Burden, M, Fluharty, D, Punt, AE, Essington, TE, Henderschedt, J, Armstrong, DA.   2015. Issues at the fore in the land of Magnuson and Stevens: A summary of the 14th Bevan Series on Sustainable Fisheries. Mar. Pol. 54: 118-121. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2014.12.012

McGarvey, R, Punt, AE, Matthews, JM, Feenstra, JF, Gardner, C, Burch, P, Hartmann, K,  Linnane, A. 2015. Comparing size-limit and quota policies to increase economic yield in a lobster fishery. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 72: 1292-1305. doi10.1139/cjfas-2014-0405

McGilliard, CR, Punt, AE, Methot, RD, Hilborn. R. 2015. Accounting for marine reserves using spatial stock assessments. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 72: 262-280. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2013-0364

Monnahan, CC, Branch, TA, Punt, AE. 2015. Do ship strikes threaten the recovery of endangered eastern North Pacific blue whales? Mar. Mamm. Sci. 31: 279-29

Ono, K, Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 2015. Think outside the grids: An objective approach to define spatial stratafor catch and effort analysis. Fish. Res. 170: 891-101.

Ono, K, Punt, AE, Hilborn, E. 2015. How do marine closures affect the analysis of catch and effort data? Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 72: 1177-1190.

Ono, K, Licandeo, R, Muradian, M, Cunningham, C, Anderson, SC, Hurtado Ferro, F, Johnson, KF, McGillaird, C, Monnahan, C, Szuwalski, C, Valero, J, Vert-pre, K, Whitten A, Punt, AE. 2015. Data Richness. The importance of length and age composition data in statistical catch-at-age model for marine species ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72: 31-43. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu007

Punt, AE, Haddon, M, Tuck, GN. 2015. Which assessment configurations perform best in the face of spatialheterogeneity in fishing mortality, growth and recruitment? A case study based on pink ling in Australia. Fish. Res. 168: 85-99. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.04.002

Punt, AE, Su, N-J, Sun, C-L. 2015. Assessing billfish stocks: A review of current methods and some future directions. Fish. Res. 166: 103-118. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.07.016

Seung, CK, Dalton, MG, Punt, AE, Poljak, D, R. Foy, R. 2015. Economic impacts of changes in an Alaska crab fishery from Ocean Acidification. Clim. Chang. Econ. 6: 1550017. doi:10.1142/S2010007815500177

Spies, I, Punt, AE. 2015. The utility of genetics in marine fisheries management: a simulation study based on Pacific cod off Alaska.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 72: 1415-1432.  doi:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0050

Spies, I, Spencer, PD, Punt, AE. 2015. Where do we draw the line? A simulation approach for evaluating management of marine fish stocks with isolation by distance stock structure. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 72: 968-982.  doi:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0366

Su, N-J, Sun, C-L , Punt, AE, Yeh, S-Z, DiNardo, G. 2015. Environmental influences on seasonal movement patterns andregional fidelity of striped marlin Kajikia audax in the Pacific Ocean. Fish. Res.  166: 59-66. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.07.017

Szuwalski, CS, Punt, AE. 2015. Can an aggregate assessment reflect the dynamics of a spatially structured stock? Snow crab in the eastern Bering Sea as a case study. Fish. Res. 164: 135-142. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.10.020

Szuwalski, CS, Vert-Pre, KA, Punt, AE, Branch, TA, Hilborn, R. 2015. Examining common assumptions about recruitment: a meta-analysis of recruitment dynamics for worldwide marine fisheries. Fish and Fish. 16: 633–648. doi:10.1111/faf.12083

Tsai, W-P, Liu, K-M, Punt, AE, Sun C-L. 2015. Assessing the potential biases of ignoring sexual dimorphism and mating mechanism in using a single-sex demographic model: the shortfin mako shark as a case study. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72: 793-803. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu210

Wetzel, CR, Punt, AE. 2015. Evaluating the performance of data-moderate and catch-only assessment methods for U.S. west coast groundfish. Fish. Res. 171: 170-187. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.06.005

Williams, K, Horne, JK, Punt, AE. 2015. Examining influences of environmental, trawl gear, and fish population factors on midwater trawl performance using acoustic methods. Fish. Res. 164: 94-101. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.10.020

Woods, PJ, Bouchard, C, Holland, DS, Punt, AE, Marteinsdótti, G. 2015. Catch-quota balancing mechanisms in the Icelandic multi-species demersal fishery: are all species equal? Mar. Pol. 55: 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2015.01.004

Woods, PJ, Holland, DS, Marteinsdóttir, G, Punt, AE. 2015. How a catch-quota balancing system can go wrong: an evaluation of the species quota transformation provisions in the Icelandic multi-species demersal fishery. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72: 1257-1277. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv001


Boyd, C, Punt, AE, Weimerskirch H, Betrand, S. 2014. Movement models provide insights into variation in the foraging effort of central place foragers. Ecol. Model. 286: 13-25.  doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.03.015

Carruthers, T, Punt, AE, Walters, CJ, MacCall, A, McAllister, MK, Dick, EJ, Cope, J. 2014. Evaluating methods for setting catch limits in data-limited fisheries. Fish. Res. 153: 48-68. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2013.12.014

Feenstra, J, McGarvey, RM, Linnane, A, Punt, AE,  Bean, N. 2014. Environmental influences on daily commercial catch rates of South Australia’s southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii). Fish. Ocean. 23: 382-374. doi:10.1111/fog.12069

Hamon, K, Frusher, S, Little, R, Thebaud, O, Punt, AE. 2014. Adaptive behaviour of fishers to external perturbations: Simulation of the Tasmanian rock lobster fishery. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 24: 577-592.  doi:10.1007/s11160-013-9302-1

Hurtado-Ferro, F, Punt, AE, Hill, KT. 2014. Use of multiple selectivity patterns as a proxy for spatial structure. Fish. Res. 158: 102-115. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2013.10.001

Kendall, NW, Dieckmann, U, Heino, M, Punt, AE, Quinn, TP. 2014. Evolution of age and length at maturation of Alaskan salmon under size-selective harvest. Evol. Appl. 7: 313-322. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2013.10.001

King, JR, McFarlane, GA, Punt, AE. 2014. Shifts in fisheries management:  Adapting to regime shifts. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 270: 1659. doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0277

Kotwicki, S, Ianelli, JN, Punt, AE. 2014. Correcting density-dependent effects in abundance estimates from bottom trawl surveys. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 71: 1107-1116. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst208

Lien, Y-H, Su, N-J, Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Yeh, S-Z, DiNardo, G. 2014. Spatial and environmental determinants of the distribution of Striped Marlin (Kajikia audax) in the western and central North Pacific Ocean. Env. Biol. Fish. 97: 267-276.  doi:10.1007/s10641-013-0149-z

Little, LR, Parslow, J, Fay, G, Grafton, RQ, Smith, ADM, Punt, AE, Tuck, GN. 2014. Environmental Derivatives, Risk Analysis, and Conservation Management. Consv. Lett. 7: 196-207. doi:10.1111/conl.12041

Linnane, A, McGarvey, R, Gardner, C, Walter, TI, Punt, AE. 2014. Large-scale patterns in puerulus settlement and links to fishery recruitment in the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii), across south-eastern Australia. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 17: 528-536. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst176

Morello, EB, Plaganyi, EE, Babcock, RC, Sweatman, H, Hillarym R, Punt, AE. 2014. Modelling to manage and reduce crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 512: 167-183. doi:10.3354/meps10858

Plaganyi, EE, Punt, AE, Hillary, R, Morello, EB, Thébaud, O, Hutton, T, Pillans, RD, Thorson, JT, Fulton, EA, Smith, ADM, Smith, F, Bayliss, P, Haywood, M, Lyne, V,  Rothlisberg, PV. 2014. Models of intermediate complexity for ecosystem assessment to support tactical management decisions in fisheries and conservation. Fish and Fish. 15: 1-22. doi:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00488.x

Punt, AE. 2014. A summary history of the application of statistical catch-at-age analysis (SCAA) to Antarctic minke whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 14: 81-92.

Punt, AE, Dorn, M. 2014. Comparisons of meta-analytic methods for deriving a probability distribution for the steepness of the stock-recruitment relationship. Fish. Res. 149: 43-54. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2013.09.015

Punt, AE, A’mar, T, Bond, NA, Butterworth, DS, de Moor, CL, De Oliveira, JAA, Haltuch, MA, Hollowed, AB, Szuwalski, C. 2014. Fisheries management under climate and environmental uncertainty: control rules and performance simulation. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 71: 2208–2220. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst057

Punt, AE, Hakamada, T, Bando, T, Kitakado. T. 2014. Assessment of of Antarctic minke whales using statistical catch-at-age analysis. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 14: 93-116.

Punt, AE, Hurtado-Ferro, F, Whitten, AR. 2014. Model selection for selectivity in fisheries stock assessment. Fish. Res. 158: 124-134. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2013.06.003

Punt, AE, Poljak, D, Dalton, MG,  Foy, RJ. 2014. Evaluating the impact of Ocean Acidification on fishery yields and profits: The example of red king crab in Bristol Bay. Ecol. Model. 285: 39-53. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.04.017

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM, Smith, DC, Tuck, GN, Klaer, NK. 2014. Selecting relative abundance proxies for BMSY and BMEY. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 71: 469-483. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst162

Punt, AE, Szuwalski, C, Stockhausen, W. 2014. An evaluation of stock–recruitment proxies and environmental change points for implementing the US Sustainable Fisheries Act. Fish. Res. 157: 28-40. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.03.015

Thorson, JT, Taylor, IG, Stewart, IJ, Punt, AE. 2014. Rigorous meta-analysis of life history correlations by simultaneously analyzing multiple population dynamics models. Ecol. Appl. 24: 315-326. doi:10.1890/12-1803.1

Tsai, W-P, Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Liu, KM. 2014. Demographic analysis of the shortfin mako shark, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the Northwest Pacific using a two-sex stage-based matrix model. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 71: 1604-1618. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu056

Van der Zee, JP, Punt, AE. 2014. Evaluating critical dispersal rates for whale management under the IWCs Revised Management Procedure: An application for North Atlantic common minke whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 14: 125-132.


Brandon, JR, Punt, AE. 2013. Testing the Gray Whale Strike Limit Algorithm (SLA): allowing environmental variability to influence population dynamics. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 13: 81-88

Dougherty, DT, Hilborn, R, Punt, AE, Stewart, IJ. 2013. Modeling co-occurring groundfish species: a simulation study on the effects of the spatial scale for setting management targets. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 70: 49-56. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2012-0042

Fay, G, Punt, AE. 2013. Methods for estimating spatial trends in Steller sea lion pup production using the Kalman filter. Ecol Appl 23: 1455-1474. doi:10.1890/12-1645.1

Kitakado, T, Lockyer, C, Punt, AE. 2013. A statistical model for quantifying age-reading errors
and its application to the Antarctic minke whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 13: 181-190

Kotwicki, S, De Robertis, A, Ianelli, JN, Punt, AE, Horne, JK. 2013. Combining bottom trawl and acoustic data to model acoustic dead zone correctionand bottom trawl efficiency parameters for semi-pelagic species. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 70: 208-219. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2012-0321

Martien, KK, Gregovich, DP, Punt, AE. 2013. Defining the appropriate ‘Unit-To-Conserve’ under the International Whaling Commission’s Revised Management Procedure. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 13: 31-38

Magnusson, A, Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 2013. Measuring uncertainty in fisheries stock assessment: the delta method, bootstrap, and MCMC. Fish and Fish. 14: 325-342. doi:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00473.x

Maunder, MN, Punt, AE. 2013. A review of integrated analysis in fisheries stock assessment. Fish. Res. 142: 61-74. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2012.07.025

Nel, R, Punt AE, Hughes, G. 2013. Are Coastal Protected Areas always effective in achieving population recovery for nesting sea turtles?. PLOS ONE 8(5): e63525. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063525

Okamura, H, Punt, AE, Semba, Y, Ichinnokawa, M. 2013. Marginal increment analysis: a new statistical approach of testing for temporal periodicity in fish age verification. J. Fish Biol. 82: 1239-1249. doi:10.1111/jfb.12062

Punt, AE, Haung, T-C, Maunder, MN. 2013. Review of integrated size-structured models for stock assessment of hard-to-age crustacean and mollusc species. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 70: 6-33. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fss185

Punt, AE, Trinnie, F, Walker, TI, McGarvey, R, Feenstra, J, Linnane, A, Hartmann, K. 2013. The performance of a management procedure for rock lobsters, Jasus edwardsii, off western Victoria, Australia in the face on non-stationary dynamics. Fish. Res. 137: 116-128. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2012.09.017

Su, N-J, Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Yeh, S-Z, Chaing, W-C, Chang, Y-J, Chang, H-Y. 2013. Effects of sexual dimorphism on population parameters and exploitation ratios of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Aquat. Liv. Resourc. 26: 19-24.doi:10.1051/alr/2012039

Su, N-J, Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Yeh, S-Z, DiNardo, G, Chang, Y-J. 2013. An ensemble analysis to predict future habitats of striped marlin (Kajijia audax) in the North Pacific Ocean. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 70: 1013-1022. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fss191

Szuwalski, CS, Punt, AE. 2013. Fisheries management for regime-based ecosystems: A management strategy evaluation for the snow crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 70: 955-967. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fss182

Szuwalski, CS, Punt, AE. 2013.  Regime shifts and recruitment dynamics of snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Ocean. 22: 345-354. doi:10.1111/fog.12026

Thorson, JT, Clarke, ME, Stewart, IJ, Punt, AE. 2013. The implications of spatially varying catchability on bottom trawl surveys of fish abundance, and a proposed solution involving underwater vehicles. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 70: 294-306. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2012-0330

Thorson, JT, Stewart, IJ, Taylor, IG, Punt, AE. 2013. Using a recruitment-linked multispecies model to estimate common trends in recruitment for U.S. West Coast groundfishes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 483: 245-256. doi:10.3354/meps10295

Thorson, JT, Zhou, S, Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 2013. A stepwise-spline approximation to time-varying effects in population dynamics models, with application to occupancy modelling. Meth. Ecol. Evol. 4: 123-132. doi:10.1111/j.2041-210x.2012.00260.x

Tseng, C-E, Su, N-J, Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Yeh, S-Z, Liu, D-C, Su, W-C. 2013. Spatial and temporal variability of the Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) distribution in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 70: 991-999. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fss205

van Putten, IE, Jennings, S, Frusher, S, Gardner, C, Haward, M, Hobday, AJ,  Nursey-Bray, M, Percl, G, Punt, A,  Hilary, R. 2013. Building blocks of economic resilience to climate change: A south east Australian fisheries example.  Reg. Envion. Change 13: 1313-1323. doi:10.1007/s10113-013-0456-0


Bradford, AL, Weller, DW, Punt, AE, Ivashchenko, YV, Burdin, AM, VanBlaricom, GR, Brownell, RL Jr. 2012. Leaner leviathans: body condition variation in a critically endangered whale population. J. Mammal. 93:251-266. doi:10.1644/11-MAMM-A-091.1

Dichmont, CM, Deng, RA, Punt, AE, Venables, WN, Hutton, T. 2012. From input to output controls in a short-lived species: the case of Australia’s Northern Prawn Fishery. Mar. Freshw. Res. 63:727-729. doi:10.1071/MF12068

Laake, JL, Punt, AE, Hobbs, R, Ferguson, M, Rugh, D,  Breiwick, J. 2012. Gray whale southbound migration surveys 1967-2006: an integrated re-analysis. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 12:287-306

Mongillo, TM, Holmes, EE, Noren, DP, VanBlaricom, GR, Punt, AE, O’Neill, SM, Ylitalo, GM, Hanson, MB, Ross, PS. 2012. Predicted polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) accumulation in southern resident killer whales. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 453:263-277. doi:10.3354/meps09658

Nursey-Bray, M, Pecl, GT, Frusher, S, Gardner, C, Haward, M, Hobday, AJ, Jennings, S, Punt, AE, Revill, H, van Putten, I. 2012. Communicating climate change: climate change risk perceptions and rock lobster fishers, Tasmania. Mar. Pol. 36: 753-759. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2011.10.015

Okamura, H, Punt, AE, Amano, T. 2012. A generalized model for overdispersed count data. Pop. Ecol. 54:467-474. doi:10.1007/s10144-012-0319-4

Ono, K, Rivot, E, Punt, AE. 2012. Model performance analysis using bias, precision and reliability estimators in a Bayesian framework. Fish. Res. 125-6:173-183. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2012.02.022

Pascoe, S, Coglan, L, Punt, AE, Dichmont, CM. 2012. Impacts of vessel capacity reduction programs on efficiency in fisheries: the case of Australia’s multispecies northern prawn fishery.  J. Agrc. Econ. 63:425-443. doi:10.1111/j.1477-9552.2011.00333.x

Punt, AE, Szuwalski, C. 2012. How well can FMSY and BMSY be estimated using empirical measures of surplus production? Fish. Res. 134-136:113-124. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2012.08.014

Punt, AE, Wade, PR. 2012. Population status of the eastern North Pacific stock of gray whales in 2009. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 12:15-28

Punt, AE, McGarvey, R, Linnane, A, Phillips, J, Triantafillos, L, Feenstra, J. 2012. Evaluating empirical decision rules for southern rock lobster fisheries: A South Australian example. Fish. Res. 115-116:60-71. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2011.11.010

Punt, AE, Siddeek, MSM, Garber-Yonts, B, Dalton, M, Rugolo, L, Stram, D, Turnock, BJ, Zheng, J. 2012. Evaluating the impact of buffers to account for scientific uncertainty when setting TACs: application to red king crab in Bristol Bay, Alaska. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 69:624–634. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fss047

Su, NJ, Sun, CL, Punt, AE, Yeh, SZ, DiNardo, G. 2012. Incorporating habitat preference into the stock assessment and management of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Pacific Ocean. Mar. Freshw. Res. 63:565–575. doi:10.1071/MF11244

Szuwalski, C, Punt, AE. 2012. Identifying research priorities for management under uncertainty: The estimation ability of the stock assessment method used for eastern Bering Sea snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio). Fish. Res. 134-136:82-94. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2012.08.007

Thorson, JT, Punt, AE, Nel, R. 2012. Evaluating population recovery for sea turtles under nesting beach protection while accounting for nesting behaviours and changes in availability. J. Appl. Ecology 49:601-610. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02143.x

Thorson, JT, Stewart, IJ, Punt, AE. 2012. Development and application of an agent based model to evaluate methods for estimating relative abundance indices for shoaling fish such as Pacific rockfish (Sebastes spp.). ICES J. Mar. Sci. 69:635-647. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fss003


Cope, JM, Punt, AE. 2011. Reconciling stock assessment and management scales under conditions of spatially varying catch histories. Fish. Res. 107: 22–38. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2010.10.002

Fay, G, Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 2011. Impacts of spatial uncertainty on performance of age structure-based harvest strategies for blue eye trevalla (Hyperoglyphe antarctica). Fish. Res. 110: 391-407. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2011.04.015

Garrison, TM, Hamel, OS, Punt, AE. 2011. Can data collected from marine protected areas improve estimates of life-history parameters? Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1761-1771. doi:10.1139/F2011-073

Haltuch, MA, Punt, AE. 2011. The promises and pitfalls of including decadal-scale climate forcing of recruitment in groundfish stock assessment. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68:912-926. doi:10.1139/F2011-030

Hollowed, AB, Aydin, KY, Essington, TE, Ianelli, JN, Megrey, BA, Punt, AE,  Smith, ADM. 2011. Experience with quantitative ecosystem assessment tools in the northeast Pacific. Fish and Fish. 12:189-208. doi:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2011.00413.x

Little, LR, Grafton, RQ, Kompas, T, Smith, ADM, Punt, AE, Mapstone, BD. 2011. Complementarity of no-take marine reserves and individual transferable catch quotas for managing the line fishery of the Great Barrier Reef. Cons. Biol. 25:333-340. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01590.x

Little, LR, Wayte, SE, Tuck, GN, Smith, ADM, Klaer, N, Haddon, M, Punt, AE, Thomson, R, Day, J, Fuller, M. 2011. Development and evaluation of a cpue-based harvest control rule for the southern and eastern scalefish and shark fishery of Australia. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 68:1699-1705. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsr019

Maranto, CJ, Parrish, JK, Herman, DP, Punt, AE, Olden, JD, Brett, MT,Roby, DD. 2011. The use of fatty acid analysis to determine species dispersal: Caspian terns in the Columbia River Basin. Biol. Cons. 25:736-746. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2011.01706.x

McGilliard, CR, Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 2011. Spatial structure induced by marine reserves shapes population responses to catastrophes in mathematical models. Ecol. Appl. 21:1399-1409. doi: 10.1890/10-0001.1

Pasco, S, Vieira, S, Dichmont, CM, Punt, AE. 2011. Optimal vessel size and output in the Australian northern prawn fishery: a restricted profit function approach. Austral. J. Agricult. Resourc. Econ. 55:107-125. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8489.2010.00526.x.

