André Punt attended the final Symposium of the MyFish project. His keynote address Strategic Management Decision Making in a Complex World: Quantifying, Understanding and Using Trade-offs outlined how Management Strategy Evaluation can be used to compare alternative management options and how statistics and plots can be used to highlight trade-offs among the options. PuntLab alum Jim Thorson was one of the session leads as was Ocean Modelling Forum co-Director Phil Levin. The conference included five primary sessions: “Science and Management in a Societal Setting”, “Identifying Trade-offs and Conflicting Objectives”, “Incorporating Knowledge on Trade-Offs and Conflicting Objectives into Decision Making”, “Targets and Limits in a Variable World”, and “Practical Implementation of Targets and Limits: Institutional Frameworks which Deliver”. The papers presented to the conference will be published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science (André’s paper is already accepted).