Cecilia O’Leary

Past Postdoctoral Fellow

Alaska Fisheries Science Center
2725 Montlake Blvd E
Seattle, WA 98112
Personal websiteCecilia O’Leary

Cecilia is a quantitative ecologist and oceanographer who focuses on fish and marine mammal population biology. Currently, she worked as a post-doc through the JISAO program with Andre Punt and the Dr.s Stan Kotwicki, Jim Thorson, and Jerry Hoff at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA to develop methods to incorporate multiple fisheries data sets that span different points in space and time to improve estimates of abundance for Bering Sea fish stocks. She received her Master’s in Marine Mammal Science from St. Andrews University and her PhD in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences from Stony Brook University. Cecilia has a broad range of ecological interests and has worked in many different ecosystems both as field biologist and a quantitative biologist. Past research covered penguins in Antarctica, desert tortoises in the Mojave Desert, dolphins in the Florida Keys, plant life along the Missouri river, and water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. Her current research broadly explores the role of climate and ocean conditions on marine population dynamics. In particular, are there ways that we can incorporate climate into statistical models to understand how changing ocean conditions are influencing fish population numbers and distribution for use in fisheries management.

Posted in Past Postdoctoral Fellows, People.

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