Punt, AE. 2011. The impact of climate change on the performance of rebuilding strategies for overfished groundfish species of the U.S. west coast. Fish. Res. 109:320-329. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2011.02.019

Punt, AE, Deng, R, Pascoe, S, Dichmont, CM, Zhou, S, Plagányi, EE, Hutton, T, Venables, WN, Kenyon, R, van der Velde, T. 2011. Calculating optimal effort and catch trajectories for multiple species modelled using a mix of size-structured, delay-difference and biomass dynamics models. Fish. Res. 109:201-211. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2011.02.006

Punt, AE, Smith, DC, Smith, ADM. 2011. Among-stock comparisons for improving stock assessments of data-poor stocks: the “Robin Hood” approach. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 68:972-981. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr039

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Su, N-J, Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Yeh, S-Z, DiNardo, G. 2011. Modelling the impacts of environmental variation on the distribution of blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, in the Pacific Ocean. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 68:1072–1080. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr028

Su, N-J, Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Yeh, S-Z, Dinardo. G. 2011. Evaluation of a spatially sex-specific assessment method incorporating a habitat preference model for blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Pacific Ocean. Fish. Oceanogr. 20:5, 415-433. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2011.00593.x

Thorson, JT, Stewart, IJ, Punt, AE. 2011. Accounting for fish shoals in single- and multispecies survey data using mixture distribution models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68:1681-1693. doi:10.11.39/F2011-086

Toft, JE, Punt, AE, Little, LR. 2011. Modelling the economic and ecological impacts of the transition to individual transferable quotas in the multispecies US west coast groundfish trawl fleet. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 68:1566-1579. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr095

Wetzel, CR, Punt, AE. 2011. Model performance for the determination of appropriate harvest levels in the case of data-poor stocks. Fish. Res. 110: 342-355. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2011.04.024

Wetzel, CR, Punt, AE. 2011. Performance of a fisheries catch-at-age model (stock synthesis) in data-limited situations. Mar. Freshw. Res. 62:927-936. doi:10.1071/MF11006

Zhou, S, Punt, AE, Deng, R, Bishop, J. 2011. Estimating multifleet catchability coefficients and natural mortality from fishery catch and effort data: comparison of Bayesian state–space and observation error models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68:1171-1181. doi:10.1139/F2011-052

Zhou, S, Punt, AE, Deng, R, Kienzle, M, Rochester, W. 2011. Bayesian fishable biomass dynamics models incorporating fished area and relative fish density. Can. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci. 68:1603-1614. doi:10.1139/F2011-083


A’mar, ZT, Punt, AE, Dorn, MW. 2010. Incorporating ecosystem forcing through predation into a management strategy evaluation for the Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) fishery. Fish. Res. 102:98-114. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2009.10.014

Butterworth, DS, Bentley, N, De Oliveira, JAA,  Donovan, GP, Kell, LT, Parma, AM, Punt, AE, Sainsbury, KJ, Smith, ADM, Stokes, TK. 2010. Purported flaws in management strategy evaluation: basic problems or misinterpretations? ICES J. Mar. Sci. 67:567-574. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsq009

Dichmont, CM, Pascoe, S, Kompas, T, Punt, AE, Deng, R. 2010. On implementing maximum economic yield in commercial fisheries. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 107:16-21. doi:10.1073/pnas.0912091107

McGarvey, R, Linnane, AJ, Feenstra, JE, Punt, AE, Matthews, JM. 2010. Integrating recapture-conditioned movement estimation into spatial stock assessment: a south Australian lobster fishery application. Fish. Res. 105:80-90. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2010.03.006

Kompas, T, Dichmont, CM, Punt, AE, Deng, A, Che, TN, Bishop, J, Gooday, P, Ye, Y, Zhou, S. 2010. Maximizing profits and conserving stocks in the Australian northern prawn fishery. Austral. J. Agric. Res. Econ. 54:281-299. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8489.2010.00493.x

Linnane, A, Gardner, C, Hobday, D, Punt, A, McGarvey, R, Feenstra, J, Matthews, J, Green, B. 2010. Evidence of large-scale spatial declines in recruitment patterns of southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii, across south-eastern Australia. Fish. Res. 105:163-171. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2010.04.001

McGilliard, CR, Hilborn, R, MacCall, A, Punt, AE, Field, JC. 2010. Can information from marine protected areas be used to inform control-rule-based management of small-scale, data-poor stocks? ICES J. Mar. Sci. 68:201-211. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsq151

Pascoe, S, Punt, AE, Dichmont, CM. 2010. Targeting ability and output controls in Australia’s multi-species northern prawn fishery. Eur. Rev. Agric. Econ. 37:313-334. doi: 10.1093/erae/jbq022

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Williams, AJ, Little, LR, Punt, AE, Mapstone, BD, Davies, CR, Heupel, MR. 2010. Exploring movement patterns of an exploited coral reef fish when tagging data are limited. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 405:87-99. doi:10.3354/meps08527

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Zhou, S, Smith, ADM, Punt, AE, Richardson, AJ, Gibbs, M, Fulton, EA, Pascoe, C Bulman, C, Bayliss, B, Sainsbury, K. 2010. Ecosystem-based fisheries management requires a change to the selective fishing philosophy. PNAS 107(21):9485-9489. doi:10.1073/pnas.0912771107


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Cope, JM, Punt, AE. 2009. Length-based reference points for data-limited situations: applications and restrictions. Mar. Coast. Fish. Dyn. Mgmt. Ecosys. Sci. 1:169-186. doi:10.1577/C08-025.1

Cope, JM, Punt. 2009. Drawing the lines: resolving fishery management units with simple fisheries data. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 66: 1256-1273. doi:10.1139/F09-084

Hobday, D, Punt, AE. 2009. How much spatial structure can data for rock lobster off Victoria, Australia support? NZ J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 43:373-385. doi:10.1080/00288330909510007

Haltuch, MA, Punt, AE, Dorn, MW. 2009. Evaluating the estimation of fishery management reference points in a variable environment. Fish. Res. 100: 42-56. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2009.03.001

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Kinzey, D, Punt, AE. 2009. Multispecies and single-species models of fish population dynamics: comparing parameter estimates. Nat. Res. Model. 22:67-104. doi:10.1111/j.1939-7445.2008.00030.x

Little, LR, Punt, AE, Mapstone, BD, Begg, GA, Goldman, B, Ellis, N. 2009. Different responses to area closures and effort controls for sedentary and migratory harvested species in a multispecies coral reef linefishery. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 66:1931–1941. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp164

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Martien, KK, Gregovich, D, Bravington, MV, Punt, AE, Strand, AE, Tallmon, DA, Taylor, BL. 2009. TOSSM: an R package for assessing performance of genetic analytical methods in a management context. Molec. Ecol. Res. 9: 1456-1459. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02686.x

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Punt, AE, Buckworth, RC, Dichmont, CM, Ye, Y. 2009. Performance of methods for estimating size–transition matrices using tag–recapture data. Mar. Freshw. Res. 60:168-182. doi:10.1071/MF08217

Smith, D, Punt, A, Dowling, N, Smith, A, Tuck, G, Knuckey, I. 2009. Reconciling approaches to the assessment and management of data-poor species and fisheries with Australia’s harvest strategy policy. Mar. Coast. Fish. Dyn. Mgmt. Ecosys. Sci. 1:244-254. doi:10.1577/C08-041.1

Venables, WN, Ellis, N, Punt, AE, Dichmont, CM, Deng, RA. 2009. A simulation strategy for fleet dynamics in Australia’s Northern Prawn Fishery: Effort allocation at two scales. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 66:631-645. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp063

Zador, SG, Parrish, JK, Punt, AE. 2009. Factors influencing subcolony colonization and persistence in a colonial seabird, the common murre Uria aalgeMar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 376:283-293. doi:10.3354/meps07797

Zhou, S, Punt, AE, Deng, R, Dichmont, CM, Ye, Y, Bishop, J. 2009. Modified hierarchical Bayesian biomass dynamics models for assessment of short-lived invertebrates: a comparison for tropical tiger prawns. Mar. Freshw. Res. 60:1298-1308. doi:10.1071/MF09022


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Dichmont, CM, Deng, A, Punt, AE, Ellis, N, Venables, WN, Kompas, T, Ye, Y, Zhou, S, Bishop, J. 2008. Beyond biological performance measures in management strategy evaluation: Bringing in economics and the effects of trawling on the benthos. Fish. Res. 94:238-250. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2008.05.007

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Mapstone, BD, Little, LR, Punt, AE, Davis, CR, Smith, ADM, Pantus, F, McDonald, AD, Williams, AJ, Jones, A. 2008. Management strategy evaluation for line fishing in the Great Barrier Reef: Balancing conservation and multi-sector fishery objectives. Fish. Res. 94:315-329.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2008.07.013.

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Punt, AE, Smith, DC, KrusicGolub, K, Robertson, S. 2008. Quantifying age-reading error for use in fisheries stock assessments, with application to species in Australia’s southern and eastern scalefish and shark fishery. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65:1991-2005. doi:10.1139/F08-111

Smith, ADM,  Smith, DC, Tuck, GN, Klaer, N, Punt, AE, Knuckey, I, Prince, J, Morison, A, Kloser, R, Haddon, M, Wayte, S, Day, J, Fay, G, Pribac, F, Fuller, M, Taylor, B, Little, LR. 2008. Experience in implementing harvest strategies in Australia’s south-eastern fisheries. Fish. Res. 94:373-379. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2008.06.006

Su, N-J,  Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Yeh, S-Z. 2008. Environmental and spatial effects on the distribution of blue marlin (Makaira mazara) as inferred from data for longline fisheries in the Pacific Ocean. Fish. Oceanog. 17:432-445. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2008.00491.x

Su, N-J,  Yeh, S-Z, Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Chen, Y, Wang, S-P. 2008. Standardizing catch and effort data of the Taiwanese distant-water longline fishery in the western and central Pacific Ocean for bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesusFish. Res. 90:235-246. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2007.10.024

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Zador, SG, Punt,AE, Parrish, JK. 2008. Population impacts of endangered short-tailed albatross bycatch in the Alaskan trawl fishery. Biol. Cons. 141:872-882. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2008.01.001

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Brandon, JR, Breiwick, JM, Punt, AE, Wade, PR. 2007. Constructing a coherent joint prior while respecting biological realism: application to marine mammal stock assessments. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 64:1085-1100. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsm102

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Little, LR, Punt, AE, Mapstone, BD, Pantus, F, Smith, ADM, Davies, CR, McDonald, AD. 2007. ELFSim—A model for evaluating management options for spatially structured reef fish populations: an illustration of the “larval subsidy” effect. Ecol. Model. 205:381-396. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.03.005

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Punt, AE, Donovan, GP. 2007. Developing management procedures that are robust to uncertainty: lessons from the International Whaling Commission. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 64:603-612. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsm035

Punt, AE, Ralston, S. 2007. A management strategy evaluation of rebuilding revision rules for overfished rockfish stocks. Pages 329-351 in J Heifetz, J DiCosimo, AJ Gharrett, MS Love, VM O’Connell, RD Stanley (eds), Biology, Assessment, and Management of North Pacific Rockfishes. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, AK-SG-07-01.

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Dichmont, CM, Deng, AR, Punt, AE, Venables, W, Haddon, M. 2006. Management strategies for short lived species: the case of Australia’s northern prawn fishery. 1. Accounting for multiple species, spatial structure and implementation uncertainty when evaluating risk. Fish. Res. 82:221-234. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2006.06.010

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Fay, G, Punt, AE. 2006. Modeling spatial dynamics of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods: evaluating causes for population decline. Pages 405-433 in AW Trites, SK Atkinson, DP DeMaster, LW Fritz, TS Gelatt, LD Rea, K. Wynne (eds.), Sea Lions of the World. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

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Punt, AE. 2006. Assessing the Bering–Chukchi–Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales using abundance data together with data on length or age. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 8:127-137

Punt, AE. 2006. The FAO precautionary approach after almost 10 years: have we progressed towards implementing simulation-tested feedback-control management systems for fisheries management? Nat. Res. Model. 19:441-464. doi:10.1111/j.1939-7445.2006.tb00189.x

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Punt, AE, Friday, NA, Smith, TD. 2006. Reconciling data on the trends and abundance of North Atlantic humpback whales within a population modelling framework. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 8:145-159

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Hobday, D, Punt, AE, Smith, DC. 2005. Modelling the effects of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) on the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery of Victoria, Australia. NZ. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 39:675-686. doi:10.1080/00288330.2005.9517344

Ishimura, G, Punt, AE, Huppert, DD. 2005. Management of fluctuating fish stocks: the case of Pacific whiting. Fish. Res. 73:201-216. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2004.12.002

Little, LR, Smith, ADM, McDonald, AD, Punt, AE, Mapstone, BD, Pantus, F, Davies, CR. 2005. Effects of size and fragmentation of marine reserves and fisher infringement on the catch and biomass of coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus, on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Fish. Mgmt. Ecol. 12:177-188. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2400.2005.00440.x

McGarvey, R, Punt, AE, Matthews, JM. 2005. Assessing the information content of catch-in-numbers: a simulation comparison of catch and eff ort data sets. Pages 635-682 in GH Kruse, VF Gallucci, DE Hay, RI Perry, RM Peterman, TC Shirley, PD Spencer, B Wilson, D Woodby (eds), Fisheries Assessment in Data-Limited Situations. Alaska Sea Grant AK-SG-05-02.

Pribac, F, Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Taylor, BL. 2005. Using length, age and tagging data in a stock assessment of a length selective fishery for gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus). J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 35:267-290

Punt, AE, Methot, RD. 2005. The impact of recruitment projection methods on forecasts of rebuilding rates for overfished marine resources. Pages 571-634 in GH Kruse, VF Gallucci, DE Hay, RI Perry, RM Peterman, TC Shirley, PD Spencer, B Wilson, D Woodby (eds), Fisheries Assessment in Data-Limited Situations. Alaska Sea Grant AK-SG-05-02.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Taylor, BL, Walker, TI. 2005. Harvest strategy evaluation for school and gummy shark. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 35: 387-406. doi:10.2960/J.v35.m517

Wang, S-P, Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Yeh, S-Z. 2005. Evaluation of a sex-specific age-structured assessment method for the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, in the North Pacific Ocean. Fish. Res. 73:79-97. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2005.01.001.

Zeh, JE, Punt, AE. 2005. Updated 1978-2001 abundance estimates and their correlations for the Bering–Chukchi–Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 7:169-175


Helser, TE, Punt, AE, Methot, RD. 2004. A generlized linear mixed model analysis of a multi-vessel fishery resource survey. Fish. Res. 70:251-264. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2004.08.007

Hilborn, R, Punt, AE, Orensanz, J. 2004. Beyond band-aids in fisheries management: fixing world fisheries. Bull. Mar. Sci. 74:493-507

Little, LR, Kuikka, S, Punt, AE, Pantus, F, Davies, CR, Mapstone, BD. 2004. Information flow among fishing vessels modelled using a Bayesian network. Environm. Model. Soft. 19:27-34. doi:10.1016/S1364-8152(03)00100-2

Maunder, MN, Punt, AE. 2004. Standardizing catch and effort data: a review of recent approaches. Fish. Res. 70:141-159.  doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2004.08.002

Punt, AE, Methot, RD. 2004. Effects of marine protected areas on the assessment of marine fisheries. Am. Fish. Soc. Symp. 42:133-154.

Punt, AE, Allison, C, Fay, G. 2004. An examination of assessment models for the eastern North Pacific gray whale based on inertial dynamics. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 6:121-132


Dichmont, CM, Punt, AE, Deng, A, Dell, Q, Venables, W. 2003. Application of a weekly delay-difference model to commercial catch and effort data for tiger prawns in Australia’s northern prawn fishery. Fish. Res. 65:335-350. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2003.09.024

Flynn, L, Hilborn, R, Punt, AE. 2003. Identifying the spatial distribution of stocks of migrating adult sockeye salmon using age composition data. Alaska Fish. Res. Bull. 10:50-60

Punt, AE. 2003. Evaluating the efficacy of managing West Coast groundfish resources through simulations. Fish. Bull. 101:860-873

Punt, AE. 2003. Extending production models to include process error in the population dynamics. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 60:1217-1228. doi:10.1139/F03-105

Punt, AE. 2003. The performance of a size-structured stock assessment method in the face of spatial heterogeneity in growth. Fish. Res. 65:391-409. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2003.09.028


Butterworth, DS, Borchers, DL, Punt, AE. 2002. Dynamic response analysis for the eastern North Pacific gray whale population: An alternative approach. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage 4:77-83

Butterworth, DS, Korrubel, JL, Punt, AE. 2002. What is needed to make a simple density-dependent response population model consistent with data for the eastern North Pacific gray whales? J. Cetacean. Res. Manage 4:63-76

Cui, G, Punt, AE, Pastene, LA, Goto, M. 2002. Bayes and Empirical Bayes approaches to addressing stock structure questions using mtDNA data, with an illustrative application to North Pacific minke whales. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage 4: 123-134

Punt, AE, Breiwick, JM. 2002. A framework for evaluating Strike Limit Algorithms for populations reduced to small numbers. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage 4: 165-177

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM, Cui, G. 2002. Evaluation of management tools for Australia’s South East fishery: 1. Modelling the South East fishery taking account of technical interactions. Mar. Freshw. Res. 53:615-629. doi:10.1071/MF01007

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM, Cui, G. 2002. Evaluation of management tools for Australia’s South East Fishery. 2. How well do commonly-used stock assessment methods perform?. Mar. Freshw. Res. 53:631-644. doi:10.1071/MF01008

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM, Cui, G. 2002. Evaluation of management tools for Australia’s South East Fishery. 3. Towards selecting appropriate harvest strategies. Mar. Freshw. Res. 53:645-660. doi:10.1071/MF01009

Punt, AE. Butterworth, DS. 2002. An examination of certain of the assumptions made in the Bayesian approach used to assess the eastern Pacific stock of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus). J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 4:99-110


Cui., G, Bax, NJ, Punt, AE, Knuckey, IA. 2001. Estimating gill-net selectivity for five species caught in the South East Fishery, Australia. Mar. Freshw. Res. 52:691-699. doi:10.1071/MF99162

Hobday, D, Punt, AE. 2001. Length-structured population modelling and risk assessment of the Victorian southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, fishery. Mar. Freshw. Res. 53:1495-1507. doi:10.1071/MF01050

Patterson, K, Cook, R, Darby, C, Gavaris, S, Kell, L, Lewy, P, Mesnil, B, Punt, A, Restrepo, V, Skagen, DW, Stefansson, G. 2001. Estimating uncertainty in fish stock assessment and forecasting. Fish and Fish. 2: 125-157. doi:10.1046/j.1467-2960.2001.00042.x

Punt, AE, Smith, DC. 2001. Assessments of species in the Australian South East Fishery can be sensitive to the method used to convert from size- to age-composition data. Mar. Freshwater Res. 52: 683-690. doi:10.1071/MF99129

Punt, AE, Campbell, R, Smith, ADM. 2001. Evaluating empirical indicators and reference points for fisheries management: Application to the broadbill swordfish fishery off Eastern Australia. Mar. Freshw. Res.  52:819-832. doi:0.1071/MF00095

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM, G. Cui, G. 2001. Review of progress in the introduction of ma5nagement strategy evaluation (MSE) approaches in Australia’s South East Fishery. Mar. Freshw. Res. 52:719-726. doi:10.1071/MF99187

Punt, AE, Smith, DC, Thomson, RB, Haddon, M, He, X, Lyle, JM. 2001. Stock assessment of the blue grenadier Macruronus novaezelandiae resource off south-eastern Australia. Mar. Freshw. Res. 52:701-717. doi:10.1071/MF99136

Punt, AE, Smith, AD, Davidson, AJ, Mapstone, BM, Davies, CR. 2001. Evaluating the scientific benefits of spatially explicit experimental manipulations of common coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. p. 67-103. In: G.H. Kruse, N. Bez, A. Booth, M.W. Dorn, S. Hills, R.N. Lipcius, D. Pelletier, C. Roy, S.J. Smith and D. Withrell [Ed.]. Spatial Processes and Management of Marine Populations, University of Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-01-02, Fairbanks.

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 2001. The gospel of Maximum Sustainable Yield in fisheries management: birth, crucifixion and reincarnation. p. 41-66. In: J.D. Reynolds, G.M. Mace, K.R. Redford and J.R. Robinson [Ed.] Conservation of Exploited Species, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Prince, JD. 2001. Assessing the management-related benefits of fixed-station fishery-independent surveys in Australia’s southern shark fishery. Fish. Res. 55:281-295. doi:10.1016/S0165-7836(01)00276-4

Smith, DC, Smith, ADM, Punt, AE. 2001. Approach and process for stock assessment in the South East Fishery, Australia: A perspective. Mar. Freshw. Res. 52:671-681. doi:10.1071/MF00150


Punt, AE. 2000. Extinction of marine renewable resources: a demographic analysis. Popul. Ecol. 42:19-27. doi:10.1007/s101440050005

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 2000. Why do Bayesian and maximum likelihood assessments of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales differ? J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2:125-133

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Wada, S. 2000. On the use of allele frequency data within a Bayesian framework to evaluate the probability of alternative stock structure hypotheses for the North Pacific minke whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2: 151-158.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Walker, TI, Taylor, BL, Prince, JD. 2000. Stock assessment of school shark Galeorhinus galeus based on a spatially-explicit population dynamics model. Mar. Freshw. Res. 51: 205-220. doi:10.1071/MF99124

Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Taylor, BL, Pribac, F. 2000. Standardization of catch and effort data in a spatially-structured shark fishery. Fish. Res. 45: 129-145. doi:10.1016/S0165-7836(99)00106-X

Sainsbury, KJ, Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 2000. Design of operational management stratgies for achieving fishery ecosystem objectives. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 57:731-741. doi:10.1006/jmsc.2000.0737


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1999. Experiences in the evaluation and implementation of management procedures. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 56:985-998. doi:10.1006/jmsc.1999.0532

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1999. An initial examination of possible inferences concerning MSYR for Southern Hemisphere minke whales from recruitment trends estimated in catch-at-age analyses. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 1: 33-39

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Geromont, HF, Kato, H, Y. Fujise, Y. 1999. Inferences on the dynamics of Southern Hemisphere minke whales from ADAPT analyses of catch-at-age information. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 1: 11-32

Givens, GH, Punt, AE, Bernstein, TAO. 1999. Equivalence tuning of Strike Limit AlgorithmsJ. Cetacean Res. Manage. 1: 289-295

Punt, AE. 1999. Evaluating the costs and benefits of alternative monitoring programmes for fisheries management. p. 209-222. In: C.P. Nolan [Ed.] Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Fisheries Monitoring’, Sydney, Australia. 1-5 February 1999. FAO, Rome.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1999. On assessment of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) using a Bayesian approach. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 1:53-71

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 1999. Harvest strategy evaluation for the eastern stock of gemfish (Rexea solandri). ICES J. Mar. Sci. 56:860-875.doi:10.1006/jmsc.1999.0538

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 1999. Management of long-lived marine resources: A comparison of feedback-control management procedures. p. 243-265. In: J.A. Musick [Ed.] Life in the slow lane: Ecology and conservation of long-lived marine animals. American Fisheries Society Symposium 23, Bethesda, MD.

Xiao, Y, Brown, LP, Walker, TI, Punt, AE. 1999. Estimation of instantaneous rates of tag shedding for school shark, Galeorhinus galeus, and gummy shark, Mustelus antarcticus, by conditional likelihood. Fish Bull US. 97: 170-184


Booth, AJ, Punt, AE. 1998. Evidence for rebuilding in the panga stock on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. Fish. Res. 34: 103-121. doi10.1016/S0165-7836(97)00092-1

Punt, AE, Walker, TI. 1998. Stock assessment and risk analysis for the school shark (Galeorhinus galeus) resource off southern Australia. Mar. Freshw. Res. 49: 719-731. doi:0.1071/MF96101

Smith, ADM, Punt, AE. 1998. Stock assessment of gemfish (Rexea solandri) in eastern Australia using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. p. 245-286. In: T.J. Quinn II, F. Funk, J. Heifetz, J.N. Ianelli, J.E. Powers, J.F. Schweigert, P.J. Sullivan and C-I Zhang [Ed.] Fisheries Stock Assessment Models, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, AK-SG-98-01.


McDonald, AD, Smith, ADM, Punt, AE, Tuck, GN, Davidson, AJ. 1997. Empirical evaluation of expected returns from research on stock structure for determination of total allowable catch. Natural Resource Modelling 10:3-29.

Punt, AE. 1997. The performance of VPA-based management. Fish. Res. 29:217-243. doi:10.1016/S0165-7836(96)00539-5

Punt, AE. 1997. The effects of future consumption by seals on catches of Cape hake off South Africa. p. 134-140. In: E.K. Pikitch, D.D. Huppert and M.P. Sissenwine [Ed.] Global Trends: Fisheries Management. American Fisheries Society Symposium 20, Bethesda, MD.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1997. Assessments of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 47:603-618.

Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 1997. Fisheries stock assessment and decision analysis: A review of the Bayesian approach. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 7:35-63. doi:10.1023/A:1018419207494

Punt, AE, Kennedy, RB. 1997. Population modelling of Tasmanian rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, resources. Mar. Freshw. Res. 48:967-980. doi:10.1071/MF97070

Punt, AE, Cooke, JG, Borchers, DL, Strindberg, S. 1997. Estimating the extent of additional variance for Southern Hemisphere minke whales from the results of the IWC/IDCR cruises. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 47: 431-434.

Punt, AE, Kennedy, RB, Frusher, S. 1997. Estimating the size-transition matrix for Tasmanian rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii. Mar. Freshw. Res. 48: 981-992. doi:10.1071/MF97017.

Punt, AE, Polacheck, T, Butterworth, DS. 1997. Comparison of SLAs for the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 47: 865-870.


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Geromont, HF, Kato, H, Miyashita, T. 1996. An ADAPT approach to the analysis of catch-at-age information for Southern Hemisphere minke whales. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 46:349-359.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 1996. On plausible hypotheses and their weighting, with implications for selection between variants of the Revised Management Procedure. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 46:637-640.

Punt, AE. 1996. The effects of assuming that density dependence in the Hitter-Fitter model acts on natural mortality rather than fecundity. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 46:629-636.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1996. Further remarks on the Bayesian approach for assessing the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 46:481-491.

Punt, AE,  Polacheck, T. 1996. Some thoughts on the selection of a catch limit algorithm for a revised aboriginal subsistence whaling scheme. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 46:463-473.

Punt, AE, Pulfrich, A, Butterworth, DS, Penney, AJ. 1996. The effect of hook size on the size-specific selectivity of hottentot Pachymetopon blochii (Val.), and its effects on yield per recruit computation. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 17:155-172. doi:10.2989/025776196784158473


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1995. On the Bayesian approach suggested for the assessment of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 45:303-311.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Oosthuizen, WH, Wickens, PA. 1995. The effects of future consumption by the Cape fur seal on catches and catch rates of the Cape hakes. 3. Modelling the dynamics of the Cape fur seal population. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 16:161-183. doi:10.2989/025776195784156511

Punt, AE. 1995. The performance of a production-model management procedure. Fish. Res. 21: 349-374.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1995. The effects of future consumption by the Cape fur seal on catches and catch rates of the Cape hakes. 4. Modelling the biological interaction between Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus and Cape hakes Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxusS. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 16:255-285. doi:10.2989/025776195784156494

Punt, AE, Leslie, RW. 1995. The effects of future consumption by the Cape fur seal on catches and catch rates of the Cape hakes. 1. Feeding and diet of the Cape hakes Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxusS. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 16: 37-55. doi:10.2989/025776195784156539

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Martin, J. 1995. The effects of errors in the placement of the boundary between the West and South Coast hake Merluccius spp. stocks on the performance of the current hake management procedure. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 15:83-98. doi:10.2989/02577619509504835

Punt, AE, David, JHM, Leslie, RW. 1995. The effects of future consumption by the Cape fur seal on catches and catch rates of the Cape hakes. 2. Feeding and diet of the Cape fur seal. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 16:85-99. doi:10.2989/025776195784156647

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Penney, AJ. 1995. Stock assessment and risk analysis for the South Atlantic population of albacore Thunnus alalunga using an age-structured production model. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 16:287-310. doi:10.2989/025776195784156476.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Wada, S, Kishino, H. 1995. On the use of allele frequency data to provide estimates of the extent of mixing between the various north Pacific minke whale stocks. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 45:293-300.


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1994. An investigation of the merits or otherwise of the proposal for an Antarctic-wide whale sanctuary by means of adaptations of the simulation trials used to test the Revised Management Procedure. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 44:289-301.

McAllister, MK, Pikitch, EK, Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 1994. A Bayesian approach to stock assessment and harvest decisions using the sampling/importance resampling algorithm. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51:2673-2687. doi:10.1139/f94-267

Punt, AE. 1994. Assessments of the stocks of Cape hake Merluccius spp. off South Africa. S. Afr J. mar. Sci. 14:159-186. doi:10.2989/025776194784287003

Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 1994. A comparison of fisheries models with and without cannibalism with implications for multispecies management. ICES J. mar. Sci. 51:19-29. doi:10.1006/jmsc.1994.1003

Punt, AE, Japp, DW. 1994. Stock assessment of the kingklip Genypterus capensis off South Africa. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 14: 133-149. doi:10.2989/025776194784286996

Walters, CJ, Punt, AE. 1994. Placing odds on sustainable catch using virtual population analysis and survey data. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51: 946-958. doi:10.1139/f94-094.


Garratt, PA, Govender, A, Punt, AE. 1993. Growth acceleration at sex change in the protogynous hermaphrodite Chrysoblephus puniceus (Pisces: Sparidae) S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 13:187-193. doi:10.2989/025776193784287176

Polacheck, T, Hilborn, R, Punt, AE. 1993. Fitting surplus production models: comparing methods and measuring uncertainty. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50:2597-2607. doi:10.1139/f93-284

Punt, AE. 1993. The comparative performance of production-model and ad hoc tuned VPA based feedback-control management procedures for the stock of Cape hake off west coast of South Africa. p. 283-299. In: S.J. Smith, J.J. Hunt and D. Rivard [Ed.] Risk evaluation and biological reference points for fisheries management. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Spec. Publ. 120.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1993. Variance estimates for fisheries assessment: their importance and how best to evaluate them. p. 145-162. In: S.J. Smith, J.J. Hunt and D. Rivard [Ed.] Risk evaluation and biological reference points for fisheries management. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Spec. Publ. 120.

Punt, AE, Garratt, PA, Govender, A. 1993. On an approach to applying per-recruit methods to a protogynous hermaphrodite, with an illustration for the slinger Chrysoblephus puniceus (Pisces: Sparidae). S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 13: 109-119. doi:10.2989/025776193784287293


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1992. The Scientific Committee ‘…agreed that the MSY rate would most likely lie between 1 and 4%’ – but which MSY rate? Rep. int. Whal. Commn 42: 583-591.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1992. Assessments of the East Greenland-Iceland fin whale stock. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 42: 671-696.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Basson, M. 1992. A simple approach for calculating the potential yield of krill from biomass survey results. Sel. Scient. Pap. Commn. Cons. Antarctic Liv. Resour. SC-CCAMLR-SSP/8: 207-217.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Bergh, MO, Borchers, DL. 1992. Assessment and management of South African marine resources during the period of the Benguela Ecology Programme: Key lessons and future directions. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 12:989-1004. doi:10.2989/02577619209504757

Punt, AE. 1992. Selecting management methodologies for marine resources, with an illustration for southern African hake. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 12: 943-958. doi:10.2989/02577619209504754

Punt, AE, Leslie, RW, Du Plessis, SE. 1992. Estimation of the annual consumption of food by Cape hake (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) off the South African west coast. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 12:611-634. doi:10.2989/02577619209504728


Bergh, MO, Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1991. Further examination of the potential information content of age-structure data from Antarctic minke whale research cruises. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 41: 349-361.

Punt, AE,. Butterworth, DS. 1991. On an approach for comparing the implications of alternative fish stock assessments, with application to the stock of Cape hake off northern Namibiac. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 10:219-240. doi:10.2989/02577619109504634

Punt, AE,  Leslie, RW. 1991. Estimates of some biological parameters for the Cape hake off the South African west coast. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 10:271-284. doi:10.2989/02577619109504637

Smale, MJ,  Punt, AE. 1991. Age and growth of the red steenbras Petrus repestris (Pisces: Sparidae) on the southeast coast of South Africa. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 10:131-139. doi:10.2989/02577619109504626


Punt, AE. 1990. Is B1 = K an appropriate assumption when applying an observation error production model estimator to catch-effort data? S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 9:249-259. doi:10.2989/025776190784378925

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1990. Some preliminary examinations of the potential information content of age-structure data from Antarctic minke whale research catches. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 40:301-315.


Punt, AE. 1989. Bias and variance of catch-effort based model estimation procedures used in the management of the ICSEAF hake stocks – a preliminary comparative investigation. Sel. Pap. Int. Commn SE. Atl. Fish. 1:39-54.


Miscellaneous Publications

Punt, AE, Francis, TB, Moore, JE, Reeves, RR. 2022. Editorial: Assessment approaches to support bycatch management for marine mammals. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 928127

Hoyle, SD, Maunder, MN, Punt, AE, Mace, PM, Devine, JA, A’mar, T. 2022. Preface: Developing the next generation of stock assessment software. Fish Res. 246:106176.

, SX, Maunder, MN, Punt, AE. 2020. Spatial Structure: Theory, estimation and application in stock assessment models. Fish Res. 229:105608

Allison, C, de Moor, CL, Punt, AE. 2020. North Pacific Minke Whale Implementation Simulation Trial Specifications. J. Cet. Res. Manage. 21(Suppl.):407-445.

Hilborn, R, Anderson, CM, Kruse, GH, Punt, AE, Sissenwine, M, Oliver, C, Ianelli, JN, Trumble, RJ, Agnew, DJ, Baker, N. 2019. Pramod et al. methods to estimate IUU are not credible. Mar Pol. 108:103632

Sharma, R, Porch, CE, Babcock, EA, Maunder, MN, Punt, AE. 2019. Recruitment: Theory, estimation, and application in fishery stock assessment models. Fish Res. 217: 1-4.

Stefansson, G, Punt, AE, Ruiz, J, van Putten, I, Agnarsson, S. 2019. Implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management. Fish Res. 216: 174-176.

Punt, AE. 2019. Some plots pertinent to the evaluation of conservation performance for the Makah Management Plan. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 19(Suppl.):172-175.

Little, LR, Day, J, Haddon, M, Klaer, NL, Punt, AE, Smith, ADM, Smith, C, Tuck, GN. 2019. Comments on the evidence for the recent claim on the state of Australian fish stocks. Aquat. Cons.: Mar. Freshwat. Ecosys. 2019: 1:2. doi:10.1002/aqc.29923.

Punt, A.E. 2018. Estimates of mixing proportions for sub-area 1E using mtDAN haplotype data. J. Cet. Res. Manage. 18(Suppl.):583.

Punt, A.E. 2018. Accounting for a time-varying proportion of fin whales off West Greenland. J. Cet. Res. Manage. 18(Suppl.):559

Johnson, KF, Punt, AE. 2016. Summary statatistics for the comparison of the currently implemented Catch Limit Algorithm (CLA) and the variant proposed by Norway. J. Cet. Res. Manage. 17(Suppl.): 123-127

Punt, AE. 2015. An investigation of the relationship between MSYRMAT and MSYR1+ based on a non-individual-base model. J. Cet. Res. Manage. 16(Suppl.): 110-111

Allison, C, Punt, AE. 2015. Results of the RMP time-varying trials. J. Cet. Res. Manage. 16(Suppl.):108-109.

Punt, AE. 2015. An investigation of the relationship between MSYRMAT and MSYR1+ based on a non-individual-base model. J. Cet. Res. Manage. 16(Suppl.):110-111.

Allison, C, de Moor, CL. Punt, AE. 2014. North Pacific minke whale Implementation Simulation Trial specifications. J. Cet. Res. Manage. 15 (Suppl.):133-180.

Punt, AE. 2014. Approach for accounting for bycatch in sub-areas 7CS and 7CN. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 15 (Suppl.):501.

Foy, RJ, Carls, M, Dalton, M, Hurst, T, Long, CW, Poljak, D, Punt, AE, Sigler, MF, Stillman,J, Stone, RP, Swiney, KM. 2013. CO2, pH, and Anticipating a Future under Ocean Acidification. Oncorhynchus 33(1):1-5.

Punt, AE. 2013. Summary of progress related to developing a posterior distribution for the rate of increase for an unknown stock. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 14 (Suppl.):110-113.

Brandon, JR, Butterworth, DS, Cooke, JG, Kitakado, T, Moore, J, Punt, AE. 2012.Comparison of three approaches for the meta-analysis of environmental variability and auto-correlation in reproductive rates of baleen whales. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 13 (Suppl.):96-98.

Punt, AE. 2012. An initial attempt to derive a posterior for the rate of the increase for an unknown stock. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 13 (Suppl.):99-101.

Akçakaya, HR, Mace, GM, Gaston, KJ, Regan, H, Punt, A, Butchart, SHM, Keith, DA, Gärdenfors, U. 2011. The SAFE index is not safe! Fron. Ecol. Evol. 9:485-486.

Essington, TE, Punt, AE. 2011. Editorial:Implementing ecosystem-based fisheries management:Advances, challenges and emerging tools. Fish and Fisheries 12:123-124.

Linnane, A, Gardner, C, Hobday, D, Punt, A, McGarvey, R, Feenstra, J, Matthews, J, Green, B. 2011. Evidence of declining recruitment in the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fisheries of south-eastern Australia. The Lobster Newsletter 24: 8-11.

Brandon, JR, Punt, AE. 2010. A note on the potential of different types of data to provide information into the nature and extent of population level variability in life history parameters. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 12 (Suppl. 2): 130-131.

Punt, AE, Allison, C. 2010. Revised outcomes from the Bayesian meta-analysis. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 11 (Suppl. 2): 129-131.

Punt, AE. 2010. Further comparisons of the generation models on which SC/61/AWMP5 and SC/61/AWMP7 are based. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 11 (Suppl. 2): 149-150.

Allison, C, Punt, AE, Witting, L. 2009. Simulation trials for fin, humpback and bowhead whales. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 11 (Suppl.): 156-166.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 2009. Proposed further work to aid resolution of questions concerning ageing of Antartic minke whales. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 11 (Suppl.):209.

Bence, JR, Dorn, MW, Irwin, BJ, Punt, AE. 2008. Recent advances in the evaluation and implementation of harvest policies. Fish. Res. 94: 207-208.

Punt, AE. 2007. Report of updated SMF results. Annex E to the report of the Western North Pacific Bryde’s Whale Implementation:Report of the First Intersessional Workshop. J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 9 (Suppl.): 421-423.

Punt, AE, Allison, C. 2007. Evaluating criteria for defining conservation performance for Implementation Simulation Trials (ISTs).  J. Cetacean. Res. Manage. 9 (Suppl.):105-108.

Punt, AE, Givens, GH, Witting, L. 2006. Estimating the uncertainty associated with the surfacing time of common minke whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 8(Suppl.): 101-102.

Allison, C, Punt, AE. 2004. MSYL, MSYR and density-dependence trials.  J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 6(Suppl.):92-95.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 2004. Comparative demographic parameters for Baleen whales with implication for SYR (1+) for minke whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 6(Suppl.):100.

Punt, AE. 2004. Diagnostic information for the J1, MSYR=1% base-case trial for Baseline D. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 6(Suppl.): 467-468.

Xiao, Y, Punt, AE, Millar, RB, Quinn, TJ, II. 2004. Models in fisheries research:GLMs, GAMs and GLMMs. Fish. Res.70:137-139.

Punt, AE. 2003. Population projections for the gray whales based on the inertia model.  J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 5(Suppl.): 242.

Punt, AE, Polacheck, T. 2002. Comments on Conditioning. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 4(Suppl.):123.

Punt, AE, Witting, L. 2002. Examination of a simplified version of the inertia model. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 4(Suppl.): 450-453.

Punt, AE. 2001. Fishery type 2:Implementation for Eastern North Pacific gray whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 3(Suppl.): 152-157.

Punt, AE. 2000. Calculation of A and z. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2(Suppl.):150-152.

Punt, AE. 2000. Estimation of mixing rates in sub-area 7 from micro-satellite data. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2(Suppl.): 115.

Punt, AE. 2000. GLM analyses of CPUE data from the South Korean fishery. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2(Suppl.):115-117.

Punt, AE, Givens, GH. 2000. Issues related to the specification of trials for the Eastern North Pacific stock of Gray Whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2(Suppl.):153-154.

McLoughlin, K, Walker, T, Punt, A. 2000. Southern Shark Fishery. p. 143-150. In:Caton, A, McLoughlin, K [Ed]. Fishery Status Reports 1999:Resource Assessments of Australian Commonwealth Fisheries, Bureau of  Resource Sciences, Canberra.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1999. Some comments on VPA assessments of Southern Hemisphere minke whales in response to SC/50/CAWS32 by Polacheck. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 1(Suppl.):149-151.

Punt, AE. 1999. Results for two selected assessments of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 1(Suppl.):192-194.

McLoughlin, K, Walker, T. Punt, A. 1998. Southern shark fishery. p. 85-91. In:Caton, A, McLoughlin, K, Staples, D [Ed]. Fishery Status Reports 1998:Resource Assessments of Australian Commonwealth Fisheries, Bureau of Resource Sciences, Canberra.

Punt, AE, Walker, TI. 1998. Australia’s Southern Shark Fishery Goes Spatial. Shark News.  10-11.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1997. Some comments on Bayesian Synthesis. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 47:158-160.

McLoughlin, K, Walker, T, Punt, A. 1997. Southern shark. p. 67-73. In:Caton, A, McLoughlin, K, Staples, D [Ed]. Fishery Status Reports 1997:Resource Assessments of Australian Commonwealth Fisheries, Bureau of Resource Sciences, Canberra.

McLoughlin, K, Walker, T, Punt, A. 1996. Southern shark. p. 47-53. In:McLoughlin, K, Wallner, B, Staples, D [Ed]. Fishery Status Reports 1996:Resource Assessments of Australian Commonwealth Fisheries, Bureau of  Resource Sciences, Canberra.

Punt, AE, Cooke, JG, Borchers, DL. 1996. Estimating the extent of process error for Southern Hemisphere minke whales from the results of the IWC/IDCR cruises. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 46:113.

Allison, C, Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1995. Census based estimate of RY for Gray whales. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 45:162.

Punt, AE. 1994. An implementation of a multiple-species management scheme testing protocol. p. 300-317. In:Horwood, JW [Ed.] Modelling of Fisheries Management Systems.

Hilborn, R, Pikitch, EK, McAllister, MK, Punt, AE. 1993. A comment on “The use of risk analysis to assess fishery management strategies:a case study using orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand.” by R.I.C.C. Francis. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50: 1122-1125.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1993. On the placement of the density-dependence term in HITTER/FITTER. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 43: 201-202.

Punt, AE. 1992. ELECTRE Algorithm.  Rep. int. Whal. Commn 42: 331-332.

Field, J, Punt, AE, de Waal, S. 1991. Interactions between hake and the environment – a Stella model.  In:  Report of the “Fish and the environment” workshop held in September 1990.  BEP Report No. 20: 30-35.

Punt, AE. 1991. Some further population model fits to pup abundance. In:Report of the Benguela Ecology Programme Workshop on seal-fishery biological interactions.  BEP Report No 22: 48-51.

Butterworth, DS, De Decker, JB, Punt, AE. 1989. Multi-linear fits to estimates of effective search half widths (w’) for the Antarctic IWC/IDCR cruises.  Rep. int. Whal. Commn 39: 79.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1989. The Punt-Butterworth procedure. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 11): 36-37.


Conference Proceedings

Dichmont, CM, Punt, AE, Deng, RA, Pascoe, S., Buckworth, RC. 2016. The Northern Prawn Fishery: beyond biologically centered harvest strategies. p. 184-204. Chapter 10. In: Edwards, CTT and Dankel, DJ. [Ed.] Management science in fisheries: An introduction to simulation-based methods. Routledge.

Szuwalski, C, Punt, AE. 2016. Fisheries management for regime-based recruitment: lessons from a management strategy evaluation for the fishery for snow crab in the eastern Bering Sea. p. 123-142. Chapter 7. In: Edwards, CTT and Dankel. DJ. [Ed.] Management science in fisheries: An introduction to simulation-based methods. Routledge.

Punt, AE. 2014. A perspective from the Scientific Community about the Strengths and Weaknesses of Rebuilding Time Estimates.  p. 104-119. In: Gilden, JD [Ed.]. Managing Our Nations Fisheries 3. Pacific Fishery Management Council.

Pascoe, S, Coglan, L, Punt, AE, Dichmont, CM. 2010. Impacts of vessel capacity reduction programs on efficiency in fisheries: the case of Australia’s multispecies northern prawn fishery. Proceedings of the 2010 International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) conference (CD ROM), Montpellier, France 13-16 July 2010.

Punt, AE. 2010. Harvest control rules and fisheries management. p. 582-594. In: Grafton, RQ, Hilborn, R, Squires, D, Tait, M, Williams, M [Ed.]. Handbook of Marine Fisheries Conservation and Management. Oxford University Press, New York.

Little, LR, Punt, AE, Mapstone, BD, Begg, GA, Goldman, B, Williams, A. 2009. A model for simulating trading of fisheries quota. Pages 2136-2142 in Anderssen, RS, RD Braddock, LTH Newham, 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.

Zhou, S, Punt, AE, Deng, R, Dichmont, CM. 2009. Stock assessment of short-lived invertebrates using hierarchical Bayesian models. p. 383-389. In: Anderssen, RS, Braddock, RD, Newham, LTH[Ed.] 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.

De Oliveira, JAA, Kell, LT, Punt, AE, Roel, BA, Butterworth, DS. 2008. Managing without best predictions: the Management Strategy Evaluation framework. p. 104-134. In: Advantages in Fisheries Science. 50 years on from Beverton and Holt. Blackwell Publishing: Oxford.

Punt, AE. 2008. Refocussing stock assessment in support of policy evaluation. p. 139-152. In: Tsukamoto, K, Kawamura, T, Takeuchi, T, Beard, TD, Jr, Kaiser, MJ [Ed.]. Fisheries for Global Welfare and Environment, Memorial Book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress in Japan, October 2008. Terra Scientific Publishing Company: Tokyo.

Walker, TI, Taylor, BL, Brown, LP, Punt, AE. 2008. Embracing movement and stock structure for assessment of Galeorhinus galeus harvested off southern Australia.  p. 369-392. In: Camhi, MD, Pikitch, EK, Babcock, EA [Ed.] Sharks of the Open Ocean, Biology, Fisheries and Conservation. Blackwell Scientific Publishers: New York.

Punt, AE, Cope, JM, Haltuch, MA. 2007. Reference points and decision rules in U.S. Federal fisheries: West coast groundfish experiences. p. 1343-1356. In: Nielsen, JK, Doson, JJ, Friedland, K, Hamon, TR, Musick, J, Verspoor, E [Ed.] Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: Proceedings of the Fourth World Fisheries CongressAmerican Fisheries Society Symposium  49.

Kell, LT, De Oliveira, JAA, Punt, AE, McAllister, MK, Kuikka, S. 2006. Operational Management Procedures: An introduction to the use of management strategy evaluation frameworks. p. 379-407. In: Motos, L, Wilson, DC [Ed.].  The Knowledge Base for Fisheries Management. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, 36. Elsevier: Amsterdam.

A’mar, ZT, Punt, AE, Dorn, MW. 2006. The Management Strategy Evaluation approach and the Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock fishery. 2006. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Statistics and the Environment Section [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association: 8 pp.

Little, LR, Mapstone, BD, Smith, ADM, Pantus, F, Punt, AE, Davies, CR, McDonald, AD. 2005. Evaluating the potential impacts of the ‘larval subsidy’ effect for management of fish populations on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. p. 2568-2573. In: Zerger, A, Argent, RM [Ed.] MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand.

Punt, AE. 2005. The challenges of and future prospects for assessing deep water marine resources: Experience from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the US. p. 138-148. In: Shotton, R [Ed.] Deep Sea 2003: Conference on the Governance and Managament of Deep-sea Fisheries. Part 1. Conference Reports. Queenstown, New Zealand, 1-5 December 2005. FAO Fisheries Proceedings, 3/1, FAO, Rome.

Ishimura, G, Huppert, DD, Punt, AE. 2004. Can we stabilize fisheries’s benefits from a fluctuating stock? A bieconomic assessment of the Pacific whiting fishery. IIFET 2004 Japan Proceedings

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 2003. The role of harvest control laws, risk and uncertainty and the precautionary approach in ecosystem-based management. p. 311-319. In Sinclair, M, Valdimarsson, G [Ed.] Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem. CAB International: Wallingford.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 2002. Some suggestions for further analyses of the implications of trans-Atlantic mixing for north Atlantic bluefin tuna assessments. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap.  54(2): 365-371.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 2002. Specifications and clarifications regarding the ADAPT VPA assessment / projection computations carried out during the September 2000 ICCAT west Atlantic bluefin tuna stock assessment session. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 55(3):1041-1054.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 2002. An initial application of the spatial structure framework for North Atlantic bluefin developed at the September 2001 bluefin mixing workshop using simple age-aggregated models. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 55(3):1028-1040.

Little, LR, Kuikka, S, Punt, AE, Pantus, F, Davies, CR, Mapstone, BD. 2001. Information flow among fishing vessels modelled using a Bayesian Network. pp. 787-793. In Proceedings of MODSIM 2001: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation 2, 10-13 December 2001, Canberra, Australia.

Punt, AE, Cui, G. 2000. Including spatial structure when conducting yield-per-recruit analysis.  p. 176-182. In: Hancock, DA, Smith, DC Koehn, JD [Eds] Fish Movement and Migration. Australian Society for Fish Biology Workshop Proceedings, Bendigo, Victoria, September 1999. Australian Society for Fish Biology, Sydney.

Walker, TI, Punt, AE, Taylor, BL, Brown, LP. 2000. Modelling school shark (Galeorhinus galeus) movement in the Southern Shark Fishery. p. 160-168. In: Hancock, DA, Smith, DC Koehn, JD [Eds] Fish Movement and Migration. Australian Society for Fish Biology Workshop Proceedings, Bendigo, Victoria, September 1999. Australian Society for Fish Biology, Sydney.

Punt, AE. 1999. A full description of the standard Baleen II model and some variants thereof. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 1(Suppl.): 267-276.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Penney, AJ, Leslie, RW. 1997. Further development of stock assessment and risk analysis methods for the south Atlantic population of albacore (Thunnus alalunga). ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 46(3): 138-147.

Punt, AE. 1996. A multi-component variant of the ASPM approach for use in the assessment of north Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga). ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 43: 347-360.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Penney, AJ. 1996. Stock assessment and risk analysis for the south Atlantic population of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) for 1994. ICCAT. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap.43: 361-371.

Punt, AE, Leslie, RW, Penney, AJ. 1996. A preliminary examination of the Taiwanese longline catch and effort data (1967 to 1992) for South Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga). ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 43: 301-309.

Punt, AE, Penney, AJ, Leslie, RW. 1996. Abundance indices and stock assessment of south Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga). ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 43: 225-245.

Payne, AIL, A.E. Punt, AE. 1995. Biology and fisheries of the South African Cape hakes (M. capensis and M. paradoxus). p. 15-47.  In: Alheit, J, Pitcher. TJ [Ed.] Hake: Fisheries, Ecology and Markets. London; Chapman and Hall.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1995. Use of tagging data within a VPA formalism to estimate migration rates of bluefin tuna across the north Atlantic. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(1): 166-182.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1995. Revised projections for the western north Atlantic bluefin tuna population. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(2): 310-318.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1995. Updated assessments of north Atlantic bluefin tuna taking account of trans-Atlantic migration. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(2): 319-331.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1994. The robustness of estimates of stock status for the western north Atlantic bluefin tuna population to violations of the assumptions underlying the associated assessment models. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(1): 192-210.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Penney, AJ. 1994. Stock assessment and risk analysis for the south Atlantic population of albacore (Thunnus alalunga). ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(1): 344-357.

Penney, AJ, Punt, AE. 1993. The South African tuna fishery:past, present and future.  p. 140-142. In:Beckley, LE, van der Elst, RP [Ed.] Fish, Fishers and Fisheries. ORI Spec. Publ. 2.

Punt, AE. 1993. Some comments on the approaches used to assess south Atlantic albacore. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 40(2): 383-390.

Punt, AE. 1993. A simple effort-based stock assessment technique.   p. 73-79. In:Beckley, LE, van der Elst, RP [Ed.]. Fish, Fishers and Fisheries. ORI Spec. Publ. 2.

Punt, AE. 1993. The use of spawner-biomass-per-recruit in the management of linefisheries. p. 80-89. In:Beckley, LE, van der Elst, RP [Ed.]. Fish, Fishers and Fisheries. ORI Spec. Publ. 2.

Punt, AE. 1993. Overview of the Revised Management Procedure. p. 25-30. In:Pitcher, TJ, Chuenpagdee, R [Ed.] Commercial Whaling:The Issues Reconsidered. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 1.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1992. A review of some aspects of the assessment of the western north Atlantic bluefin tuna. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 39(3): 731-757.

Punt, AE, Penney, AJ, Wilke, CG. 1992. Stock assessment of south Atlantic albacore using an age-structured production model. ICCAT  Col. Vol. Sci. Pap.  39(1): 215-224.

Andrew, PA, Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1989. Analysis of the Cape hake stock in Division 1.6 using an extension of the Butterworth-Andrew estimation procedure which takes biomass survey data into account.  Colln scient. Pap. int. Commn SE. Atl. Fish. 16(I): 15-30.

Bennet, BA, Punt, AE. 1989. The effects of hook size on age-specific selectivity and its consequences for management. p. 91-94 In: R.[P.] van der Elst [Ed.] Marine recreational fishing: Resource usage, management and research.

Punt, AE. 1989. A further preliminary comparative investigation into the performance of catch-effort model estimation procedures used in the management of the ICSEAF hake stocks.  Colln scient. Pap. int. Commn SE. Atl. Fish. 16(II): 63-122.

Punt, AE. 1989. f0.1 quotas for the ICSEAF hake stocks based on seven model-estimation procedures which perform best in simulation trials.  Colln scient. Pap. int. Commn SE. Atl. Fish. 16(II): 123-149.

Butterworth, DS, Bergh, MO, Andrew, PA, Punt, AE. 1986. Some aspects of management strategies for and the assessment of the hake stocks off southern Africa. Colln. Scient. Pap. int. Commn SE. Atl. Fish. 13(I): 167-193..

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1989. Results of first stage screening trials for a proposed whale stock management procedure.  Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 11): 191-197.


Technical Reports


Donovan, G, Punt, AE, Privitera-Johnson, KM, Palka, D, Wade, PR. 2024. An age- and sex-structured model for humpback whales in the North Pacific IWC Document SC/69B/IA07.

Palka, D, Baker, S, Calambokidis, J, Cheeseman, T, Eichenberger, F, Donovan, G, Katara, I, Martinez-Lousalot, P, Mizoch, S, Palacios, DM, Privitera-Johnson, K, Punt, A, Scordino, J, Steel, D, Urban, JR, Wade, P, Weinrich, M. 2024. Updated data and assessment model for the North Pacific humpback whale. IWC Document SC/69B/IA03

Punt, AE, Katara, I, Wilberg, M. 2024. Progress on Tasks Related to the North Atlantic Fin Whale Trials. IWC Document SC/69x/IST-01.


de Moor, CL, Allison, C, Katara, I, Punt, AE. 2023. In-depth assessment of western North Pacific common minke whales: Baseline results for the A and B hypotheses. IWC Document SC/69a/IA01

Hamel, OS, Punt, AE, Kapur, MS, Maunder, MN 2023. Natural mortality: Theory, estimation and application in fishery stock assessment models.  NOAA Processed Report NMFS-NWFSC-PR-2023-02.

Punt AE (Chair), Furness RW, Parma AM, Plagányi-Lloyd E, Sanchirico JN, Trathan,P. 2023. Report of the international review panel regarding fishing closures adjacent to South Africa’s African penguin breeding colonies and declines in the penguin population. Prepared for the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE). Pretoria, South Africa: DFFE. .

Punt, AE, Maunder, MN, Ianelli, JN, 2023. Independent Review of Recent WCPO Yellowfin Tuna Assessment. WCPFC Document WCPFC-SC19-2023/SA-WP-01.

Punt, AE, Scordino, J, Brandon, J, Donovan, G, Euguchi, T, Givens, GH, Lang, AR, Mahoney, P, Weller, DW. 2023. Preliminary updated gray whale assessment models and implications for the performance of gray whale Strike Limit Algorithms. IWC Document SC/69a/IST01.

Scordino, JJ, Bickham, J, Brandon JR, Brownell, RL, Burdin, A, Doniol-Valcroze, T, Eguchi, T, Givens, GH, Lang, AR, Nakamura, G, Punt, AE, Stewart, J, Urban, J, Weller, DW. 2023. Update on gray whale status since 2020 implementation review. IWC Document SC/69a/IST04 .


Allison, C, de Moor, CL, Kitara, I, Punt, AE. 2022. Ongoing work towards an In-Depth Assessment of western North Pacific Minke whales. IWC Document SC/68D/IA07

Cheeseman, T, Baker, SC, Clapham, P, Steel, D, Lizewski, K, Ivashchenko, Y, Palacios, DM, Palka, D., Privitera-Johnson, K, Punt, AE, Wade. PR. 2022. Summary of data currently available for an assessment of North Pacific humpback whales. IWC Document SC68d/IA2.

McGilliard, CR, Ianelli, J, Beyan, M, Spies, I, Haehn, R, Punt, AE, Lowe, S. 2022. Assessment of the northern rock sole in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands.

Punt, AE,. Privitera-Johnson, K. 2022. A Very Preliminary Set of Results for the B1F2 hypotheses. IWC Document SC68d/IA6.


Cooke, JG, Palka, D, Allison, C, Butterworth, DS, Kitakado, T, Matsuoka, K, Mizroch, SA, Punt, AE, Walloe, L, Yoshida, H. 2021. Report of the Interessional Working Group on North Pacific sei whales. IWC Document SC/68c/IA/7.

Dichmont, CM, Deng, RA, Dowling, N, Punt, AE, Tsang, A. 2021. A stock assessment toolbox for Australian Fisheries. Report of FRDC Project 2018-148.

McGilliard, CR, Ianelli, J, Punt, AE, Wilderbuer, T, Nichol, D, Haehn, R. 2021. Assessment of the norhern rock sole in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands.

Punt, AE. 2021. Updated results from the assessment mode for the North Pacific sei whales. IWC Document SC/68c/IA6


Allison, C., de Moor, CL, Punt, AE. 2020. North Pacific minke whale Implementation Simulation Trials specifications. IWC Document SC/68b/IA/5.

Daly, B,  Heller-Shipley, M, Stichert, M, Stockhausen, W, Punt, AE, Goodman, S. 2020. Recommended harvest strategy for Bering Sea Tanner crab. ADFG Fishery Management No. 20-03.

Punt, AE. 2020. Results of carryover and interim allowance for North Pacific gray whales. IWC Document SC68b/IST/01.

Punt, AE. 2020. Further Updated progress report: A multi-stock model for North Pacific sei whales, with preliminary results. IWC Document SC/68b/IA/01.

Punt, AE. 2020. Consolidated mathematical specifications and base model results for a multi-stock model for North Pacific sei whales. IWC Document SC/68b/IA4

Punt, A.E., Allison, C, Witting, L. 2020. Consolidated Testing of Strike Limit Algorithms for West and East Greenland common minke whales. IWC Document SC/68b/IST6.


Palof, K, Zheng, J, Ianelli, J, Punt, A. 2019. Saint Matthew Island blue king crab status and rebuilding projections. Document presented to the North Pacific Fishery Management Crab Team, 29 April – 3 May 2019

Privitera-Johnson, KM, Punt, AE. 2019. Estimating among-assessment variation in overfishing limits. Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 1, March 2019, Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE Ambassador Place, Portland, OR 97220.

Privitera-Johnson, KM, Punt, AE. 2019. Addendum – Estimating among-assessment variation in overfishing limits. Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 2, March 2019, Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE Ambassador Place, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, AE. 2019. An approach for computing EMSY, BMSY and MSY for the CSNA.  Agenda Item E.4, Attachment 1, April 2019, Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE Ambassador Place, Portland, OR 97220

Punt, AE. 2019. Results of trials to evaluate the interim allowance strategy for West Greenland bowhead and fin whales. IWC Document SC/68a/IST/02.

Punt, AE. 2019. Further Updated progress report: A multi-stock model for North Pacific sei whales, with preliminary results. IWC Document SC/68a/IA1.

Punt, AE. 2019. Results of trials to evaluate the interim allowance strategy for West Greenland minke whales. IWC Document SC/68a/IAT3.

Punt, AE. 2019. Whitepaper on frequency of assessments and updates to OFLs, ABCs and ACLs for the central subpopulation of northern anchovy. Agenda Item E.4, Attachment 2, April 2019, Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE Ambassador Place, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, AE. 2019. An updated analysis of the implications of different choices for the frequency of updates to OFLs and ABCs for the CSNA. Document presented to the 3-4 October 2019 PFMC meeting on the CSNA

Punt, AE, Brandao, A, Witting, L. 2019. Results of carryover analyses for West Greenland minke and bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/68a/IST/01.

Punt, AE, Cronin-Fine, L. 2019. Improving Assessments of North Pacific Crab Stocks through enhanced modelling of growth. NPRB Project 1603 Final Report

Punt, AE, Francis, TB, Siple. M, Williams, R. 2019. The Ocean The Ocean Modelling Forum Working Group on the Marine Mammal Protection Act Import Provisions. IWC Document SC/68a/HM1

Sharma, R, Porch, CE, Babcock, EA, Maunder, M, Punt, AE, editors. 2019. Recruitment: Theory, Estimation, and Application in Fishery Stock Assessment Models. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-148.

Smith, DC, Haddon, M, Punt, AE, Gardner, C, Little, LR, Mayfield, S, O’Neil, MF, Saunders, T, Stewart, J, Wise, B. 2019. What could Australia’s total sustainable wild fisheries production be? Report of FRDC 2016/056.


Dichmont, CM, Deng, AR, Punt, AE, Little, LR. 2018. Stock assessment Integration: A review. Report of FRDC Project 2014-039

Hutton, T, Deng, RA, Plaganyi, E, Pascoe, S, Miller, M, Upston, J, Punt, A, Moeseneder, C, Kompas, T, Sterling, D, Lawrence, E. 2018. Northern Prawn Fishery Assessments 2015-18. Final Report. Report to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority – Project 2015/0811, September, 2018. CSIRO. Brisbane.

Johnson, KF, Punt, AE, Lennert-Cody, CE. 2018. Report of the workshop on methods for monitoring the status of eastern tropical Pacific Ocean dolphin populations. Inter-Am Trop. Tuna Comm. Special Report 22.

Punt, AE. 2018. Updated progress report: A multi-stock model for North Pacific sei whales, with preliminary results. IWC Document /SC67b/NH1.

Tuck, G, Haddon, M, Little, R, Punt, A, Klaer, N, Daley, R, Day, J, Smith, T, Sporic, M, Wayte, S, Zhou, S. 2018. Incorporating the effects of marine spatial closures in risk assessments and fisheries stock assessment. Report of FRDC 2011/032


Dichmont, CM, Fulton, E, Punt, AE, Little, LR, Dowling, N, Gorton, R, Sporic, M, Smith, DC, Haddon, M, Klaer, N. 2017. Operalising the risk-cost-catch trade-off. Report of FRDC project 2012-202.

Murase H, Kato, H, Kitakado, T, Matsuoka, K, Palka, D, Pastene, L, Punt, A. 2017. In-depth assessment of an eastern Indian and a western South Pacific stocks of Antarctic minke whale from 2001 to 2014: A synthesis and summary. IWC Document SC/67a/SH/14.

Privitera-Johnson, KM, Punt, AE. 2017. Estimating among-assessment variation in overfishing limits. Agenda Item E.9, Attachment 5, September 2017, pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE Ambassador Place, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, A.E. 2017. Progress report: A multi-stock model for North Pacific sei whales. IWC Document SC/A17/IA2.

Punt, AE. 2017. Proposed approach for including bycatch data directly into the gray whale model. Paper SC/A27/GW1 presented to the 4th Workshop on the Rangewide Review of the Population Structure and Status of North Pacific Gray Whales.

Punt, AE, Brandao, A. 2017. Results of trials to evaluate the interim allowance strategy for West Greeland humpback whales. IWC Document SC/67a/AWMP/01.

Punt, AE, Donovan, GP. 2017. An approach to quantifying potential improvements in management performance from scientific research programmes. IWC Document SC/67a/SCSP2.

Punt, AE,  Privitera-Johnson, KM. 2017. A strawperson age- and sex-structure dmodel for humpback whales in the North Pacific. IWC Document SC/A17/NP01.


Ivashchenk, YV, Clapham, PJ, Punt, AE, Wade, PR, Zerbini, AN. 2016. Assessing the status and pre-exploitaton abundance of North Pacific humpback whales. IWC Document SC/66b/IA19.

Little, LR, Kerrigan, B, Thébaud, O, Campbell , A, Norman-López, A, Innes, J, Cameron, D, Mapstone, BD, Punt, AE, Hatfield, B, Tickell, S, Kung, J, Slade, S, Leigh, G,  O’Neil, M, Tobin, A. 2016.  Evaluating candidate monitoring strategies, assessment procedures and harvest control rules in the spatially complex Queensland Coral Reef Fin-fish Fishery. Report of FRDC Project 2011/30

Punt, AE. 2016. Progress report of rangewide gray whale modelling. Paper SC/A16/GW/01 presented to the 3rdWorkshop on the Rangewide Review of the Population Structure and Status of North Pacific Gray Whale.

Punt, AE. 2016. A Revised age-structured model for exploring the conceptual models developed for gray whales in the North Pacific. Paper SC/A16/GW2 presented to the 3rdWorkshop on the Rangewide Review of the Population Structure and Status of North Pacific Gray Whale.

Punt, AE, Thompson, R, Sporcic, M. 2018. Gummy shark assessment update for 2016, using data to the end of 2015. pp 587-649 in Tuck, G.N. (ed.) Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2016 and 2017. Part 1, 2016. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship, Hobart


Buckworth, RC, Deng, RA, Plaganyi, E, Punt, A, Upston, J, Pascoe, S, Miller, M, Hutton, T, Lawrence, E, Venables, B. 2015.  Northern Prawn Fishery RAG Assessment 2013-15. AFMA Project R13/0005.

Johnson, KF, Punt, AE. 2015. A note on density-dependent natural mortality in Catch Limit Algorithm trials. IWC Document SC/66a/RMP1.

Johnson, KF, Punt, AE. 2015.  Simulation trials for the Revised Management Procedure, including comparisons for when density dependence acts on fecundity or natural mortality — Part 1. IWC Document SC/66a/RMP10.

Johnson, KF, Punt, AE. 2015. Simulation trials for the Revised Management Procedure, including comparisons for when density dependence acts on fecundity or natural mortality — Part 2. IWC Document SC/66a/RMP12.

Ortiz, I, Aydin, K, Punt, A. 2015. Forage Euphausiid Abundance in Space and Time (FEAST). North Pacific Research Board Final Report B71.

Punt, AE. 2015. An age-structured model for exploring the conceptual models developed for gray whales in the North Pacific. IWC Document SC/A15/GW1.

Punt, AE. 2015. A revised age-structured model for exploring the conceptual models developed for gray whales in the North Pacific. IWC Document SC/66a/BRG2.

Punt, AE. 2015. Initial evaluation of two options for addressing infrequent surveys of the Bering-Beaufort Seas bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/D15/AWMP0.

Smith, ADM, Ward, T, Hurtado, F, Klaer, N, Fulton, E, Punt, AE. 2015. Review and update harvest strategy settings for the Commonwealth small pelagic fishery. FRDC Report 2013/028.

Upston, J., Punt, AE, Wayte, S, Ryan, T, Day, J, Sporcic, M. 2015. Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) Eastern Zone stock assessment incorporating data up to 2014. In Tuck, G.N. (ed.) 2015. Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2014. Part 1. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship, Hobart. pp. 10-81.


Boyd, C, Dalton, M, Ianelli, J, Murphy, J., Punt, AE. 2014. BSIERP: Integrate economic-ecological models of pollock and cod. North Pacific Research Board Final Report B71.

McGarvey, R., Punt, AE, Gardner, C, Feenstra, J, Hartmann, K, Hoshino, E, Burch, P, Patterson, S, Matthews, JM, Linnane, A, Rippin, L, Morison, J. 2014. Bioeconomic decision support tools for Southern Rock Lobster. Report of Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Center project 2009/714.20.

Moffit, E, Punt, AE, Ianelli, JN, Aydin, K, Oritiz, I, Holsman, K, Dalton, M. 2014. BSIERP Management Strategy Evaluation. Report to the North Pacific Research Board, project B73.

Punt, AE. 2014. A summary history of the application of statistical catch-at-age analysis for Antarctic minke whales. IWC Document SC/F14/O02.

Punt, AE. 2014. Assessment of Antarctic Minke Whales using Statistical Catch-at-age Analysis. IWC Document SC/F14/O01.

Punt, AE. 2014. Additional applications of the Statistical Catch-At-Age Analysis for Southern Hemisphere Minke Whales. IWC Document SC/65b/IA03.

Punt, AE. 2014. A strawman model for exploring the conceptual models developed for gray whales in the North Pacific. IWC Document SC/65b/BRG1.

Punt, AE. 2014. Draft specifications for the AWMP/RMP Implementation Simulation Trials for the North Atlantic minke whales. IWC Document SC/65b/RMP1.

Van Der Zee, JP, Punt, AE. 2014. Use of RMP/AWMP-lite to evaluate critical dispersal rates for the North Atlantic minke whales. IWC Document SC/A14/RMP1.

Whitten, AR, Punt, AE. 2013. Pink ling (Genypterus blacodes) stock assessment based on data up to 2012. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.]  Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2013, Part 1. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 5, pp 116-142.


Hurtado-Ferro, F, Punt, A. 2013. Initial analyses related to evaluating  parameter value choices for Pacific sardine. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE Ambassador Place, Portland, OR 97220, USA.

Hurtado-Ferro, F, Punt, A. 2013. Revised analyses related to evaluating  parameter value choices for Pacific sardine. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE Ambassador Place, Portland, OR 97220, USA.

Kitakado, T, Lockyer, C, Punt, AE. 2013. A statistical model for quantifying age-reading errors and its application to the Antarctic minke whales. IWC Document SC/65a/IA4.

Linnane, AJ, Walker, TI, Punt, AE, Green, BS, McGarvey, R, Feenstra, JE, Troynikov, VS, Trinnie, FI, Gardner, C, Middleton, JF, Reilly, DJ, Hobday, DK, Levimgs, AH. 2013. Sustainability of rock lobster resource in south-east Australia in a changing environment: implications for assessment and management. Final Report to the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. South Australian Research and Development Institute, Adelaide. SARDI Publication No. F2012/000440-1. SARDI Research Report Series No. 668.

Parma, AM, Sullivan, PJ, Collie, J, Hartley, TW, Heyman, W, Johnson, R, Punt, AE, Rose, KA, Sanchiro, J, Sissenwine, MP, Sugihara, G. 2013. Evaluating the effectiveness of fish stock rebuilding in the United States. National Academies Press, Washington DC.

Punt, AE. 2013. Management Strategy Evaluation for Rebuilding Revision Rules: A Proof of Concept. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE Ambassador Place, Portland, OR 97220, USA.

AE. 2013. Queries related to the implementation of the de la mare model “simple” model. IWC Document SC/M13/MSYR.

Punt, AE. 2013. A note of a posterior distribution for r0 for baleen whale stocks at low abundance. IWC Document SC/65a/RMP2.

Punt, AE. 2013. An additional sensitivity test for the r0/rmax meta-analysis. IWC Document SC/65a/RMP8.

Punt, AE. 2013. Application of RMP/AWMP-lite to North Atlantic fin whales. IWC Document SC/65a/RMP5.

Punt, AE. 2013. Independent review of the eastern Pacific Ocean dolphin population assessment. IATTC Special Report 21.

Punt, AE, Moore, JE. 2013. Seasonal gray whales in the Pacific Northwest: An assessment of optimum sustainable population level for the Pacific Coast Feeding Group. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-518.

Punt, AE, Bando, T, Hakamada, T, Kishiro, T. 2013. Assessment of Antarctic Minke Whales using Statistical Catch-at-age Analysis. IWC Document SC/65a/IA1.

Whitten, AR, Punt, AE, Taylor, BL. 2013. Pink ling (Genypterus blacodes) stock assessment based on data up to 2011. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.]  Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2012, Part 1. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 5, pp 12-98.


Brandon, JR, Scordino, J, Butterworth, DS, Donovan, GP, Punt, AE. 2012. Towards the selection of a final set of trials for the 2012 ENP gray whale Implementation Review. IWC Document SC/64/AWMP11.

Green, BS, Gardner, C, Linnane, AD, Hobday, D, Chandrapavan, A, Punt, A, McGarvey, R, Hartmann, K, Treloggen, R, Revill, H, Hoare, M, Harthorne, P. 2012.  Spatial management of southern rock lobster fisheries to improve yield, value and sustainability. FRDC Report 2006/220.

Punt, AE. 2012. A full description of RMP/AWMP-like. IWC Document SC/D12/AWMP1.

Punt, AE. 2012. A full description of the statistical catch-at-age analysis method for Southern Hemisphere minke whales. IWC Document SC/64/IA1.

Punt, AE. 2012. Revised analyses related to the 2011 assessment of pink ling. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.]  Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2011, Part 1. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 8, pp 161-179.

Punt, AE. 2012. How the current North Atlantic fin whale Implementation Simulation Trials can be used to evaluate a Strike Limit Algorithm for the fin whales off West Greenland. IWC Document SC/M12/AWMP1.

Punt, AE. 2012. A Regression approach for assessing if there is a breakpoint in the relationship between log(R/MMB) and MMB. In:Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the King and Tanner Crab Fisheriesof the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Regions.  North Pacific Fishery Management Council, 605 West 4th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501. pp. 417-425.

Punt. AE, Taylor, BL. 2012. Stock Assessment of pink ling (Genypterus blacodes) using data up to 2010. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.]  Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2011, Part 1. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 7, pp 103-160.

Punt, AE, Szuwalski, CS, Turnock, J. 2012. Determining the Implications of Uncertainty in Snow Crab Recruitment using Management Strategy Evaluation. NPRB Project 813 Final Report.

Tuck, G, Whitten, A, Punt, AE. 2012. Stock assessment of blue grenadier Macruronus novaezelandiae based on data up to 2010. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.]  Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2011, Part 1. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 5, pp 16-72.


Punt, AE. 2011. Draft Specifications and Initial Results for Implementation Trials for the Eastern North Pacific Gray Whales which include the Pacific Coast Feeding Group. IWC Document SC/63/M11/AWMP1.

Punt, AE. 2011. Further analyses related to the application of statistical catch-at-age analysis to data for southern Hemisphere minke whales. IWC Document SC/63/IA1.

Punt, AE. 2011. Revised ENP gray whale trials and initial conditioning results. IWC Document SC/63/AWMP4.

Punt, AE, Elvarsson, BT. 2011. Improving the performance of the algorithm for conditioning Implementation Simulation Trials, with application to North Atlantic fin whales. IWC Document SC/D11/NPM1.


Allison, C, Punt, AE. 2010. A note on the impact of time-series length on the variability of the rate of population growth from the Cooke (2009) model. IWC Document SC/62/RMP8.

Allison, C, Punt, AE, G. Donovan, G. 2010. A note on the sensitivity of RMP outputs to the ‘versions’ of the programs used to implement Catch Limit Algorithm. IWC Document SC/62/RMP10.

Aydin, K, Bond, N, Curchitser, EN, Dalton, M, Gibson, GA, Hedsrom, K, Herman, AJ, Moffitt, E, Murphy, J, Ortiz, I, Punt, A, Wang, M. 2010. Integrating data, fieldwork, and models into an ecosystem-level forecasting synthesis: the Forage-Euphausiid Abundance in Space and Time (FEAST) model of the Bering Sea Integrated Research Program. ICES CM 2010/L:21.

Dichmont, CM, Deng, AR, Punt, AE, Venables, WN, Pascoe, S, Zhou, S, Kompas, T, Kenyon, R, Bishop, J, van der Velde, T, Kienzle, M, Hutton, T, Plaganyi, E, Miller, M, Donovan, A, Ye, Y. 2010. Developing techniques to estimate total allowable catches for NPF major prawn species. FRDC Report 2007/018.

Kitakado, T, Punt, AE. 2010. Examination of the period/reader effect on the age-determination for Antarctic minke whales. IWC Document SC/62/IA2.

Punt, AE. 2010. Further analyses related to the estimation of the rate of increase for an unknown stock using a Bayesian meta-analysis. IWC Document SC/62/RMP3.

Punt, AE. 2010. Some thoughts related to BMSY and its estimation. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.] Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2009, Part 2. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 17, pp 4-9.

Punt, AE. 2010. A revised Bayesian meta-analysis for estimating a posterior distribution for the rate of increase for an “unknown” stock. IWC Document SC/61/A10/MSYR2.

Punt, AE. 2010. A note on the impact of accounting for age-determination error on the outcome of the statistical catch-at-age analysis for Antarctic minke whales. IWC Document SC/62/IA6.

Punt, AE. 2010. Report of the Intersessional catch-at-age working group. IWC Document SC/62/IA7.

Punt, AE, Allison, C. 2010. Aspects related to the estimation of variability and auto-correlation of the rate of population growth. IWC Document SC/62/RMP4.

Punt, AE, Thomson, R. 2010. Gummy shark assessment for 2010, using data to the end of 2009. SharkRAG document 2010/10 submitted to the 31 August – 1 September 2010 meeting of SharkRAG.

Punt, AE, Wade, PR. 2010. Population status of the eastern North Pacific stock of gray whales in 2009. IWC Document SC/62/AWMP2.

Punt, AE, Wade, PR. 2010. Population status of the eastern North Pacific stock of gray whales in 2009. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-207.

Thomson, R, Punt, AE. 2010. Revised standardized catch-rate series for gummy shark based on data up to 2008. Document submitted to the 15-16 April 2010 meeting of SharkRAG.

Thomson, R, Punt, AE. 2010. Gummy shark assessment for July 2010 SharkRAG meeting, using data to the end of 2008. SharkRAG document 2010/03 submitted to the 29-30 July 2010 meeting of SharkRAG.

Thomson, R, Punt, AE. 2010. Stock assessment update for school shark galeorhinus galeus based on data up to 2008, including survey data. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.] Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2009, Part 1. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 12, pp 250-280.

Thomson, R, Punt, AE. 2010. Stock assessment update for school shark galeorhinus galeus based on data up to 2008, including re-analysis of data. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.] Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2009, Part 1. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 13, pp 281-294.

Thomson, R, Punt, AE. 2010. Stock assessment update for school shark galeorhinus galeus based on data up to 2008: re-analysis and final draft. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.] Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2009, Part 1. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 14, pp 295-311.


Brandon, JR, Punt, AE. 2009. Assessment of the eastern stock of North Pacific gray whales: incorporating calf production, sea-ice and strandings data.  IWC Document SC/F09/CC5.

Brandon, JR, Punt, AE. 2009. Assessment of the eastern stock of North Pacific gray whales: incorporating calf production, sea-ice and strandings data. IWC Document SC/61/AWMP2.

Brandon, JR, Punt, AE. 2009. Testing the gray whale SLA: allowing environmental variability to include population dynamics. IWC Document SC/61/AWMP3.

Brandon, JR, Punt, AE. 2009. Assessment of BCB bowheads: including estimates of calf production and environmental stochasticity. IWC Document SC/61/BRG17.

Breiwick, JM, Punt, AE, Rugh, DJ, Laake, JL, Hobbs, RC. 2009. Revised methods for estimating abundance of the Eastern North Pacific stock of gray whale. IWC Document SC/61/AWMP1.

Fay, G, Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 2009. Performance evaluation of age structure-based harvest strategies for blue-eye trevalla (Hyperoglyphe antarctica): impacts of uncertainty. p. 71-97 inWayte, S.E. (ed.) 2009. Evaluation of New Harvest Strategies for SESSF Species.  CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart and Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra.

Fay, G, Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 2009. Operating model specifications. p. 125-133 inWayte, S.E. (ed.) 2009. Evaluation of New Harvest Strategies for SESSF Species.  CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart and Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra.

He, X, Punt, A, MacCall, AD, Ralston, S. 2009.  Rebuilding analysis for widow rockfish in 2009. Document submitted to the November 2009 PFMC meeting.

Klaer, N, Wayte, SE, Punt, AE, Day, J, Little, LR, Smith, ADM, Thomson, R, Tuck, GN. 2008. Simulation testing of alternative Tier 3 assessment methods and control rules for the SESSF. p. 42-70 in Wayte, S.E. (ed.) 2009. Evaluation of New Harvest Strategies for SESSF Species.  CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart and Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra.

Laake, J, Punt, A, Hobbs, R, Ferguson, M, Rugh, D, Breiwick, J. 2009. Re-analysis of gray whale southbound migration surveys. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-203.

Little, LR, Begg, GA, Goldman, B, Williams, AJ, Mapstone, BD, Punt, AE, Russell, M, Kerrigan, B, Officer, R, Slade, S, Muldoon, G, Penny, A. 2009. Modelling Individual Transferable Quotas as a Management Tool in the Queensland Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery. Fishing and Fisheries Research Centre technical Report No 3, James Cook University Fishing and Fisheries Research Centre, Townsville.

Little, LR, Wayte, SE, Tuck, GN, Thomson, RB, Smith, ADM, Punt, AE, Haddon, M. Testing an alternative Tier 4 control rule and CPUE reference points for the SESSF. p. 98-112 inWayte, S.E. (ed.) 2009. Evaluation of New Harvest Strategies for SESSF Species.  CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart and Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra.

Pecl, G, Frusher, S, Gardner, C, Haward, M, Hobday, A, Jennings, S, Nursey-Bray, M, Punt, A, Revill, H, van Putten, I. 2009. East coast, Tasmania – an assessment of climate change impacts on east coast rock lobster productivity, interactions with fisheries management and flow-on effects to local communities. Case study to support a ‘first pass’ National Climate Change Coastal Vulnerability Assessment (NCVA). Report to the Department of Climate Change, Australia. February 2009.

Punt, A.E. 2009. Ageing error effect size for Southern Hemisphere minke whales. IWC Document SC/61/IA2.

Punt, AE. 2009. Constructing a posterior distribution for the rate of increase of whale stocks at low population size. IWC Document SC/F09/MSYR1.

Punt, AE. 2009. A note related to determining “abrupt changes in abundance” in simulation output. IWC Document SC/61/RMP1.

Punt, AE. 2009. A note related to additional sensitivity tests for the Southern Hemisphere minke whale statistical catch-at-age analysis. IWC Document SC/61/IA1.

Punt, A, Kinzey, D.  2009. Report of the Crab Stock Assessment Workshop.  p. 647-689 in 2009 Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the King and Tanner Crab Fisheries of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands.   North Pacific Fishery Management Council, 605 West 4th Ave, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska, 99801.

Punt, AE, Deng, R, Dichmont, CM, Kompas. T, Venable, WN, Zhou, S, Pascoe, S. 2009.  Integrating size-structured assessment and bio-economic management advice in Northerm Prawn Fishery. Document presented to the 18-19 April 2009 meeting NPRAG.

Punt, AE, Zhou, S, Pascoe, S, Dichmont, CM, Deng, R, Plaganyi-Lloyd. EE, Venables, WN. 2009. On calculating effort and catch trajectories for species modelling using biomass dynamics models. Document presented to the 18-19 April 2009 meeting NPRAG.

Thomson, R, Punt, A. 2009. Stock assessment update for school shark Galeorhinus galeus based on data up to 2009, including survey data. Document presented to the 14-15 May 2009 meeting of SharkRAG.

Thomson, R, Punt, A. 2009. Stock assessment update for school shark Galeorhinus galeus based on data up to 2008. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.] Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Sharkfish 2008. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Chapter 19, pp x-y.

Thomson, R, Punt, A. 2009. Stock assessment update for school shark Galeorhinus galeus based on data up to 2008, including re-analysis of data (for SharkRAG 10-11 Deptember 2009). Document presented to the 10-11 September 2009 meeting of Shark RAG.


Dichmont, CM, Deng, AR, Punt, AE, Venables, WN, Ellis, N, Kompas, T, Ye, Y, Zhou, S, Bishop, J, Gooday, P. 2008. Bringing economic analysis and stock assessment together in the NPF: a framework for a biological and economically sustainable fishery. Final report to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project No. 2004/022. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Cleveland, Australia.

Little, LR, Begg, GA, Goldman, B, Ellis, N, Mapstone, BD, Punt, AE, Jones, A, Stutton, S, Williams, A. 2008. Modelling multi-species targeting of fishing effort in the Queensland Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery. Final report to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project No. 2001/020. CRC Reef Research Centre, Townsville, Australia.

Little, R, Wayte, S, Tuck, G, Thomson, R, Smith, T, Klaer, N, Punt, A, Haddon, M, Day, J. 2008. Testing an alternative Tier 4 control rule and CPUE reference points for SESSF. Document presented to the 21-22 August ShelfRAG meeting.

Martien, KK, Gregovich, D, Branvington, MV, Punt, AE, Strand, AE, Tallmon, DA, Taylor, BL. 2008. TOSSM: an R package for assessing performance of genetic analytical methods in a management context. IWC Document SC/50/SD2.

Punt, AE. 2007. AWMP-Lite 5.0. IWC Document SC/J07/AWMP1.

Polacheck, T, Punt, AE. 2008. Age estimation of Southern Hemisphere minke whales: Issues and error models based on data from the 1984 IWC Aging Workshop. IWC Document SC/60/IA4.

Punt, AE. 2008. A note regarding how to model MSY-related parameters when population dynamics are stochastic. IWC Document SC/60/RMP1.

Punt, AE. 2008. Data analysis and preliminary updated stock assessment of blue warehou (Seriolella brama) based on data up to 2008. SlopeRAG document.

Punt, AE, Breiwick, JM. 2008. On standalone versions of the Bowhead and Gray Whale SLAs. IWC Document SC/M08/AWMP1.

Punt, AE, Polacheck, T. 2008. Further analyses related to application of statistical catch-at-age analysis to Southern Hemisphere minke whales. IWC Document SC/60/IA2.

Punt, AE, McGillaird, C, Hilborn, R. 2008.  Evaluation of the impact of Marine Protected Areas on stock assessment-based  fisheries management. Final Report to Washington Sea Grant.

Thomson, R, Punt, AE. 2008. Stock assessment report: School shark assessment update for 2008 with assessment of recovery times. SharkFAG Document SharkRAG/08/XX.


Allison, C, Punt, AE. 2007. Results of additional Bryde’s whale Implementation Simulation Trials. IWC Document SC/59/RMP1.

Brandon, JR, Punt, AE, Wade, PR, Perryman, WL, Methot, RD, Maunder, MN. 2007. Incorporating environmental time series into a population dynamics model for eastern North Pacific gray whales. IWC Document SC/59/BRG26.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Cunningham, CL. 2007. MSYR – Should the information which has become available since selections were made for RMP development in 1987 have changed perceptions on the likely range and relative plausibilties of values for this parameter for baleen whales? IWC Document SC/59/RMP8.

Cooke, JG, Best, PB, Buttetworth, DS, Gunnlaugsson, Th, Hatanka, H, Polacheck, T, Punt, AE, Schweder, T, Tanaka, E, Wade, PR. 2007. Provisional compilation of information for the MSYR review. IWC Document SC/59/RMP9.

George, JC, Bockstoce, J, Punt, AE, Botkin, D. 2007. Preliminary estimates of bowhead whale body mass and length from Yankee commercial oil yield records. IWC Document SC/59/BRG5.

He, X, Punt, A, MacCall, AD, Ralston, SV. 2007. Rebuilding analysis for widow rockfish in 2007 – an update. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Hobday, DK,. Punt, AE. 2006. Spatial modelling and assessment of the Victorian Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery. Final report to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project No. 2004/037. Primary Industries Research Victoria, Queenscliff, Australia.

Little, LR, Rowling, K, Punt, AE. 2007. Preliminary eastern gemfish (Rexea solandri) stock assessment based on data to 2006. Document submitted to the 4-5 September 2007 meeting of SlopeRAG.

Punt, AE, Breiwick, J. 2007. Revised age-compositions for the B-C-B bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/59/BR10.

Punt, AE, Brewick. JM. 2007. The implications of different tunings of the CLA for single stock and NE Atlantic minke trials. IWC Document SC/59/RMP2.

Punt, AE, Kinzey, D. 2007. Including trophic interactions in fish stock assessments in the Aleutian Islands. Final Project Report to the North Pacific Marine Mammal Consortium..

Punt, AE, Polacheck, T. 2007. Further development of statistical catch-at-age models for southern hemisphere minke whales. IWC Document SC/59/IA4.

Sadowy, Y, Punt, AE, Cheung, W, Vasconcellos, M, Suharti, S, Mapstone, BD. 2007. Stock Assessment Approach for the Napoleon fish, Cheilinus undulatus, in Indonesia: a tool for quota-setting for data-poor fishes under CITES Appendix II Non-Detriment Finding requirements. FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 1023 Rome, FAO.

Tuck, GN, Punt, AE. 2007. Progress on update to silver warehou assessment 2007. Document presented to the Slope Resource Assessment Group, 23-24 July 2007, Queenscliff, Australia.

Tuck, GN, Punt, AE. 2007. Silver warehou (Seriolella puncata) stock assessment based on data up to 2006. Document submitted to the 21-22 August 2007 meeting of SlopeRAG.

Tuck, GN, Punt, AE, Koopman, M. 2007. Updated stock assessment of blue grenadier Macruronus novaezelandieae based on data up to 2006: July 2007. Document presented to the Slope Resource Assessment Group, 23-24 July 2007, Queenscliff, Australia.

Tuck, GN, Punt, AE, Koopman, M. 2007. Updated stock assessment of blue grenadier Macruronus novaezelandieae based on data up to 2006: August 2007. Document presented to the Slope Resource Assessment Group, 21-22 August 2007, Queenscliff, Australia.


Brandon, JR, Breiwck, JM, Punt, AE, Wade, PR. 2006. Implications of alternative resampling schemes for Bayesian stock assessments of marine mammals. IWC Document SC/58/AWMP1.

Day, J, Rowling, K, Punt, A. 2006. Updated stock assessment for silver trevally Pseudocranx dentex in the South East Fishery: August 2006. Document presented to 14-15 August 2006 meeting of SlopeRAG.

Givens, G, Punt, AE, Zeh, J. 2006. The scenario space for the Bowhead SLA Implementation Review: A search for plausible trials exhibiting management risk. IWC Document SC/58/AWMP8.

Polacheck, T, Punt, AE. 2006. Minke whale growth models for use in statistical catch-at-age models. IWC Document SC/58/IA3.

Poljak Grez, D, Cope JM, Punt, AE, Brandon, JR. 2006. Application of a sequential hypotheses testing method to example TOSSM data sets. IWC Document SC/58/SD1.

Punt, A.E. 2006. A note related to the impact of different ages-at-recruitment for the western North Pacific Bryde’s whales. IWC Document SC/58/PFI1.

Punt, AE. 2006. Addendum: Updated stock assessment of blue warehou (Seriolella brama) based on data up to 2006. Document presented to 25 August 2006 meeting of SlopeRAG.

Punt, AE. 2006. A note regarding the sensitivity of the school shark assessment to the last year for which catch-rate data are used. Document presented to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority, September 2006.

Punt, AE, 2006. Updated stock assessment of blue warehou (Seriolella brama) based on data up to 2006. Document presented to 25 August 2006 meeting of SlopeRAG.

Punt, AE, Allison, C. 2006. Evaluating criteria for defining conservation performance for Implementation Simulation Trials. IWC Document SC/58/RMP2.

Punt, AE, Gason, AS. 2006. Revised standardized catch-rate series for school and gummy shark based on data up to 2005. Document presented the 18 August 2006 meeting of SharkFAG.

Punt, AE, Walker, T. 2006. Implications of a change to the mix of gear-types used when fishing for gummy shark. Document presented to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority, September 2006.

Punt, AE, Polacheck, T. 2006. Further statistical catch-at-age analyses for Southern Hemisphere minke whales. IWC Document SC/58/IA2.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Walker, TI, Gason, AS. 2006. Stock assessment of school shark based on data up to 2005. Document presented the 18 August 2006 meeting of SharkFAG.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Walker, TI, Gason, AS. 2006. Updated stock assessment of gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) based on data up to 2005. Document presented the 18 August 2006 meeting of SharkFAG.

Tuck, GN, Punt, AE. 2006. Updated stock assessment of blue grenadier Macruronus novaezelandie based on data up to 2005; application of new base-case models, harvest control rules and decision analysis. Summary. Document presented to 25 August 2006 meeting of SlopeRAG.


Brandon, JR., Brewick, JM, Punt, AE, Wade, PR. 2005. Alternative resampling schemes for life history parameters used in Bayesian stock assessments of bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/57/BRG5.

Brandon, JR., Blokhin, SA. Brownell, RL, Punt, AE. 2005. Preliminary summary of catch data for the Soviet aboriginal fishery for the eastern Pacific gray whale: 1980-1991.  IWC Document SC/57/BRG6.

Cope, JM, Punt, AE. 2005. Status of cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) in California waters as assessed in 2005.  Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2130 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 224, Portland, OR 97201.

Dichmont, CM, Deng, AR, Venables, WN, Punt, AE, Haddon, M, Tattersall, K. 2005. A new approach to assessment in the NPF: spatial models in a management strategy environment that includes uncertainty. Report of FRDC 2001/002. CSIRO Marine Research, Cleveland.

Gorfine, H, Taylor, B, Cleland, M, Haddon, M, Punt, A, Worthington, D, Montgomery, I. 2005. Development of a spatially-structured model for stock assessment and TAC decision analysis for Australian Abalone fisheries. Final report to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project No. 1999-116. Primary Industries Research Victoria, Queenscliff.

He, X, Punt, A, MacCall, AD, Ralston, S. 2005. Rebuilding analysis for widow rockfish in 2005. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Lai, H-L, Haltuch, MA, Punt, AE, Cope, JM. 2005. Stock assessment of petrale sole: 2004. Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2130 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 224, Portland, OR 97201.

Marasco, R, Goodman, D, Grimes, C, Lawson, P, Punt, A, Quinn, T, Hanson, D, Recht, F, Little, J. 2005. Scientific input and ecosystem-based fishery management for the Pacific and North Pacific Fishery Management Councils. Report to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, July 2005.

Pribac, F, Punt, AE. 2005. A note on gummy shark RBCs for 2006 to 2025. Document presented to the 17 November 2005 Harvest Strategy Workshop.

Punt, AE. 2005. Updated stock assessment for blue warehou (Seriolella brama) based on data up to 2005. Document presented to the 25-26 August 2005 meeting of SlopeRAG.

Punt, AE. 2005. Updated stock assessment for tiger flathead (Neoplatycephalus richardsoni) based on data up to 2005. Document presented to the 10 September 2005 meeting of ShelfAG.

Punt, AE. 2005. Initial (strawman) trial specifications for the western North Pacific Bryde’s whales. Paper SC/O05/BWI1 presented to the 25-29 October 2005 workshop.

Punt, AE. 2005. Distribution proportions for the western North Pacific Bryde’s whales and their implications for the performance of the RMP. Paper SC/O05/BWI2 presented to the 25-29 October 2005 workshop.

Punt, AE. 2005. A Bayesian multi-stock assessment model. IWC Document SC/57/AWMP6.

Punt, AE. 2005. Some thoughts related to defining criteria for evaluating the performance for Implementation Simulation Trials. IWC Document SC/57/RMP1.

Punt, AE. 2005. Including catch and length-frequency data for Tasmania in the stock assessment for tiger flathead. Document presented to the 19-23 September 2005 meeting of SESSFAG.

Punt, AE. 2005. Co-management experiences: the U.S. west coast groundfishery. Document RLWS/DEC05/COM/5/1/4 presented to the 29 November – 3 December 2005 BENEFIT meeting.

Punt, AE, Polacheck, T. 2005. Application of statistical catch-at-age analysis for Southern Hemisphere minke whales in Antarctic Areas IV and V. IWC Document SC/57/IA9.

Punt, AE, Friday, N, Smith, TD. 2005. Reconciling catch and abundance index information for North Atlantic humpback whales. IWC Document SC/57/O7. Punt, AE, Kishiro, T, Allison, C. 2005. Progress on estimating mixing rates for western North Pacific Bryde’s whales using a ‘simple model filter’. IWC document SC/57/PFI2.

Punt, AE, Ralston, S, Methot, RD, MacCall, A. 2005. Evaluating rebuilding revision rules for assessing progress towards rebuilding of overfished west coast groundfish. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, AE, Smith, DC, Koopman, MT. 2005. Using information for ‘data-rich’ species to inform assessments of ‘data-poor’ species through Bayesian stock assessment methods. Final report to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project No. 2002/094. Primary Industries Research Victoria, Queenscliff.

Tuck, G, Punt, A. 2005. Updated stock assessment for blue grenadier Macruronus novaezelandiae in the South East Fishery: September 2005. New base-case description and Tier 1 application. Document presented to the 19-23 September 2005 meeting of SESSFAG.

Tuck, GN, Thomson, R, Williams, R, Punt, AE, Lamb, T. 2005. An integrated assessment applied to the Aurora Trough stock. In: G.N. Tuck [Ed.] Stock Assessment and Management Strategy Evaluation for Sub-Antarctic Fisheries: 2002-2004. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Marine Research. Chapter 7, pp 33-53.


Aires-da-Silva, A, Taylor, I, Punt, AE, Gallucci, VF, Kohler, NE, Turner, PA, Briggs, R, Hoey, JJ. 2004. A framework for estimating movement and fishing mortality rates of blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the North Atlantic from tag-recpature data. ICCAT Document SCRS/2004/12.

Bravington, M, Pribac, F, Punt, AE. 2004. First shot variability in school shark catch-rates from 1998 to 2002.  Document presented to the 2 March 2004 meeting of SharkFAG.

Cope, JM, Piner, K, Minte-Vera, CV, and Punt, AE. 2004.  Status and Future Prospects for the Cabezon. (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) as Assessed in 2003. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Cui, G, Punt, AE, Cope, JM, Knuckey, IA, Klaer, NL, Fuller, ME, Smith, ADM. 2004. Quantitative stock assessment for tiger flathead (neoplatycephalus richardsoni) 2004. In: Stock assessment for the south east and southern shark fishery. Tuck, G.N. and Smith, A.D.M. (Eds.). FRDC report 2001/005. Chapter 11, pp 373-410.

Fulton, EA, Fuller, M, Smith, ADM, Punt, A. 2004. Ecological indicators of the ecosystem effects of fishing. Report to AFMA, CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart.

Koski, WR, Rugh, DJ, Punt, AE, Zeh, J.  2004.  A new approach to estimating the length-frequency distribution of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort bowhead whale population using aerial photogrammetry and a summary of other life-history parameters estimated from photo-identification/photogrammetry. IWC document SC/56/BRG2.

Mapstone, BD, Davies, CR, Little, LR, Punt, AE, Smith, ADM, Pantus, F, Lou, DC, Williams, AJ, Jones, A, Russ, GR, MacDonald, AD. 2004. The effects of line fishing on the Great Barrier Reef and evaluations of altermative potential management strategies. CRC Reef Research Centre Technical Report No 52, CRC Reef Research Centre, Townsville, Australia.

Punt, AE. 2004. Analyses pertinent to development of catch and effort-based indices for gummy shark, school shark, elelphantfish, and sawshark. Document presented to 2 March 2004 meeting of SharkFAG.

Punt, AE. 2004. Draft preliminary initial assessments of sawshark and elephantfish in Bass Strait. Document presented to the 2 March 2004 meeting of SharkFAG.

Punt, AE. 2004. Updated Assessments of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales using length, age and abundance data. IWC Document SC/56/BRG4.

Punt, AE. 2004. Revised growth curve estimation for common coral trour. Document submitted to the 24-26 February 2004 ELF workshop.

Punt, AE. 2004. Use of a Kalman Filter approach to analyze data from experimental reefs: Some initial results. Document submitted to the 24-26 February 2004 ELF workshop.

Punt, AE. 2004. On natural mortality for coral trout from age data for “green” reefs. Document submitted to the 24-26 February 2004 ELF workshop.

Punt, AE. 2004. Spatial dependence of the length-weight relationship for common coral trout. Document submitted to the 11-13 August 2004 ELF workshop.

Punt. AE. 2004. Accounting for spatial structure when estimating growth curves for common coral trout. Document submitted to the 11-13 August 2004 ELF workshop.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F. 2004.  Preliminary revised standardized catch-rate series for school and gummy shark. Document presented to 2 March 2004 meeting of SharkFAG.

Punt, AE, Smith, DC. 2004. Stock assessment of blue warehou (Seriolella brama) based on data up to 2003. In: Stock assessment for the south east and southern shark fishery. Tuck, G.N. and Smith, A.D.M. (Eds.). FRDC report 2001/005. Chapter 6, pp 49-120.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Fay, G. 2004. A revised approach for conducting assessments of gummy shark, elephantfish, and sawshark off southern Australia. Document presented to 2 March 2004 meeting of SharkFAG.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Fay, G. 2004. A stock assessment of gummy shark for 2004. Document presented to the 2 March 2004 meeting of SharkFAG.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Walker, T, Gason, A, Fay, G. 2004. Stock assessment of gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) based on data up to 2003. In: Stock assessment for the south east and southern shark fishery. Tuck, G.N. and Smith, A.D.M. (Eds.). FRDC report 2001/005. Chapter 7, pp 121-198.

Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Gason, AS. 2004. Preliminary assessments of sawshark (Pristiophorus cirratus and P. nudipinnis) and elephantfish (Callorhinchus milii). In: Stock assessment for the south east and southern shark fishery. Tuck, G.N. and Smith, A.D.M. (Eds.). FRDC report 2001/005. Chapter 10, pp 337-372.

Smith, ADM, Cui, G, Punt, AE. 2004. Development of harvest strategies for selected SEF species. Report of FRDC 00/101. CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart.

Tuck, GN, Thomson, RB, Smith, DC, Talman, S. Punt, AE. 2004. Stock assessment for blue grenadier (Macruronus novaezelandiae) based on data up to 2003. In: Stock assessment for the south east and southern shark fishery. Tuck, G.N. and Smith, A.D.M. (Eds.). FRDC report 2001/005. Chapter 5, pp 11-47.

Tuck, GN, Thomson, R, Williams, R, Punt, AE, Lamb, T. 2004. A first application of an integrated assessment to patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Aurora Trough region of Macquarie Island: Discussion paper and preliminary results. Working paper presented to the 20th meeting of the Sub-Antarctic Fisheries Assessment Group. 28-29 April 2004. SAFAG20/2.

Zeh, JE, Punt, AE. 2004. Updated 1978-2001 abundance estimates and their correlations for the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/56/BRG1.


Allison, C, Punt, AE. 2003.Further investigation of the impact of forcing more migration to occur in the Implementation Simulation Trials for the North Pacific minke whales. IWC document SC/55/IST1.

Allison, C, Punt, AE. 2003. Calculating a baseline D mixing matrix. IWC Document SC/J03/NP1.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 2003. MSYR – should the information which has become available since selections were made for RMP development in 1987 have changed perceptions on the likely range and relative plausibilities of values for this parameter for baleen whales? IWC Document SC/55/RMP10.

Hamel, OS, Stewart, IJ, Punt, AE. 2003.Status and future prospects for the Pacific Ocean Perch resource in waters off Washington and Oregon as assessed in 2003. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

He, X, Punt, A, MacCall, AD, Ralston, SV. 2003. Rebuilding analysis for widow rockfish in 2003. Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, AE. 2003. Progress on software for the rapid evaluation of the performance of the RMP when stock-structure is uncertain. IWC document SC/55/SD2.

Punt, AE. 2003. A note regarding an operating model for Type 3 fisheries. IWC Document SC/55/AWMP1.

Punt, AE. 2003. Issues related the evaluation of estimators for ELFSIM. Document presented at the 15-16 May 2003 ELF Workshop.

Punt, AE. 2003. Some aspects related to the use of Bayesian methods to analyze mtDNA data. IWC document SC/55/SD1.

Punt, AE. 2003. A note on the definition of the management quantities Q0 and Q1 for the eastern north Pacific stock of gray whales. IWC document SC/55/BRG1.

Punt, AE. 2003. Specifications related to evaluating alternative genetic methods in a RMP management context. IWC document SC/55/SD3.

Punt, AE. 2003. Growth curve estimation for red throat emperor. Document presented to the 28-29 August 2003 ELF workshop.

Punt, AE. 2003. A note regarding inter-shot variability in survey catch-rates for school and gummy shark based on fixed-station surveys in 2002 and 2003. SharkFAG Document 03/34.

Punt, AE, Fay, G. 2003. Estimation of Steller sea lion population dynamics parameters. Final report submitted to the North Pacific Marine Mammal Consortium.

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 2003. Potential ELF feedback control policies  – discussion paper for the May 2003 workshop. Document presented to the 15-16 May 2003 ELF workshop.

Punt, AE, Breiwick, JM, George, JC. 2003. Including age- and length-composition information in the assessment of the B-C-B Seas Stock of bowhead whales. IWC document SC/55/BRG10.

Punt, AE, Hamel, OS, Stewart, IJ. 2003. Draft Revised Rebuilding Analysis for Pacific Ocean Perch (May 2003). Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, AE, Hamel, OS. Stewart, IJ. 2003. Rebuilding Analysis for Pacific Ocean Perch for 2003 (May 2003). Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, AE, Hamel, OS, Stewart, IJ. 2003. Rebuilding Analysis for Pacific Ocean Perch for 2003 (July 2003). Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Sun, C-L, Punt, AE, Wang, S-L, Yeh, S-L, Yokawa, K, Kleiber, P. 2003. A framework for assessing the north Pacific stock of swordfish using an age- and sex-structured population dynamics model. Working document submitted to the 16th meeting of Scientific Committee on Tuna and Billfishes, July 5-21, Moololaba, Australia.


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Branch, TA, Fujise, Y, Zenitani, R, Kato, H. 2002. Updated ADAPT VPA recruitment and abundance trend estimates for Southern Hemisphere minke whales in Areas IV and V. IWC Document SC/54/IA25 .

Friday, NA, Punt, AE, Smith, TD. 2002. An expanded framework for the assessment of North Atlantic humpback whales, with illustrative examples. IWC Document SC/54/N1.

Punt, AE. 2002. On diagnostic statistics to evaluate conditioning of Implementation Simulation Trials. IWC Document SC/J02/NP1.

Punt, AE. 2002. On the basis for evaluating Strike Limit Algorithms for type 3 fisheries. IWC Document SC/J02/AWMP3.

Punt, AE. 2002. Revised Rebuilding Analysis for Pacific Ocean Perch (July 2002). Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, AE. 2002. Additional evaluation of ELF estimators. Document presented at the 19-22 August 2002 ELF Workshop.

Punt, AE. 2002. Some issues related to conducting rebuilding analyses for overfished groundfish resources. Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2130 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 224, Portland, OR 97201.

Punt, AE. 2002. An exploration of Monte Carlo uncertainty for rebuilding analyses for four overfished groundfish resources. Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2130 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 224, Portland, OR 97201.

Punt, AE. 2002. Some issues related to rebuilding analyses and their interpretation. Pacific Fishery Management Council. 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, AE, Fay, G. 2002. Methods for determining extinction risk and recovery probability of Steller Sea Lion populations subject to harvesting, demographic and environmental stochasticity, and catastrophic events. Final report submitted to NMML, NMFS, NOAA.

Punt, AE, MacCall, AD. 2002. Revised rebuilding analysis for widow rockfish (July 2002). Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 Ambassador Place NE, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F. 2002. Updated standardized catch-rate series for school and gummy shark. Document presented to 29-30 September 2002 meeting of SharkFAG.

Punt, AE, Allison, C, Fay, G. 2002. An examination of assessment models for the Eastern North Pacific Gray whale based on intertial dynamics. IWC Document SC/54/BRG10.

Smith, ADM, Punt, AE, Wayte, SE, Starr, PJ, Francis, RICC, Stokes, TK, Hilborn, R, Langley, A. 2002. Stock Assessment of the Northeast Chatham Rise Orange Roughy for 2001. NZ Fisheries Assessment Report 2002/25.

Smith, TD, Reeves, RR, Friday, N, Punt, AE. 2002. Resconstructing humpback whale populations in the North Atlantic. ICES Document SM 2002/L.30.


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Plaganyi, EE, Rademeyer, R. 2001. An updated assessment and projections for the Namibian hake resource. Document HWG/WkShop/2001/Doc.1.

Cui, G, Punt, AE, Pastene, LA, Goto, M. 2001. A Bayesian approach to addressing stock structure questions using mtDNA data, with an illustrative application to the North Pacific minke whales. IWC Document SC/53/RMP1.

Dichmont, CM, Die, D, Punt, AE, Venables, W, Bishop, J, Deng, A. Dell, Q. 2001. Risk analysis and sustainability indicators for prawn stocks in the Northern Prawn Fishery. Report of FRDC 96/109. CSIRO Marine Research, Cleveland.

Friday, N, Punt, AE, Smith, TD. 2001. A framework for the assessment of north Atlantic humpback whales, with illustrative examples. IWC Document SC/53/NAH16.

Helser, TE, Punt, AE, Methot, RD. 2001. A statistical approach to analyzing a multi-vessel fishery resource survey on the northwest continental slope. Document presented to the 13-16 July 2001 STAR panel meeting, Newport, OR.

Little, LR, Kuikka, S, Punt, AE, Pantus, F, Davies, CR, Mapstone, BD. 2001. Information flow among fishing vessels modelled using a Bayesian Network. ICES document CM 2001/N:10.

MacCall, AD, Punt, AE. 2001. Revised rebuilding analysis for widow rockfish. Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2130 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 224, Portland, OR 97201.

Punt, AE. 2001. A revised ‘Maximum-likelihood-like’ Strike Limit Algorithm for the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/53/AWMP1.

Punt, A.E. 2001. An exploratory application of an alternative spatial model to the school shark (Galeorhinus galeus) resource off southern Australia. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/01/01.

Punt, AE. 2001. SSC default rebuilding analysis: Technical specifications and User Manual (Version 2.0).

Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 2001. BAYES-SA Bayesian Stock Assessment Methods in Fisheries. User’s manual. FAO Computerized Information Series (Fisheries). No. 12. Rome, FAO.

Punt, AE, Ianelli, JN. 2001. Revised rebuilding analysis for Pacific Ocean Perch. Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2130 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 224, Portland, OR 97201.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F. 2001. An assessment of school shark for 2001. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/01/D03.

Punt, AE, Cui, G, Smith, ADM. 2001. Defining robust harvest strategies, performance indicators and monitoring strategies for the SEF. Report of FRDC 98/102. CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Walker, TI, Taylor, BL. 2001. Population modelling and harvest strategy evaluation for school and gummy shark. Report of FRDC 99/102. CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart.

Punt, AE, Thomson, RB, Smith, DC, Haddon, M, He, X, Lyle, J. 2001. Blue grenadier (Macronurus novaezelandie). p. 21-82 in R.B. Thomson and X. He, editors. Modelling the population dynamics of high priority SEF species. Final Report of FRDC Project 1997/115.


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 2000. On determining linkages between environmental factors and cetacean population dynamics. IWC Document SC/52/E25.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 2000. On the population status and trends of ‘J’ stock minke whales in the western North Pacific. IWC Document SC/52/RMP2.

Gavaris, S, Patterson, KR, Darby, CD, Lewy, P, Mesnil, B, Cook, RM, Kell, LT, O’Brien, CM, Punt, AE, Restrepo, VR, Skagen, DW, Stefansson, G. 2000. Comparison of uncertainty estimates in the short term using real data. ICES Document ICES CM 2000/V:03.

Koopman, MT, Punt, AE, Smith, DC. 2000. Production parameters from the fisheries literature for SEF-like species. Report of ARF project R99/0308.

Patterson, KR, Cook, RM, Darby, CD, Gavaris, S, Restrepo, VR, Punt, AE, Mesnil, B, Skagen, DW, Stefansson, G, Smith, M. 2000.  Validating three methods for making probability statements in fisheries forecasts. ICES Document ICES CM 2000/V:06.

Punt, A.E. 2000. Assessment of the population of gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) in Bass Strait. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D2.

Punt, A.E. 2000. Preliminary assessments of the populations of gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) in South Australia, Tasmania and New South Wales. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D3.

Punt, A.E. 2000. Some potential modifications to the assessment of blue warehou. Document presented to the 13-14 March 2000 meeting of BWAG.

Punt, AE. 2000. Issues related to a biological reference point for the eastern stock of gemfish. Document submitted to the 6-7 March 2000 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 2000. On estimating growth curves for coral trout making allowance for gear selectivity. Document submitted to the 10-14 April ELF workshop.

Punt, AE. 2000. An assessment of the population of gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) in Bass Strait. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D2(Rev).

Punt, AE. 2000. Some calculations related to the specification of implementation trials for the eastern north Pacific stock of gray whales. IWC Document SC/52/AWMP1.

Punt, AE. 2000. Applying an estimator to the data from the ELF experiment: Some initial remarks. Document submitted to the 10-14 April ELF workshop.

Punt, AE. 2000. Assessments of the populations of gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) in South Australia and Tasmania. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D12.

Punt, AE. 2000. Population projections for gummy shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D13.

Punt, AE. 2000. An assessment of blue warehou for 2000 based on integrated analysis. Document submitted to the 22-23 May 2000 meeting of BWAG.

Punt, AE. 2000 On a potential SLA for the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/52/AWMP5.

Punt, AE. 2000. Bayesian assessment of the eastern stock of gemfish using data for the 2000 winter fishing season. Document submitted to 16-17 August 1999 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 2000. Further draft specifications for trials for the Eastern North Pacific stock of gray whales for the case where stock structure is not uncertain. IWC Document SC/D2K/AWMP2.

Punt, AE. 2000. Additional investigations into an SLA for the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/D2K/AWMP3.

Punt, AE. 2000. Issues related to conducting population projections for gummy shark and for harvest strategy reasons. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D4.

Punt, AE. 2000. On calculating TACs for school and gummy shark for 1999/2000, with a suggested format for presenting TAC related information. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D5.

Punt, AE. 2000. Can age-dependence in natural mortality for eastern gemfish explain the inability to fit the length-frequency data for 1999? Document presented to the 6-7 March 2000 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 2000. A note related to the estimation of extinction risk for the eastern stock of gemfish. Document presented to the 6-7 March 2000 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 2000. Do survey data for gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) provide evidence for non-uniform availability? SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D10.

Punt, AE. 2000. School shark catch limits for 2000/2001. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D14.

Punt, AE. 2000. Some brief comments regarding trans-Tasman mixing. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D15.

Punt, AE. 2000. Some further aspects of the 1999 assessment of school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D16.

Punt, AE. 2000. Specifications for the update to the assessment of school shark for 2000/2001. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D17.

Punt, AE. 2000. Application of non-parametric bootstrap approaches to assessments of haddock, plaice and sardine based on separable VPA. Document submitted to EU Concerted Action meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, 28 – 31 August 2000.

Punt, AE. 2000. Trial application of an SLA to the Eastern North Pacific stock of gray whales. IWC Document SC/D2K/AWMP1.

Punt, AE. 2000. Revised estimates of trans-Tasman movement rates, including information pertinent to conducting the 2000/01 assessment of school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D22.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F. 2000. A preliminary assessment of school shark for 2000/2001. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D23.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Wada. 2000, S. On the use of allele frequency data within a Bayesian framework to evaluate the probability of alternative stock structure hypotheses for the North Pacific minke whales. IWC Document SC/F2K/J2.

Punt, AE, Rowling, K, Prince, J. 2000 Summary of data for use in the assessments of the eastern stock of gemfish based on the 2000 fishing season. Documents presented to the 15-16 August 2000 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Taylor, BL, Brown, LP, Walker, TI. 2000. Summary of data for use in assessments of school shark for 2000/2001. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D18.

Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Taylor, BL, Brown, LP, Hudson. RJ. 2000. Data and biological parameter specifications for a spatially-structured stock assessment of gummy shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/00/D1 (Rev) .

Restrepo, VR, Patterson, KR, Darby, CD, Kell, LT, Lewy, P, Mesnil, B, Punt, AE, Cook, RM, O’Brien, CM, Skagen, DW, Stefansson, G. 2000. Do different methods provide accurate probability statements in the short term. ICES Document ICES CM 2000/V:08.


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1999. A ‘bounded maximum likelihood’ approach to baleen whale population assessments – a more defensible manner to account for indirect information for the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales? IWC Document SC/51/AS2.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1999. Further analyses of Southern Hemisphere minke whale catch-at-age data using ADAPT VPA. IWC Document SC/51/CAWS20.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Fujise, Y, Kato, H. 1999. Do the JARPA age-structure data for Southern Hemisphere minke whales provide indication that commercial selectivity could have been age-specific for higher ages? IWC Document SC/51/CAWS21.

Patterson, KR, Cook, RM, Darby, CD, Garvaris, S, Kell, L, Lewy, P, Punt, AE, Restrepo, VR, Skagen, DW, Stefansson, G. 1999. A review of some methods for estimating uncertainty in fisheries. Fisheries Research Services.

Punt, AE. 1999. The Bayesian approach to quantifying uncertainty, with application of the eastern stock of gemfish. Document to EU Concerted Action meeting, Key Largo, USA, 23 – 26 January 1999.

Punt, AE. 1999. Some aspects related to the specification of simulation trials for fishery type 2. IWC Document SC/51/AWMP1.

Punt, AE. 1999. An examination of a stochastic population dynamics model for the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/51/AS1.

Punt, AE. 1999. A preliminary ‘integrated analysis’ assessment of blue warehou. Document submitted to the 6-7 April 1999 meeting of BWAG.

Punt, AE. 1999. Further results pertinent to the evaluation of Strike Limit Algorithms for fishery type 2. IWC Document SC/51/AWMP2.

Punt, AE. 1999. An age-, sex- and spatially-structured operating model – with preliminary application to the Western North Pacific Bryde’s whales. IWC Document SC/51/RMP1.

Punt, AE. 1999. An assessment of blue warehou for 1999 based on integrated analysis. Document submitted to the 7-8 June 1999 meeting of BWAG.

Punt, AE. 1999. ADAPT and integrated analysis assessments of school whiting. Document submited to the 17-18 June 1999 school whiting workshop.

Punt, AE. 1999. An evaluation of the utility of various methods for improving the precision of estimates of gemfish recruitment. Document submitted to the 16–17 August 1999 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1999. Bayesian assessment of the eastern stock of gemfish using data for the 1999 winter fishing season. Document submitted to 16-17 August 1999 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1999. Preliminary assessment of the population of gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) in Bass Strait. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/99/D13(Rev).

Punt, AE. 1999. Stocks in Implementation Simulation Trials. IWC Document SC/51/O2.

Punt, AE. 1999. Specifications related to the issues that need to be considered in the 1999 assessment of the eastern stock of gemfish. Document submitted to the 29-30 March 1999 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1999. Application of a ‘Bayesian ADAPT’ approach to data for eastern Georges Bank haddock. Document submitted to EU Concerted Action meeting, Nantes, France, 26 –29 May 1999.

Punt, AE. 1999. Preliminary projections for school shark based on the spatially-structured stock assessment. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/99/D3.

Punt, AE. 1999. Application of a ‘Bayesian ADAPT’ approach to data for North Sea plaice. Document submitted to EU Concerted Action meeting, Nantes, France, 26 –29 May 1999.

Punt, AE. 1999. A note concerning assessments for gummy shark populations outside Bass Strait. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/99/D18.

Punt, AE. 1999. A note concerning projections for school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/99/D19 (3pp).

Punt, AE. 1999. Draft specifications for trials for the Eastern North Pacific stock of Gray whales for the case where stock structure is not uncertain. IWC Document SC/N99/AWMP1.

Punt, AE. 1999. Additional trials for the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas Stock of Bowhead Whales. IWC Document SC/N99/AWMP2.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F. 1999. Further examination of an SLA for the BCB Seas stock of bowhead whales. IWC Document SC/N99/AWMP3.

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 1999. Evaluation of management procedures for the eastern stock of gemfish, with special reference to behaviour at low stock size. Document submitted to the 29-30 March 1999 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 1999. A note related to the definition of exploitation rate. Document submitted to the 29-30 March 1999 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Smith, DC. 1999. Calculating catch-at-age for SEF species: A comparison of two methods. Document submitted to the 28/6 to 2/7 meeting of SEFAG.

Punt, AE, Taylor, BL. 1999. Standardization of catch and effort data for gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus). SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/99/D14(Rev).

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Walker, TI, Taylor, BL, Prince, JD. 1999. Stock assessment of school shark Galeorhinus galeus based on a spatially-explicit population dynamics model. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/99/D15.

Punt, AE, Rowling, K, Prince, JD. 1999. Summary of the data for use in the assessments of the eastern stock of gemfish based on the 1999 fishing season. Document submitted to 16-17 August 1999 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Prince, J. 1999. Assessing the costs and benefits of conducting industry-based fixed-station surveys. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/99/D1.

Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Taylor, BL. 1999. Initial data and biological parameter specifications for a spatially-structured stock assessment of gummy shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/99/D2.


Campbell, R, Punt, A, Smith, T. 1998. Evaluation of performance indicators in the Australian Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery: A preliminary study. Document presented to the Workshop on Precautionary Limit Reference Points for Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.

Davies, CR, Mapstone, BD, Ayling, A, Lou, DC, Punt, AE, Russ, GR, Samoilys, MA, Smith, ADM, Welch, DJ, Williams, D.McB. 1998.Effects of Line Fishing Experiment 1995-1997: Project structure and operations. A supplementary document to Progress Report. Progress Report. CRC Reef Research Centre, Townsville, Australia.

Mapstone, BM, Davies, CR, Lou, DC, Punt, AE, Russ, GR, Ryan, DAJ, Smith, ADM, Willaims, D.McB. 1998. Effects of Line Fishing Experiment 1995-97: Progress Report. CRC Reef Research Centre, Townsville, Australia.

Punt, AE. 1998. A further examination of the power of alternative industry-based survey strategies to index the abundance of populations of gummy and school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D2.

Punt, AE. 1998. Standardization of commercial catch and effort data for school shark Galeorhinusgaleus(1973 – 1996) – some further analyses. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D3.

Punt, AE. 1998. Preliminary application of the spatially-structured stock assessment method. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D6.

Punt, AE. 1998. A note on the comparison of alternative methods for conditioning the Initial Exploration Trials for fishery type 2. IWC Document SC/50/AWMP2.

Punt, AE. 1998. Ad hoc tuned VPA analyses for the blue warehou resource off southern Australia for 1998. Document submitted to the 30 – 31 May 1998 meeting of BWAG.

Punt, AE. 1998. An assessment for 1998 of the blue grenadier (Macruronus novaezelandie) resource off southern Australia. Document submitted to the 1 – 2 June 1998 meeting of BGAG.

Punt, AE. 1998. Specifications related to the key uncertainties that need to be considered in the 1998 assessment of the eastern stock of gemfish. Paper submitted to the 18 – 19 August 1998 meeting of EGAG.

Punt. AE. 1998. The performance of numerical methods for conducting Bayesian assessments of the eastern stock of gemfish. Paper submitted to the 18 – 19 August 1998 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1998. Bayesian assessments of the eastern stock of gemfish using data up to the 1998 winter fishing season. Document submitted to the 1 – 2 October 1998 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1998. Ad hoc tuned VPA assessments of the eastern stock of gemfish – a comparative study. Document submitted to the 1 – 2 October 1998 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1998. Illustrative applications of maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods of North-East Arctic cod, with comments on further work. Document to workshop on “Comparison of stock assessment modle strategies, with application to North-East Arctic cod”, Bergen, Norway, 1 –4 December 1998.

Punt, AE. 1998. Use of the AD MODEL BUILDER software for the assessment of the eastern stock of gemfish. Document submitted to the 19 – 20 March 1998 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1998. Estimation of tag shedding rates for school and gummy shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D1.

Punt, AE. 1998.Calculations pertinent to advice from SharkFAG to SharkMAC regarding a 1998/99 TAC for school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D5.

Punt, AE. 1998. An initial attempt to specify time-trajectories of the catch of school and gummy shark for fishing sectors not currently included in the SSFMDB. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D13.

Punt, AE. 1998. Evaluation of a proposed “Stock Enhancement Project” for school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D14.

Punt, AE 1998. On the ability to assess the value of collecting length-frequency and age-composition data for school and gummy shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D15.

Punt, AE. 1998. Some thoughts related to including New Zealand stocks of school shark into the spatially-structure stock assessment. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D17.

Punt, AE. 1998. Preliminary evaluation of an SLA for the multi-stock trials for fishery type 1. IWC Document SC/50/AWMP3.

Punt, AE. 1998. Preliminary VPA analyses for the blue warehou resource off southern Australia. Document submitted to the 14 – 15 April 1998 meeting of BWAG.

Punt, AE. 1998. A preliminary assessment for 1998 of the blue grenadier (Macruronus novaezelandie) resource off southern Australia. Document submitted to the 15 – 16 April 1998 meeting of BGAG.

Punt, AE. 1998. An outline of an approach that could be used to assess the costs and benefits of conducting industry-based fixed-station surveys. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D24.

Punt, AE. 1998. Specifications related to conducting projections for the spatially-structured stock assessment of school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D22.

Punt, AE. 1998. Further aspects related to a spatially-structured stock assessment of school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D25.

Punt, AE. Butterworth, DS. 1998. An assessment of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) for 1998 using a Bayesian approach. IWC Document SC/50/AS1.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F. 1998. Data and parameter specifications for a spatially-structured stock assessment of school shark with some information relevant to gummy shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D16 (33pp).

Punt, AE, Pribac, F. 1998. Preliminary spatially-structured assessment of school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D18.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F. 1998. Some aspects related to catch-effort standardizations for school shark for 1998 and tag loss rates for school and gummy shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D12.

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM. 1998. Further preliminary evaluation of management procedures for the eastern stock of gemfish (Rexea solandri). Document submitted to the 19 – 20 March 1998 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Campbell, RA, Smith, ADM. 1998. Evaluation of performance indicators in the eastern tuna and billfish fishery – a preliminary study. Final Report to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra.

Punt, AE, Davidson, AJ, Smith, AD. 1998. An evaluation of the utility of experimental data in conjunction with a delay-difference estimator to resolve uncertainties regarding the dynamics of coral trout. Document submitted GBRMBR review meeting.

Punt, AE, Pribac, F, Walker, TI, Taylor, BL, Prince, J. 1998. A spatially-structured stock assessment of school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/99/D4.

Punt, AE, Rowling, K, Prince, J. 1998. Summary of the data for use in the assessments of the Eastern stock of gemfish based on the 1998 fishing season. Paper submitted to the 1 – 2 October 1998meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Pribac, F, Taylor, BL. 1998. Data and biological parameter specifications for a spatially-structured stock assessment of school shark. SharkFAG Document SharkFAG/98/D20.

Sainsbury, K, Butterworth, D, Francis, C, Klaer, N, Polacheck, T, Punt, A, Smith, T. 1998. Incorporating uncertainty into stock projections. Report of the Scientific Meeting, 3-7 April 1995.

Walker, TI, A.E. Punt, AE. (Eds) 1998. School Shark 1997, Stock Assessment Report, Southern Shark Fishery Assessment Group. Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra..


Punt, AE. 1997. Bayesian and maximum likelihood stock assessments for the eastern stock of gemfish for 1997. Paper submitted to the 10 – 12 March 1997 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1997. Issues related to the assessment of and risk analysis for the eastern stock of gemfish (Rexea solandri). Document submitted to the 10 – 12 September 1997 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1997. Bayesian assessments of the eastern stock of gemfish using data up to the 1997 winter fishing season. Document submitted to the 13 – 14 November 1997 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1997. A method for estimating the parameters of the growth curve for the common coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus. Document submitted to 28 July – 1 August 1997 CSIRO-GBRMBR meeting.

Punt, AE. 1997. An assessment of the hoki (Macruronus  novaezelandiae) population of New Zealand using catch-at-age data. Document submitted to the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board.

Punt, AE. 1997. Standardization of commercial catch and effort data for school shark Galeorhinus galeus (1973 – 1995) – some preliminary analyses. SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D15.

Punt, AE. 1997. Initial examination of the power of alternative industry-based survey strategies to index the abundance of populations of gummy and school shark. SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D16.

Punt, AE. 1997. Issues which require specification in order to update the stock assessment for the eastern stock of gemfish (Rexea solandri). Document submitted to the 10 – 12 September 1997 meeting of EGAG  (6 pp).

Punt, AE. 1997. Extensions to the biological component of the preliminary framework for the evaluation of management strategies for the GBR. Document submitted to 28 July – 1 August 1997 CSIRO-GBRMBR meeting.

Punt, AE. 1997. Catches of school shark Galeorhinus galeus and gummy shark Mustelus antarcticus (1973-1995) SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D1.

Punt, AE. 1997. Estimates of the catches of school shark in the Japanese longline fishery for southern bluefin tuna based on data for 1993 – 1995. SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D9.

Punt, AE. 1997. Specifications required to conduct a spatially-structured assessment of school shark. SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D11.

Punt, AE. 1997. Issues related to the use of tag-recapture data in the assessment of school shark. SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D17.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1997. Further analyses related to the assessment of the Bering- Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus). IWC  Document SC/49/AS1.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1997. Priors, likelihoods, Bayesian Synthesis and the assessment of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. IWC  Document SC/49/AS2.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1997. Preliminary evaluation of a (generic) strike limit algorithm for aboriginal subsistence whaling with comments on performance statistics and simulation trials. IWC Document SC/49/AS7.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1997.  Some thoughts related to Initial Exploration Trials for scenarios where stock identify is a concern. IWC Document SC/49/AS11.

Punt, AE, Xiao, Y. 1997. Estimating growth curves for school shark from length-at-age and tagging data – problems and initial solutions. SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D2.

Punt, AE, Xiao, Y. 1997. Incorporating tagging and length-frequency information in the assessment of school shark Galeorhinusgaleus. SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D4.

Punt, AE, Xiao, Y. 1997. The spatially-structured population dynamics model for school shark Galeorhinus galeus off southern Australia. SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D10.

Punt, AE, Xiao, Y. 1997. A note on further calculations related to tag shedding for school and gummy shark. SharkFAG Document SSFAG/97/D11.

Punt, AE, Rowling, K, Prince, J. 1997. Summary of the data for use in the assessments of the eastern stock of gemfish. Paper submitted to the 10 – 12 March 1997 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Rowling, K, Prince, J. 1997. Summary of the data for use in the assessments of the eastern stock of gemfish based on the 1997 fishing season. Paper submitted to the 13 – 14 November 1997 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Smith, ADM, Klaer, NL. 1997.  Preliminary evaluation of management procedures for the eastern stock of gemfish (Rexea solandri). Document submitted to the 10 – 12 September 1997 meeting of EGAG.


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1996. An extension of the ADAPT approach put forward for the analysis of catch-at-age information for southern hemisphere minke whales. IWC Document SC/48/SH17.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1996. Some analyses pertinent to the conditioning of RMP implementation simulation trials for the North Pacific minke whales. IWC Document SC/48/NP20.

Punt, AE. 1996. Some options related to choices which need to be made in order to develop revised population projections for school shark. SharkFAG Document SS/96/D15.

Punt, AE. 1996. Options which require specification to conduct Bayesian and maximum likelihood assessments for the eastern stock of gemfish. Paper submitted to the 23 – 24 September 1996 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE. 1996. Some comments on the specification of priors for Bayesian south coast rock lobster assessments. SFRI Document WG/07/96/SCL15.

Punt, AE. 1996. Some thoughts related to examining the implications of changes in selectivity in the fishery for school shark Galeorhinus galeus (Linnaeus) SharkFAG Document SS/96/D11.

Punt, AE, Hilborn, R. 1996. Biomass dynamic models. User’s manual. FAO Computerized Information Series (Fisheries). No. 10. Rome, FAO.

Punt, AE, McDonald, AD. 1996. A preliminary framework for the evaluation of management strategies for the GBR. Document submitted to 7 – 11 October 1996 CSIRO-GBRMBR meeting.

Punt, AE, Polacheck, T. 1996. Incorporating “need” into the evaluation of alternative AWSs. IWC Document SC/48/AS3.

Punt, AE, Rowling, K. 1996. Development of indices of relative abundance from co-op data for the eastern stock of gemfish. Paper submitted to the 23 – 24 September 1996 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Rowling, K. 1996. Development of indices of relative abundance from daily catch and effort data for the eastern stock of gemfish. Paper submitted to the 25 – 26 November 1996 meeting of EGAG.

Punt, AE, Walker, TI. 1996. Stock assessment and risk analysis for 1996 for the school shark Galeorhinus galeus (Linnaeus) off southern Australia using a spatially-aggregated age-structured population dynamics model. SharkFAG Document SS/96/D9.

Punt. AE, Xiao, Y. 1996. Standardization of commercial catch and effort data for school shark Galeorhinusgaleus(1973 – 1994). SharkFAG Document SS/96/D2.

Punt. AE, Xiao, Y. 1996. On the conservation-related benefits of the proposed SSIC voluntary tagging programme. SharkFAG Document SS/96/D5.

Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Taylor, BL, Simpfendorfer, C. 1996. Catches of School Shark Galeorhinusgaleus(1927 – 1994). SharkFAG Document SS/96/D1.

Punt, AE, Xiao, Y, Taylor, BL. 1996.  Standardization of commercial catch and effort data for school shark Galeorhinusgaleus(1973 – 1994). SharkFAG Document SS/96/D8.

Taylor, BL, Punt, AE, Walker, TI, Simpfendorfer, C. 1996. Catches of school shark Galeorhinusgaleus(1927 – 1994). SharkFAG Document SS/96/D7.

Walker, TI., Xiao, Y, Punt, AE. 1996. A preliminary investigation into the effectiveness of catch reductions by reducing nominal effort for school shark (Galeorhinus galeus). SSFAG Document SS/96/D14.

Xiao, Y, Walker, TI, Punt, AE. 1996. Stock assessment and risk analysis for the school shark Galeorhinusgaleus (Linnaeus) off southern Australia using a spatially-aggregated age-structured population dynamics model. SharkFAG Document SS/96/D4.


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1995. Implications of different values of g(0) for the dynamics of northeast Atlantic minke whales. IWC Document SC/47/NA13.

Punt, AE. 1995. Preliminary stock assessment of eastern gemfish (Rexea solandri) using Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods. p. 6-67. In: Smith, A.D.M. [Ed.] Evaluation of Harvesting Strategies for Australian Fisheries at Different Levels of Risk from Economic Collapse. FRDC Report T93/238.

Punt, AE. 1995. Some thoughts related to standardizing catch and effort data. SharkFAG Document SS/95/D1.

Punt, AE. 1995. Estimates of the catches of school shark in the Japanese longline fishery for southern bluefin tuna. SharkFAG Document SS/95/D8.

Punt, AE, Restrepo, VR. 1995. Some effects of ignoring mixing when managing fish populations subject to limited mixing. ICES Long-term Management Measures Working Group  WP1 (30pp).

Punt, AE, Xiao, Y. 1995.  Standardization of commercial catch and effort data for school shark Galeorhinusgaleus(1973 – 1994). SharkFAG Document SS/95/D11.

Punt, AE, Xiao, Y. 1995.  Progress on the development of a spatially-structured population dynamics model for school shark Galeorhinus galeus (Linnaeus) off Southern Australia. SharkFAG Document SS/95/D12.

Smith, ADM, Punt, AE, Wayte, SE, Klaer, NL. 1995. Evaluation of harvest strategies for eastern gemfish (Rexea solandri) using Monte Carlo simulation. p. 120-160. In: Smith, A.D.M. [Ed.] Evaluation of Harvesting Strategies for Australian Fisheries at Different Levels of Risk from Economic Collapse. FRDC Report T93/238.

Xiao, Y, Walker, TI, Punt, AE. 1995.  Stock assessment of the school shark Galeorhinusgaleus (Linnaeus) off southern Australia using an age-structured model. SharkFAG Document SS/95/D9.


Punt, AE. 1994. Assessments of the stock of southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) from the Campbell Island Rise. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Research Document. 94/12.

Punt, AE. 1994. Data analysis and modelling of the seal-hake biological interaction off the South African west coast. Report submitted to the SFRI, South Africa.

Punt, AE. 1994. On estimating the natural mortality rate for orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). Document submitted to the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1994. Tests of the sensitivity of the results of the North Pacific minke RMP trials to assumptions for values in the mixing matrix for the hypothesised W stock. IWC Document SC/46/NP4.

Punt, AE, McAllister, MK, Pikitch, EK, Hilborn, R. 1994. Stock assessment and decision analysis for hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) for 1994. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Research Document. 94/13.

Punt, AE, Pikitch, EK, McAllister, MK. 1994. Some comments on the Minimum Integrated Average Expected Loss (MIAEL) estimation method. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Research Document. 94/15


Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1993. Some aids in the interpretation of the results of the southern Hemisphere minke whale implementation trials. IWC Document SC/45/Mg8.

Pikitch, EK, Hilborn, R, McAllister, MK, Punt, AE. 1993.  Stock assessment and decision analysis for the western stock of hoki in 1992. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Research Document 93/10.

Punt, AE. 1993. The implications of some multiple stock hypotheses for Chatham Rise orange roughy.  New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Research Document 93/16.

Punt, AE. 1993. Using an adaptive management strategy to manage the orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) resource on the Chatham Rise. Document submitted to the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board.

Punt, AE. 1993. A note on confidence intervals for  for Chatham Rise orange roughy. Document submitted to the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board.

Punt, AE, Reilly, SB. 1993.  Draft specifications of the North Pacific Minke Whaling Trials. IWC Document SC/45/Mg5.Punt, AE, Pikitch, EK, McAllister, MK, Hilborn, R. 1993. Stock assessment and decision analysis for the western stock of hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) for 1993. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Research Document 93/13.

Punt, AE, McAllister, MK, Hilborn, R, Pikitch, EK. 1993. Further development of the UW stock assessment and decision analysis methods. Document submitted to the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board.


Allison, C, Punt, AE. 1992. Revised results of North Atlantic minke trials.  IWC Document SC/F91/Mg10.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1992. MSYR – should the information which has become available since 1987 have changed perceptions on the likely range of values for this parameter?  IWC Document SC/44/O23.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1992. A first step towards conditioning trials to examine the utility of age-structure information from Southern Hemisphere minke whales on existing data.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1992. Examination of the power of experiments involving relocation of catches to distinguish between stock identity hypothesis for orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) on the Chatham Rise. Document submitted to the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Thomson, RB. 1992. The relative merits of trawl and longline fisheries for hake. FRI Document WG/01/92/D:H:1.

Punt, AE. 1992. Progress report – orange roughy ageing study. Document submitted to the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board.

Punt, AE. 1992. Management procedures for Cape hake and baleen whale resources. BEP Report No 23.

Punt, AE. 1992. Selecting a method for estimating the length breakdown of the hake catch, with comments on appropriate sample size.  SFRI Document WG/03/92/D:H:10.

Punt, AE. 1992. Production model and VPA assessments for 1992 of the hake stocks off  South Africa.  SFRI Document WG/05/92/D:H:14.

Punt, AE. 1992. Hake power factor re-analysis – progress report. SFRI Document WG/05/92/D:H:18.

Punt, AE. 1992. The effects of extra-TAC catches of Cape hake.  SFRI DocumentG/02/92/D:H:5.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1992. The performance of alternative tunings of the C management procedure. IWC Document SC/44/O27.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1992. Problems associated with application of the HITTER-FITTER program in FITTER mode, and a possible solution. IWC Document SC/44/O22.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1992. Examination of the implementation of “enhanced” stock reduction analysis for the Chatham Rise orange roughy fishery. Document submitted to the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1992. Application of a multi-stock variant of the C management procedure to a set of Antarctic minke whaling trials analogous to those for the North Atlantic minke.  IWC Document SC/F92/Mg5.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1992. The performance of a number of variants of the C management procedure.  IWC Document SC/F92/Mg1.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Martin, J. 1992. The effects on the performance of the current hake management procedure of errors in the placement of the boundary between the west and south coast stocks. SFRI Document WG/05/92/D:H:17.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS, Martin, J. 1992.  On refining the approach used to provide scientific recommendations for management of the Cape hake resource off South Africa. SFRI Document WG/03/92/D:H:11.

Punt, AE, Thomson, RB, Butterworth, DS. 1992. Further investigations into the relative biological merits of trawl and longline fisheries for hake.  SFRI Document WG/02/92/D:H:4.

Raubenheimer, CM, Punt, AE. 1992. The relative merits of alternative minimum mesh-sizes for Agulhas sole.  SFRI Document WG/92/D:S:2.


Bergh, MO, Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1991. Initial evaluations of the information content of catch-age data using the “Appendix 3” protocol.  IWC Document SC/43/O16.

Borchers, DL, Punt, AE. 1991. Revision of pilchard catch-at-age estimates: 1983-1991.  SFRI Document WG/JAN92/P1.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1991. Regarding the catch-age data protocol.  IWC Document SC/F91/F5.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1991. Queries regarding the HITTER-FITTER package whose resolution by the Scientific Committee would seem desirable.  IWC Document SC/F91/F4.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Wickens, PA. 1991. An updated assessment of the fur seal population in southern Africa.  BEP Internal Document BEP/SW91/A7.

Punt, AE. 1991. Production model fits to Cape horse mackerel data for 1991. SFRI Document WG/10/91/D:HM:17.

Punt, AE. 1991. Further results of production-model and VPA analysis which may be pertinent to the 1992 hake TAC.  SFRI Document WG/05/91/D:H:7.

Punt, AE. 1991. Production model and VPA assessments for 1991 of the hake resources off the South African coasts.  SFRI Document WG/05/91/D:H:6.

Punt, AE. 1991. A generalised framework for specifying simulation trials in order to test the performance of management procedures for specific stocks/regions. IWC Document SC/F91/F6.

Punt, AE. 1991. Further applications to data for the East Greenland-Iceland fin whale stock.  IWC Document SC/F91/F7ADD.

Punt, AE. 1991. The effects on estimates of management quantities for three commercially important fish species of changes in the abundance of the fur seal population off the west coast of South Africa.  BEP Internal Document BEP/SW91/M8.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1991. Independent examination of the western North Atlantic bluefin tuna assessment – preliminary assessment.  Report to East Coast Tuna Association, USA.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1991. Low-AAV tunings, pelagic trial results, and the “optimality” of the Punt-Butterworth whale stock management procedure.  IWC Document SC/43/O17.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1991. Further single stock trial results for the Punt-Butterworth whale stock management procedure.  IWC Document SC/43/O14.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1991. Results of single stock trials for the Punt-Butterworth whale stock management procedure. IWC Document SC/43/O7.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1991. Deterministic projections for the South African hake fisheries. Internal SFRI document dated 12 April 1991.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1991.  HITTER-FITTER-BOOTSTRAP User’s guide Version 2.0 (April 1991).  IWC Document SC/43/O9.

Punt, AE, Leslie, RW, 1991. Assessments of the Cape horse mackerel resources off southern Africa. BEP Internal Document BEP/SW91/A8.

Punt, AE, Leslie, RW. 1991. Daily ration for hake off southern Africa.  BEP Internal Document BEP/SW91/F2.

Punt, AE, Leslie, RW.. 1991. Assessments of the hake resources off southern Africa. BEP Internal Document BEP/SW91/A1.


Borchers, DL, Punt, AE. 1990. Assessments of the Aghulas sole resource using a production model and an ad hoc tuned VPA. SFRI Document WG/OCT90/D/13.

Punt, AE. 1990. Some further production model fits to Cape horse mackerel data. SFRI Document WG/OCT/90/D/21.

Punt, AE. 1990. Some aspects related to the management of Cape horse mackerel off the South African south coast. SFRI Document WG/OCT/90/D/17.

Punt, AE. 1990. Production model fits to data for Cape horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus capensis) resource off the South African coast. SFRI Document WG/OCT/90/D/15.

Punt, AE. 1990. The performance of management procedures based on the Butterworth-Andrew (B1 = K; Schaefer form) observation error estimator. Internal BEP Document.

Punt, AE. 1990. A short note on the performance of an ad hoc tuned VPA model-estimation procedure. Internal BEP Document.

Punt, AE. 1990. On “proving” fisheries assessment computer software packages correct. Internal BEP Document.

Punt, AE. 1990. Production model fits to the hake data for the South African west and south coasts. SFRI Document WG/MAY 90/10.

Punt, AE. 1990. Further development of a management procedure for the kingklip resource in ICSEAF Divisions 1.6, 2.1 and 2.2. SFRI Document WG/03/90/D:3.

Punt, AE. 1990.  Some comments regarding the management of South Africa’s linefish resources.  SFRI Document.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. Results of the “coastal” whaling trials for the Punt-Butterworth whale stock management procedure. IWC Document SC/D90/M3).

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. Results of the “pelagic” whaling trials for the Punt-Butterworth whale stock management procedure. IWC Documents SC/D90/M2 and SC/D90/M2ADD.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS.1990. First and second stage screening of the modified Punt-Butterworth whale stock management procedure. IWC Document SC/D90/M1.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. Specifications of the North Atlantic whaling trials. IWC Document SC/D90/M4.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. A further investigation into the performance of model-estimation procedures and management procedures which use catch and effort data. Internal BEP Document.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. The medium-term performance of the f0.1 harvesting strategy for various model-estimators using catch-effort data. Internal BEP Document.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. The performance of various catch-effort based model-estimation procedures in estimating a number of management-related quantities. Internal BEP Document.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. Some comments regarding the “coastal whaling” trials. IWC Document SC/J90/Mg6.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. Second stage screening of the revised Punt-Butterworth whale stock management procedure. IWC Document SC/J90/Mg2.

Punt, AE,  Butterworth, DS. 1990. Further development of a proposed whale stock management procedure. IWC Document SC/J90/Mg1.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. Application of a risk analysis approach to compare three alternative kingklip management procedures. SFRI Document WG/03/90/D:7.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. Second stage screening trials of a proposed whale stock management procedure. IWC Document SC/F90/M2.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. Hitter-Fitter-Bootstrap User’s Guide. IWC Document SC/F91/F1.

Punt, AE, Campos, B. 1990. Some comments regarding the ICSEAF protocol for testing assessment methodologies. Internal BEP Document .

Punt, AE, Leslie, RW. 1990. Data for Cape horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus capensis). SFRI Document WG/OCT/90/D/14.

Stewart, TJ, Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. An application of multi-criteria decision making techniques to the results of the first stage screening trials. IWC Document SC/F90/M1.

Stewart, TJ, Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1990. Application of MCDM techniques to the results of first and second stage screening trials. IWC Document SC/D90/M5.


Butterworth, DS, Hughes, GS, Punt, AE. 1989. Revised VPA assessments of Namibian horse mackerel (Divisions 1.3+1.4+1.5) and Cape hake stocks (Divisions 1.3+1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1+2.2) in the ICSEAF Conventional Area. ICSEAF Document ICSEAF/89/METH/5.

Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE, Hughes, GS. 1989. Ad hoc tuned VPA assessments of the Cape horse mackerel resource in ICSEAF Divisions 1.3 + 1.4 + 1.5. ICSEAF Document SAC/89/S.P./20.

Japp, DW, Punt, AE. 1989. A preliminary assessment of the status of kingklip Genypterus capensis stocks in ICSEAF Division 1.6 and Subarea 2. ICSEAF Document SAC/89/S.P./27.

Punt, AE. 1989. Estimating the variance of catch-at-age data. ICSEAF Document SAC/89/S.P./18.

Punt, AE. 1989. Production model TAC estimates for 1990 for the hake resources in ICSEAF Divisions 1.3 to 2.2. ICSEAF Document SAC/89/S.P./25.

Punt, AE. 1989. An objective approach for assessing the performance of alternative catch-at-age data collection-analysis methods (with special reference to Cape horse mackerel stock of Namibia). ICSEAF Document SAC/89/S.P./11.

Punt, AE. 1989. Pilchard TAC determination using a maximum likelihood catch-at-age approach. SFRI Document WG/SEP89/P/3.

Punt, AE. 1989. Development of a simple age-structured model for kingklip TAC determination. SFRI Document WG/SEP89/K/5.

Punt, AE. 1989. Further model fits to the horse mackerel resource in ICSEAF Divisions 2.1+2.2. SFRI Document WG/SEP89/HM/5.

Punt, AE. 1989. Application of an extension of the Butterworth-Andrew observation error estimator to the Agulhas sole resource. SFRI Document WG/SEP89/S/2.

Punt, AE. 1989. A preliminary application of ad hoc tuned VPA to the Agulhas sole resource. SFRI Document WG/SEP89/S/7.

Punt, AE. 1989. Updated Butterworth-Andrew fits to hake catch-effort data for ICSEAF Divisions 1.6 and 2.1+2.2. SFRI Document WG/SEP89/HA/1.

Punt, AE. 1989. A multi-species, multi-fleet, age-structured operating model. ICSEAF Document ICSEAF/89/METH/8.

Punt, AE. 1989. Further comments on the differences between VPA and production model assessments of the Cape hake resource in ICSEAF division 1.6.  SFRI Document WG/SEP89/HA/3.

Punt, AE. 1989. Butterworth-Andrew production model fits to the horse mackerel resource in ICSEAF Divisions 2.1+2.2. SFRI Document WG/SEP89/HM/1.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1989. Application of an ad hoc tuned VPA assessment procedure to the Cape hake stocks in the ICSEAF Convention area. ICSEAF Document SAC/89/S.P./28.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1989. A FORTRAN-77 implementation of the testing procedure suggested by the ICSEAF ad hoc Working Group on Stock Assessment Methodology. ICSEAF Document SAC/89/S.P./21.

Punt, AE,  Butterworth, DS. 1989. Further model fits to the hake data for ICSEAF Divisions 1.6 and 2.1+2.2. SFRI Document WG/SEP89/HA/7.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1989. Results of first stage screening trials for an improved proposed whale stock management procedure. IWC Document SC/41/O19.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1989. A proposed whale stock management procedure. IWC Documents SC/F89/M2 and SC/F89/M2 ADD.

Punt, AE, Leslie, DS. 1989. Stock assessment of Cape horse mackerel in ICSEAF Subarea 2. ICSEAF Document SAC/89/S.P./31.

Stewart, TJ, Butterworth, DS, Punt, AE. 1989. On comparing the performances of different proposed whale stock management procedures. IWC Document SC/F89/M3.


Punt, AE. 1988. Model Selection for the dynamics of Southern African Hake resources. BEP Report No. 15.

Punt, AE, Butterworth, DS. 1988. Investigations of some aspects of a potential whale stock management procedure. IWC Document SC/40/O26.